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Everything posted by angryca

  1. My eyes automatically glaze over any post where someone talks about damage charts or healing charts. If he said he feels like the damage is low and he is having trouble getting kills and wanted some tips that would be one thing. "I am always top damage because I look every game and come the forums if I am not!" is kind of an unpolishable turd.
  2. angryca

    spam wars

    I just got out of a warzone with 6 sorcerers on the opposing side constantly spamming force lightning. They would also use stuns. Knockbacks were employed as well. The only enjoyment that was had was from the comedy of it and the warzone chat clowing on the spam. -50% snare -no cooldown for 1 talent point It's just stupid. Just reduce movement speed to 50% and let us move on with our lives.
  3. I am not sure that this assassin was even a tank build. He was probably 31 into the stealth combat tree. He can nearly ignore your damage for 12 seconds with deflection and burn down the other guys faster that way. As far as the 72 damage - marauder/sentinels have a cooldown that does that. They are a dps class. Go figure.
  4. Pretty good post. Some of the rotations seems a little off but close enough. You basically spent a lot of time to determine what I intuited: 1) about 20% of damage in PVP is weapon damage (assuming an even spread of builds) 2) there are some ways to bypass armor but not a ton 3) some builds are nearly all weapons damage and some are none (and the weapon damage builds don't do any more inherant damage than the others). They didn't really put a great deal of thought into the exact mechanics for this sort of thing in pvp imo.
  5. That is almost 14 hours a day when you were in school. Did you have an IV drip to provide nutro-stimulant cocktail and **** in a bucket by the computer?
  6. Before, if, in my estimation, the warzone was a lost cause I would just have some fun farming medals and see how many I could get. Of course I wasn't really helping us win at that point. Now, if, in my estimation, the warzone is a lost cause I am not sure what to do besides get 4v1'd a few more times. I don't even object to the changes. They make sense. I just don't know how to make best use of my time in a pug-gone-wild game that has gone frustratingly wrong.
  7. You are probably talking about the pyrotech/whatever-the-mirror-tree-is-called build. Sometimes, if the RNG gods are favorable, you can put out some great damage. Other times you are scorned and do little. They also have laughably poor defensive options for a build that is required to be close to the action to get its damage up to an acceptable level.
  8. Thanks what I told my budy who *****ed about serra angel like a tool 18 years ago. I don't know what part of "counterspell it or play sword to plowshares!" he didn't understand.
  9. The underPOPULATED faction will love these strategies. Soon enough they will let anyone playing republic get a mirror toon or mail BW a box of steaming .... thanks. We all know this isn't going anywhere good.
  10. Completely terrible idea. They should incentivize winning a little bit but there should be no huge disparity, assuming that you want ques to take less an hour to pop.
  11. Yep. I got logged out 2-3 times yesterday and it even crashed my computer once. Bad code is bad.
  12. There should be some visible ques that players do not have their break-free ability available. The joy of being stunlocked to death 2/3 of the time should be shared by all.
  13. Do you find the gameplay to be compelling? Do you find the class to be well designed mechanically? What is your point? You have no idea how stupid the spam is from a design stand point. I really want to know who brought this to the table.
  14. Most of the time we are saying "I hope we get a few more people.".
  15. Pretty much this. I find it difficult to imagine what was going through the head of the guy who designed this class. It reminds me of playing a chosen in warhammer (with nerfbuttons and twister) where 85% of my game play was mashing the same button over and over again. Strangely enough I played like that for a while. I guess winning is it own kind of fun.
  16. This. Sometimes the shield is awesome. Sometimes it does nothing. It seems to do a whole lot when someone goes overload (? is that the bh full auto) on me, or when someone has 2 swords.
  17. You didn't say anything about CC. I think most of them are pretty cheap - like 20 force anyway. I was wrong as far as I thought it was only parry and deflect. I just looked and it is parry, deflect and shiled. I think it was just the first two a while ago. So people who aren't even using a shield have a decent chance to activate this ability (about 16% in a vacuum - do people have bunches of accuracy?) and people using a shield and kinetic ward has 45.4% chance on relevant attacks and an overall mitigation of the relevant attacks by 23%. That looks pretty good actually.
  18. That isn't what the ability does. You could always autoattack so it isn't 0% or 100%. I am starting to think that shields might be a good idea but your points are terrible.
  19. I don't care how much damage my tank does (and apparently my vanguard does about half the damage of my gunslinger friend according to a discussion we had the other day). I want the option to spec for durability and really notice a difference. I want to hear for once someone say 'why are you attacking the tank'. Not to say that I completely hate playing a 'tank' in this game but I sure don't feel like a tank in pvp. I am a dps that dies a little slower and does less damage. I have some nice tools to use to help my team mates. It is what it is and probably won't change anytime soon
  20. I know!!! With the investment of only 4 talent points you too can be the cheesy jerk off with the harpoon gun the imps are cursing about in vent or even chat!!! Act now while supplies last!!
  21. I have been thinking lately that shields should extend to (nearly) all atacks (they could have a few attacks specifically ignore them). Also guard damage should run through shields but nothing else (it is nice and visual since you seem to be using the shield to guard them). This would give some motivation to get these stats and allow people to run builds that are better or worse at this sort of 'pvp tanking'. Deflection is a more difficult subject. A shadow with nothing but the relevent talents in the tree has 16% parry/deflect. A shadow with the relevant shield talents (and KW up but that is easy) has 8.4% shield mitigation to appropriate attacks. Something has to give here - maybe defense is fine the way it is.
  22. It's to hide in the back and harpoon people into fire and acid.
  23. One of the ways is which a tank performs a group defensive role is by taking a good amount of damage to kill, right? I think most people that find a low fun level in pvp tanking are of that opinion.
  24. Trying to be a 'tank' in pvp is poorly conceived in this game. They cut and pasted the warhammer guard mechanics except they forgot to have the damage run through your mitigation. Consequently you die is 3 seconds when you guard someone while the guard target is at 80% health. An analysis of the mitigation stats in the 2 games can be informative. In warhammer we had: 1) toughness - mitigates all damage 2) armor - mitigates physical damage (about half) 3) resists - mitiages magic damage (the other half) 4) parry - effective against melee 5) block - effective against all attacks 6) disrupt - effective against magic. Tanks generally had all these available to them. I swtor we have: 1) armor - mitigates about 65% of the attacks 2) dodge/parry/block - mitigates auto attacks and a few other attacks 3) shield - reduces damage on the same attacks as 2) Will this ever get fixed? Don't count on it.
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