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Everything posted by EternallSlumber

  1. So I reported this post and got this back as a PM: "Greetings Eternal, I am Protocol Droid W6-I0 of Human-Cyborg Relations... I have received your transmission regarding Ebenezar the troll. He has been identified. We have located his place of residence and sent a full complement of 'cleaner' droids to handle this messy situation. Rest assured, he will not bother you again. Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with. Galactic Support is our specialty... Sincerely, Protocol Droid W6-I0
  2. Alacrity increases dps/hps of channeled abilities.
  3. Need wins before Greed wins before Disassemble A Need roll of 1 beats a greed roll of 100.
  4. The ignorance is flowing in this thread. Open your minds people. The world is bigger than your own room. There are a few different keyboard layouts out there other than US standard. http://www-01.ibm.com/software/globalization/topics/keyboards/registry_index.html
  5. Armouring is on the daily vendors, but not mods. Cost for the armouring is 1 set of dailies. People who are saving up for higher priced gear might buy the amouring, since 22-23 is not a huge leap in stats. In any case, mods/armour will never sell like hotcakes.
  6. Learning new encounters is very expensive. Given there is no combat log to see where the damage is coming from, or who is having problems, we are being charged for trial on error. The cost is crazy high. Forcing a major credit grind on 50s is counter to the purpose of money sink repairs. Dying a lot should hurt, not break you.
  7. right clicking usually makes the coursor come back
  8. Would you add somethiing helpful or constructive to the thread if I asked you first? I am asking....
  9. page 25 says, people care. If anything, this thread definately shows there are 2 sides to this issue. I might be slightly more tolerant of blind invites now. But still, you will get ignored if you do it after I decline. I will be much more likely to join if I get tell first. This used to be a no brainer; now its a debate - times have definately changed.
  10. Ninja invite me, you get ignored. Less obtrusive is not the issue. It's more polite to ask first.
  11. I read a lot of this thread. I had no idea how many people really believe random ninja invites are ok! This isn't opinion guys, its the way its been for the last decade and a half. Etiquette develops over time. In MMOs, part of the established etiquette is that it is considered rude to invite without asking. That is a fact in every sense of the word. The guy on page one that posted about no tell invites while waiting for the same spawn had it 100% right. Thats what MOST mmo vets expect. OP, I approve of your crusade against the invite ninjas. Good luck! From the look of some of the replies, you are going to need it.
  12. I have to answer with a cynical reply, sorry: Anything republic side.
  13. Oh sorry, didn't realize ya needed a tutorial on how to play. Maybe I'll write one up for you.
  14. Your chances of BW or anyone on the planet reading that are near nil. What do they teach in school these days?
  15. Haven't played a sawbones high enough to notice a problem. If there is one, it's with sawbones skills themselves. Any tweak to the energy mechanic would OP dps specs.
  16. Gotta agree with the energy is fine camp. You trade burst for long term dps. You can't go max the entire fight. Much better than burst ability with a long *** CD you hit accidently and then its down when you need it. You have complete control here.
  17. I am a gunslinger - sharpshooter. Well I was discussing some of my talents in guild chat, explaining most of my points were in the SS tree. Guildy: "SS?" Me: "***********" Yeah, sharpshooter is a dirty word, tell yer friends! Was good for a laugh anyways.
  18. We need this option, really really really.
  19. I got a simple idea: If you loot a chest, you get a "lucky day" buff ala the companion gift buff. If you have the buff, chests wont open. To remove the buff, you must defeat a mob. No more bots and no more lamers chest farming. It doesn't punish legit players one bit. Wouldn't punish crafters who need to find higher level nodes. Wouldn't remove the freedom of going to any planet you want. And, it doesn't remove the chests.
  20. Epic thread, on a color crystal. I like red. It's that simple. Didn't go sith because my main is a pub. Easier twinkage.
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