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Everything posted by Eloi_BG

  1. Did Tyth and A&E yesterday. Didn't see this issue at all on sisters, though I can confirm lasers are back in burn phase. Nahut still bugged but we're getting better at dealing with it, would be nice to know when this is going to be fixed (the new mechanics are pretty fun though, looking forward to eventually seeing them on live for real).
  2. Was the no-adds on burn for Tyth real though... Seemed kinda random, did it twice before patch (once the day just before) and we always had adds in burn phase. Haven't tested since patch but just want to correct what was happening on A&E. No matter which one you pushed, straight as one of them goes into burn, wipers stop. Not sure what you mean by "stop all mechanics" because circles were still happening and she was still attacking, seemed to me the only difference was the absence of wipers. As for Nahut, when you talk about turrets, do you mean it goes 1-2-4 instead of 1-2-2 (haven't pulled him since patch)? I get how this can be slightly annoying but if you still only need to push 5 turrets shouldn't be a game changer, I'd suggest you guys keep at it cause you never know how long fixes will take...
  3. Regarding this line, are the lasers back in A&E burn phase, or are they still gone (because that boss wasn't harder, it was slightly easier since patch).
  4. Soloed it a month ago I'd say, maybe a bit more. Still works. Did it with range DPS and LOSing, not 100% sure if it's doable on melee (it probably is). Did it on merc DPS with high influence (40 something) comp set on healing. Shoot the rockets while DPSing, interrupt all his attacks by LOSing with a pillar (move back and forth). When he does the circles run around and be close to the pillar once it stops so you can LOS following casts. Keep CDs for when you **** up. Kind of annoying to do but doesn't take that long as rockets do most his HP anyway.
  5. Removed, I guess it might be different on different servers. SS works fine outside of strongholds/flagship (maybe also fleet, haven't been on it enough to say). Everyone I talked to on SS (20+ people, not counting gen chat, talking bout people I know) have 0 issues in PVP, in raids or questing.
  6. In PVP there might be a somewhat steep learning curve as a tactics vanguard surviving wise if you don't often have a healer. However, their burst is amazing and they can be very good in a team setup (lots of good utilities like AoE stun, pull, rebounder, stealth scan, taunt, etc.). If you queue as a team and you learn to be very good no you won't be a liability. However, it is easier on a commando. In PVE, vanguards are great. Tactics performs very well on every single fight in the game (plasma is also fun though). A lot of groups love having a PT DPS around (especially if you don't have a PT tank or another DPS with taunt). As for DPS checks unless you are talking about a few very specific master mode bosses, every single spec is able to do every single DPS check. Even then... Yes some classes have more potential than others, but all DPS classes can do all content.
  7. I get the fact that people don't want to kill Speedy, he's cool, but "Horrible person" is the best title since "Just a little furious"
  8. Always fun to be curious about something and then get insulted. Yes I'm sure that me challenging myself to try and do something as fast as possible because I was kinda bored of others things in this game is what is killing it. I've been playing this game since launch (with breaks and varying levels of commitment), I rolled many alts and played more hours than I dare count. I've played PVE and PVP from very casual to kinda hardcore. I have already done every mission there is, explored every planet. I've lead new people through group content because someone was nice enough to do it with me when I started and made me fall in love with it. I very well know some things take time to achieve (killing bormus on Belsavis for example) . Yes, I am sure I'm one of the people that is killing this game. As a side note, pretty sure I geared some toons from under 230 to 248 in a few hours (tokens and components) and leveled CXP from 1 to 300 in a day (or close to it, probably more like 60 to 300 after saving packs for months and popping then on an alt during double cxp). You also guessed the wrong generation (not that it really matters, generation blaming is stupid and should stop, but that's a whole other subject).
  9. Used to be story content up to 50 then operations (if you found any). When I did 1 to 60 I just ran through story, then went to higher level stuff (like Makeb) as soon as they were accessible. When the 5 FP weekly was bugged and gave level 60 xp to any level that was good too, but from the moment they put 12x xp in the story missions it seemed to me like the fastest way. It is also very reliable as it doesn't depend on pops/other people spacebarring
  10. This is totally off-topic but I'm legit curious at how long it takes to speed run 1 to 70 nowadays. Probably doable under 10h, has anyone done it? I member doing something like 7h for 1 to 60 back when they started to make leveling very quick.
  11. I think the DCD race is a big factor, people are still trash. I think there are less good players than in 3.0, but there are less players overall so that might balance it out. Raw skill wise you're probably right that the average hasn't changed much. However strategy wise (winning a map) I have to agree with OP that most people are bad. Granted lots of them don't do objectives cause they just don't care (I don't judge them, number farming has a certain appeal when you've been playing the same maps for years). You get more matches with people just looking for a big fight where they can get non-stop action, even if it doesn't help the team in any way. A team can win warzones now even if they get killed 3 or 4 times more than the other team just because people don't care. Also people are completely lost when they face people that have an actual idea how to win a map. The other night I played 6-7 matches in a row with an old friend repside (my server has a much stronger impside than repside, if I judge by my win rate on both sides). We won every single one even against 4 man premades just because we cared about objectives and knew how to play the maps. It was never that easy a few years back, and I'm not better right now than I was (I used to play a lot more). It only required the two of us and like 1 other person reading chat to actually care about the map to win it.
  12. Maybe Rion got it but looks like someone else still seems to think I was serious... As for seeing an actual duel happen, sorry to disappoint but it won't happen, it would require me (or him) to actually care enough to transfer toons, find a time, actually show up at said time and it all sounds like work. I just came here cause omaan just complains all the time and I think triggering him a bit more is midly entertaining. Also I guess I kinda miss the good old forum drama.
