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Everything posted by AutoCocker

  1. May as well just call Season 7 the final season and put a nail in it.
  2. Wow...just wow... R.I.P. ranked PvP. No reason to do it anymore now.
  3. Think I read that EA has total control of Star Wars games (minus Disney themselves of course) until 2025. Would have to dig around a bit to look that up.
  4. Not till 2025 I believe (can't remember exactly, several year deal). Think EA holds the exclusivity rights on Star Wars titles till then.
  5. Honestly I thought this one chapter was better than all 16 chapters of KOTFE combined. Didn't see the twist ending coming at all which was also a plus. Well done.
  6. Sadly pretty much all servers are on a decline. Many of them at a faster rate than others due to lack of population. U.S. side the only strong server worth of note is The Harbinger. Still very active with que pops basically happening anytime. I hear Ebon Hawk isn't bad either but from what I can tell for anytime play Harbinger is still on top. The worst part to me is that EA isn't able to comprehend how badly they are shooting themselves in the foot by not doing server merges. Sure some people will pay to transfer but many more will not.
  7. I don't even play this other game but noticed another poster put this up. Seriously swtor needs this badly. I am tired of using ignore 25+ times per day. Amazing in game chat filter setup. Thought it was so good that it needed a thread of it's own. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7aXjDDCnr4
  8. Honestly I find it funny how they seem to have new weapons for the Eternal Championship coming out right around the time Season 7 is supposed to end. Makes me wonder if they just cannibalized the weapons that were originally intended for Season 7 rewards. A small part of me still hopes that the data mined info isn't true. But sadly BW has pissed in the face of PvP'ers for so long why stop now?
  9. EvE has been around a long time and as others have stated it's a game you either love or hate. The majority of your time is spent in a ship though you can walk around stations; exploration is all through space though. I played it for awhile and flew capital ships for a corp rampaging through null sec years ago lol. Even with putting the time in for that many crew skills it never was my cup of tea. I respected the game however for what it brought to the mmo world. Bottom line is when it goes free to play it's worth trying out. Just be ready for something you have never experienced before in any mmo. There is not a single other mmo out today that is as hardcore as Eve Online. One day you could be a billionaire and the next day your flat broke. Everything is up for grabs and everything is player controlled. There is no hand holding in this game. It is fully legal for players to rip you off or trick you into blowing up your ship (beware grouping in high sec). PvP/Coproration battles (aka guilds) can last weeks or even months at a time 24 hours a day. In EvE online solo play really isn't an option. You can do quests etc in high sec but to fully experience the game and all it has to offer you need to make friends. You also need to be willing to leave your comfort zone and come to terms with the fact that whatever ship your flying right now will get blown up in the near future. Most people who try EvE stay in high sec and then get bored shortly after. Don't fall into this trap. Anyway I could go on and on but gonna stop here. Bottom line if it's going f2p, give it a shot because at the very least it will be something new and see what you think for yourself.
  10. While I respect the unique aspects of huttball; at this point I would uncheck it from the que if I could. I am just that burned out on it.
  11. Pretty much this; on any server. Friends don't let friends pub pvp alone.
  12. To be fair the reason SC was added too and pushed back was due to the community. At 23 mil Roberts literally did ask and throw a poll up if they should stop and make the game as is now, or continue to crowd fund and build more on it. Been in the alpha for a long time and while I am not naive enough to say "omg wow killer!" some of the stuff in it thus far really is ground breaking in the mmo space (love the voice controls). Only time will tell what the end result is. Though I do agree with it being more of a niche game like EvE because well; it's hard compared to most of the "hold your hand" mmo's we see out today.
  13. Playing a Guardian you will benefit from defense more than the other tanks. However I think over time you will eventually buckle and see for yourself how much better Shank tanking is for what it sounds like you want to do. I know I did. In PvP I had pretty much played a pure tank (VG) from release up until 4.0. Sure, Skank tanks were around before then but not like what you see today. 4.0 was a game changer for tanks since it removed shield/abso enhancements, abso on mods and shield/abso on implants/ear. It also gave every class a way higher chance to crit in most cases which ignores the mitigation your after. Perhaps the crits wouldn't be so bad if tanks were still able to stack shield/abso high enough to cut the non crit damage in half but that is no longer the case. If you really have your heart set on pure tank I say go for it. I know I did pre 4.0. However don't be surprised to find out that your essentially just as squishy as a "Shank" tank but without any dps to pressure an opposing player with.
  14. Unless your current computer is really old you won't notice much of a difference at all. The exception being if you have the game on an SSD you will get past loading screens faster. That's about it. Most issues with stuttering, fps etc are on the SWTOR engine/server end and not your PC. Example being I can run Crysis 3 and Metro Last Light on Ultra with everything cranked to max without issue. In SWTOR however I will see some stuttering from time to time.
  15. Uninstall Bitraider. Just google it if you DL'ed the client from the swtor website.
  16. Sadly no one from Bioware is actually left. All original employees from Bioware quit (including the founders). What you have now is Bioware in name only. I think EA has once again continued it's tradition of buying a studio and then killing it off.
  17. Season started April 2nd and it won't end until the release of KOTET in the fall. More news about KOTET in September so guessing an October release if we are lucky. Tier rewards stronghold deco's, tier 2 unique color crystal, top tier mount. Yup, I'm done.
  18. 8 vs 8 needs to make a comeback if for no other reason than to have all classes viable for ranked que's again. Sure any class can que but we all know that certain classes have a way easier time than others in 4 man match ups. A lot has changed since the initial release of 8 man ranked back in the day. Gearing was made way easier, people in pve gear can no longer que up for it etc. It's time to at least give it a chance and see how it goes. As someone said above "Grow some balls Eric" and try something new.
  19. It could work if done properly. When 50 was the cap and they first introduced Lost Island they made the final boss drop a random Rakata chest which at the time was the top tier loot in the game (even from ops). Granted Lost Island itself back then was generally a 2 hour long adventure that often ended in failure if pugging it. But still it did cause people to try and run it nonstop.
  20. Slingers/Snipers are great for regs; but if your a ranked player and have used other classes in ranked chances are you will hate your Slinger. When ranked was 8 vs 8 they did fine. But in 4 man your going to have problems. Not to mention the flames you may receive just for queing up as one in ranked (think merc healer). The problem with Slingers in ranked is that it forces them to become a front line fighter. This is due to map size along with there only being 4 people on each team. In regs Slingers do fine because they have lots of other targets for the enemy to engage first (melee fighters, healers etc) along with plenty of room to move around. In ranked this is not the case. You will always be the primary target even above healer (if your lucky enough to have one) and you generally won't survive for more than a few seconds if focused. One round you may do 300k damage and the next only 10k damage getting globaled. As others have stated you can bring the class into ranked. Just be ready to have to work 100 times harder for it.
  21. I just hope the season comes to an end soon and it's not simply more info about it. Today marks 4 months of season 7 as it began on April 2nd. At this rate we will hit 5 or 6 months it seems.
  22. Looks like they just changed it then. It was Nightlife at 1k cc earlier lol.
  23. Sadly it once again looks like we are approaching yet another thing that wasn't supposed to happen again (like the 2+ years between new ops). It looks like we are not only going to cross into the 4+ month long season again (like pvp season 1) but end up pushing toward the 5 month long season too.
  24. AutoCocker

    Best pvp server?

    Harbinger. I also play 65's on JC but regs have started to slow down a bit during non prime time hours. Harbinger has a large enough population to where regs will pop quickly pretty much 24/7.
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