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Everything posted by Maaruin

  1. Yes, but the Republic has ways to deal with conflicts without violence, even if it doesn't work 100%. For Sith, there has to be violence, because that's the way of the Sith. They want war, and if they can't fight others, they fight themselves.
  2. Yeah, but it is presented in a way to make the Jedi look relatively evil. I think a nice option would have been if you could make a deal with him. Something like: And yes, the world quests were evil, and I especially hated Taris.
  3. I agree with Jaigen, they didn't seem like the good guys to me. Well, not all of them, but at least around half of them. Especially the one you meet near the end of Chapter one. There are some who seemed good to me, but they weren't the main focus. (You especially notice that when you play light side and they fight you nontheless.)
  4. If anyone of these two is the bad guys, it's the Empire. Else, there are no bad guys. You can philosophically argue that good and evil don't exist, then no one would be the bad guys. You can argue that both sides have done some evil things and say they are equally bad. Or you can look at what's good and what's bad in the Republic and in the Empire and come to the conclusion that overall, the Republic are the good guys with flaws and the Empire the bad guys with some positive aspects. But you can't seriously argue for the Empire as the good guys, imho. (At least not in a way that I would believe you that it is your own opinion. You might be able to play a good Devil's Advocate.) But in your story, your opponent will always be evil. That's something I really don't like. You can play good vs. evil and evil vs. evil, but you can't play evil vs. good (from the evil perspective).
  5. I disagree on some of those: But the Jedi exiled the Dark Jedi who became Sith. I think up to Naga Sadow's time they had to constantly improve themselves to reach the Jedi's level. Interesting, though, that in the case of Naga Sadow and Exar Kun their apprentice played a critical role in weakening them. And if I remember correctly in both cases their apprentice felt remorse and wanted to turn back to the light. Then why are Republic and Empire an even match (the Republic even drives the Empire back at the End of the game)? Is the Republic military so strong that it compensates the Jedi's disadvantage? I think Jedi and Sith are around the same level in this game, lore wise. Yes. But the Sith got closer to exterminating the Jedi then anyone else in history exept Palpatine. I would give this one to the Sith. Both sides hat no real chance for winning until Bane came in. I'd give this one to the Sith too. Deception is their main weapon at this time and it made them win. Agreed. All in all, I don't think the military strenght counts that much. In most cases the difference is made by Jedi who fall to the Dark Side and Sith who are redeemed. By betrayel and self-sacrifice. Strenght doesn't really matter, what matters are the (moral) decisions of individuals.
  6. I'd like to inform you that the Republic killed Malgus.
  7. Does your warrior want to If no, LS Jaesa isn't right for you. (As far as I know, if you aren't neutral you can't even decide her allignment.) Btw. Vette doesn't accept other partners besides her.
  8. Of course you have to show respect to them. Everything else would be stupid. This was more directed to the killing thing. Not every acolyte or apprentice can kill an agent without repercussion. Mouthing off to them is a dangerous game. If you are lucky, a smart apprentice would only torture you without permanent damage for this. After all you don't know what the master will want compensation for their death. But of course every Agent with some kind of brain and survival instinct wouldn't risk it.
  9. True, but I think there is one thing in addition: If you serve a (powerful) Sith and he considers you a valuable asset, he will be p***ed if an acolyte or apprentice kills you. And that won't end nice for the apprentice. Even if you are a slave. The Sith Warrior can kill one of Baras' slaves on Dromund Kaas. If you do this, Baras' answer makes clear that this is not acceptable behavior for an apprentice. He only accepts it because you are one of his most powerful apprentices ever and allowing you to kill his slaves shows this to other Sith.. Also, non-Sith can be placed above Sith in the command chain. Grand Moff Kilran had at least one Sith apprentice under his command in the Esseles Flashpoint. (I somehow doubt Kilran said: "My Lord, would you consider killing the republic bording party?" I guess he said: "Lord Vokk, there is a republic boarding party on this ship. Go to the hangar bay and stop them.") So in short: High ranking Sith can put you in positions above apprentices and acolytes, but that's not the default position.