  13. Can't decide if you didn't get the joke or if you're just adding to it... Also totally unrelated but I was skimming through the thread: I miss the times where that was actually true and a random group of 4 players that aren't complete trash couldn't win most of their matches. In the state of the game right now, more solo matches actually require skill than ranked ones, even though in both cases the number of competitive matches that can really go either way is alarmingly low.
  14. Oh snap how did you figure me out so well though I really think gold should be more like 1200. As for your "git gud m8", I invite you to , I have quite a few PVP videos and you can see there I know what I'm doing, and am probably a lot better than you are.
  15. What Kendra said but Juggs have reflect. Reflect is fun. Both have their strengths, but as a general rule mara is in a bit of a better place right now.
  16. Quick comments: use ravage, wait for proc to use twin saber throw, vicious slash usage is ok More complex comment: Do you mean for a boss fight? Cause the thing you showed is not a rotation, more of a quick priority on what you prefer using. Not sure if you want something for story stuff/heroics/trash killing (less than 1min), which is what your rotation is, or if you want a good rotation for FP/Ops boss fights (1min+). If you want trash killing and short fights, then no, annihilation is not the best (though the DoT spread is very nice), and probably not the most fun (I still enjoy it for random questing). Something like: Charge + deadly, battering, annihilate, rend, rupture, dual saber ( if procced), ravage, slash (rest depends on how many stacks you have entering the fight). If you want a longer fight one lmk, I can share what I use even though I'm not the best mara around, but it's a bit more complicated and since I have 0 idea what type of player you are don't want to type it for nothing.
  17. Yes. If you look carefully, there are multiple different earpieces (for example) on a vendor where you upgrade your gear. One requires the adept earpiece, the other requires *fill something here* earpiece, etc. If you have let's say two different 242 earpieces in your inventory or cargo hold, you should see 2 different earpieces that are green and that you can afford. Buy the one that has the correct cost (the earpiece you wanna replace). On a side note, the fact that you can buy stuff with gear in your cargo hold is awesome, less inventory clogging.
  18. The salt is strong with this one. Do you remember when you complained reaching more that 1750-1800 rating was very hard and gold shouldn't be higher than that, and then later you made another post saying 1750 was way too low for gold rating. I member.
  19. I really hope this is a troll thread. Opinions aside (liking or not liking the spec) a lot of stuff said in this thread is false. Short DoT uptime means better target swapping than most dot spec, so in a sense less build-up. This is not a burst spec so it's ok to not have real burst. As has been said overload is off the GCD. What? Annihilation is one of the specs that use the most different abilities in this game in its core rotation. Base attack has a very light use. Once again you make me think you don't know what annihilation is. Saber overload is not a big hitter, it's a dot (pretty good dot but still not a big hitter). Also this description you made of what you want annihilation to be is exactly what carnage/combat is. Anni is a sustained spec.
  20. General misunderstanding of what AI is and what the dangers are bothers me very much. There is absolutely 0 risk related to "losing control", and there won't be for decades. There are issues and dangers we have to think about, don't get me wrong, but they are way more related to misuse of powerful technology (to wage wars for example) or job loss than anything Mentor related (might as well plug SWTOR into this). I get annoyed easily whenever I see some misconception of what the dangers of AI are, because some much false information is going around. AI can't do anything "on its own", and is not close to being at that stage. @Op sorry for derailing the thread, this is the last I'll say on the subject here. Keep it on going with the Significance of Forum Signatures, it's a fun thread!
  21. When you say bonus boss are you talking about the two zildrog dudes close to the water? If so I don't remember having any issues with my sent, but his Lana is like 47. I also ran it on my vanguard (I class that I'm not good at) and remember thinking "Wow my hp seems low" at some point (it normally never happens in solo FPs), but then my Lana is max 5 on that toon. Still one shoted so can't say I really paid attention to what was happening. I don't remember any insta kills at all. I think there are a lot of ground based AOEs that you can move out of, so that might be why healing a companion is hard (because micro-managing in this game is weird). Try and grab aggro and keep moving, use cooldowns, focus one (if there is an enrage it doesn't do much).
  22. Yeah keep at it, it's a fun challenge. When I challenged myself to solo every chapter in MM, I nearly gave up on chapter 2 of KOTET (final geno-haradan fight). Wiped for hours on it, then I discovered a mechanic to make it easier. There might be something I forget about that rancor fight, so keep trying and you'll get it eventually. I found this video online of a sorc heal: Seems like you can let the first snack go out. Also, maybe you can try putting comp on DPS mode and go full out "burn before you get burned". Just throwing ideas out there. that boss is a lot harder for melee than range.
  23. Not sure to what extent I can help you, as I have only done it on merc and mara (certainly easier on range class) and running it on a sin would require me to run all chapters and it's pretty long. However, a few questions that may or may not help you: Do you have the 60% DR utility on force speed? Can be pretty useful to avoid predictable big hits. Are you optimizing your use of resilience? Don't remember if any of his attacks are resistible, deflection is a great help if you can't resist them. Serenity can be good if you kite constantly with dots up and using 10m stuff, with the occasional melee attack. It is squishier than infiltration though, but you can maybe slowly drag him down, not sure... Maybe try tank spec? It hits pretty hard in DPS gear (with a shield) and might help you last longer. Is your comp high influence? Sorry if this doesn't help, it's all I could give, I might take a look on my mara again when I have time if you are still stuck.
  24. I'm mostly amazed that you managed to find a Musk quote around AI that wasn't completely retarded and showed how little he knows of what actual AI is. I say not completely because the first sentence is a pretty good and relevant observation. The second is a poorly made conclusion and goes back to his scaremonger habits though.
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