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Everything posted by Invictusthetaru

  1. 300k isn't bad at all. It's all about the flow of the Warzone. MM gets lower overall numbers but more killing blows in my experience, because our burst is so high targets just melt. That 1.7 MIL shot has to be lethality.
  2. You can't phase walk with the huttball.
  3. I'm still obsessed with MM and Sab. Still hate DF.
  4. Awe, I've missed you sweetheart. I'm on Invic and Tongs (OG gunslinger) full time on the PTS. Someone stole my name so my slinger is Slingin'around
  5. Not anymore. Lmao. I handled marauders fine pre 2.0, post 2.0 it really isn't close. That roll turns the tide significantly in our favor.
  6. I disagree now. Having finally played on the PTS, Sins are not an issue at all really anymore as we can just roll away from them and then root and open up. More than ever operatives are our hard counter, seeing as they can roll now and have moves to counter most of what we try.
  7. Gotta steal that guild name. Classic.
  8. I love how people are complaining about wanting to be able to quit. I consider myself an excellent player, and I will never quit a warzone that I start the full game playing. If you're so good that's 1/8th of the team set right there. I actually notice if we are down 2 0 in huttball or they get a quick door in voidstar and a couple people quit, people join and BOOM we start doing better. More often than not the quitters are just people that are unskilled at the game looking to get carried. Suck it up and learn something from the experience.
  9. I say we get a ranked team of forum warriors. Cycao, notomorrow, xerain, smashbrother, etc. I know more I swear.
  10. Yeah, the hybrid tank is my bane on slinger and that's why I go for them on mine. 3 stuns (assuming hunker is not up), 5 seconds of no knockback, nut kick, flash bang, etc. sprint through root....no good hybrid sin in DPS gear should ever lose to a slinger. This will all change post 2.0 though, as a lot of assassin builds are taking a hit. Still doesn't change the fact that if they time resil they can make the slinger blow some cool downs.
  11. This ability really won't change anything for good slingers or good stealth.
  12. I love to mark players based on what they can do. For example, I mark smashers as green saber, bubble stuns as star, main heals as target, pyros / anni maras fire, slingers as a gun. This way you just type the target and hope people understand, it's very helpful when a warrior leaps to you to know what it is capable of w/out having to check his stance. That's why I mark the different specs. Priority: 1. bubble stuns 2. Every other healer 3. Smash dps (depending on what class I'm on I'll stun / snare / peel this class) 4. Pyros If I'm stealthed I'll go for snipers first, with recklessness and 5 second resil it's almost an auto kill and you save your teammates the trouble of getting to him.
  13. Invictusthetaru

    1 vs 1

    I never have issues w/ operative on my veng jugg. The key is to start the fight after the opener with Awe. This gives you time to get the distance created for a leap. If he breaks the awe then you can choke him after applying your DOTS and he has to eat the whole thing. Coupled with force push if he breaks the awe and a 4 second stun immunity after leaping...it's not that difficult of a fight.
  14. This won't be an issue seeing as tanks won't be able to take that talent anymore in the update. You need to be in shien form now to have CC immunity.
  15. Carnage talents are cool but I'm liking what I see from Annihilation. Ability to lower targets damage by 5 percent, annihilate can reach a 6 seconds cooldown... Annihilation marauders will be like the Pokemon move roll out. Mediocre at the start but with a head of steam (6 stacks of juyo and 4 of annihilation) they will be amazing.
  16. Thread digested. Confirmed bad player. Move along, forum brethren.
  17. So we need to gear up for partisan then get the next step? Or does War Hero become partisan?
  18. Meh, they have stealth scan to ruin stealth and force them into combat. Electronet seems MUCH more useful to use on vanguards and warriors now so that warriors can't charge to you can vanguards can't Hold the line to you. Giving Pyro PTs hold the line...ugh
  19. It doesn't have a real niche in rateds, I'm a firm believer it could with the right squad though, and it's definitely hands down the best spec for huttball w/ 35 second pulls and hold the line. 1. It shines in dueling melee classes 2. I don't really think people play it properly. My strategy is always to target my set up on the healers, and then unleash pulse cannon on my healers. For example, many times there will be melee attacking my healers. Once I get 3 stacks I simply go to the healer and cast, 2 melees are now burning and snared. It works very well, and when timed w/ a smasher can be a devastating combo.
  20. All shadow specs are fun to play. The hybrid is just awesome because of the damage, utility, and survivability.
  21. The mistake most vengeance juggs will make is ravaging after leaping. That works 7/10 times, but not on pyro PTs. You need to use your first stun immunity to get your snare, overhead slash and shatter off. Then he will stun and create distance, then you force scream, push, ravage. If he uses shield you will need to recast snare. Like I said, this fight isn't really close w/ saber ward but without it you need to play perfectly.
  22. Great video, love seeing good commandos. I think your video proves that commandos would be 100 percent perfect w/ a little mobility perk.
  23. I've had it done to me a bunch by hoth ski patrol. People like hot shot and some others use the lag tricks all the time, where they disappear on your screen for a few seconds and then pop up 10-15m away.
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