  10. Outside the Star Wars vs Star Trek discussion: Where did you get this data? When I was more active in the Star Trek fandom, most people said that the Warbird is superior to almost all ships of it's time. (At least it's weapons.)
  11. Taris was destroyed by an entire fleet, not one ship. I think it was even Malak's main fleet. And the bombardment took hours, if I remember correctly. And there were survivor's on the surface. Very few, but at least some Rakghouls managed it. Star Wars technology seems to progress very slow. There is not much difference between the TOR-era and the movie era. (Does Hyperdrive speed changes, by the way?) Star Trek on the other hand has significant technological advances throughout the series. Yes, Star Wars wins in terms of super weapons I guess. (I don't know much about Star Trek superweapons, though.) The idea is not to conquer the ships, but sabotage them. Beam a team directly into engineering, sabotage the reactor, beam them out again. (But shields seem to block transporter technology.) We actually see a little about this when it is Federation against Borg. Now the Borg have the advantage that they can fire in all directions and repair their ships very fast. A single Star Trek ship could move behind a Star Destroyer and do some damage to the engines. In a Fleet, this wouldn't work anymore, though. In my book Star Wars wins because of far superior numbers, even if Star Trek has a slight advantage in tech.
  12. I think the symbol doesn't really fit the other two. The other two are one color on black ground. And they have very thin lines. I think the hutt cartel should fit into this. One color (yellow, maybe? Criminals are always yellow in my Star Wars imagination, blame it on Empire at War.) Make it yellow/color on black ground with very thin lines. Based upon your symbol, I'd make a yellow circle (or better two yellow circles, one iside the other with a very small distance) and inside the frame of the symbol you created, also in yellow. Of course, if you want green or white or whatever, use this instead of yellow.
  13. On a sidenote: If I remember correctly, Saresh was an imperial slave before the republic freed her.
  14. Well, he is an expert on what the Star Wars sources say and what is considered canon and in what way. And especially and expert on the Jedi. You seem to be an expert on physics, though.
  15. If you broke Republic law (I'm not sure about that), the Jedi have every right come for you. The Republic gave them (among other rights) the right to act as a police force. And the police don't have to fight one on one. They could have come with 6 Jedi to arrest you. If you resist, they could have used force. But the way they do it in the BH story violates the law itself (or at least the rules), that's why the supreme chancallor changes his mind. (But he also offers you immunity for your real crimes, so you must have broken Republic law at one point.) 1. What? 2. What? 3. What? 1. Who is a psycho warmonger? Satele is a leader in a war, does that make her a warmonger? Master Orgus want's to "get things done", but he didn't start any war. He always answered to violent actions of others. The only Jedi you could see as warmonger is Master Jaric Kaedan. 2. Who is a masochists and why? 3. Sorry, being mind controlled by the obviously insane Emperor would make everyone insane*. So the only one who counts is Bengal Morr. *Tol Braga broke free and was still insane afterwards. Still, I really doubt that this shows a disposition for the dark side. He explains why he went insane: Because the Emperor "showed" him, that everything he did as a Jedi was pointless. (Servant 2 also goes insane after "being exposed to the Emperor", so I think the reason for this is the Emperor.) So, please write in which category all the important Jedi from the storyline fit and why. Because I can't see most of them fitting in one of these categories. So, taking the Selonians hostage is still a war crime. (The Empire doesn't care for war crimes, of course.) And "it's only a crime if you get caught" can be said for every state, even in the real world. You don't really want to tell me that if the Empire discovered you did these things a few month afterwards they wouldn't try to get you. As far as I have seen the Empire, it's more like: It's only a crime if you don't have someone powerful who protects you. I know it's always better to play through the story, but Bounty Hunter is on the bottom of my list. I don't like underworld stuff, and smuggler sounds more like fun. Since I'm a very slow leveller, I'll play Bounty Hunter probably in around a year. So what are the extenuating circumstances? And the Supreme Chancallow also mentions "real crimes", so you must have broken Republic law at some point. If not, it's bad writing.
  16. You have embodied all what the Empire is about. May you find freedom in the force now. Rest in peace.
  17. I always though he found Sith, not something like Sith. Was she really? It seemed like that, but until today we don't know if Tulak Hord really used a lightsaber. She was right about Sion and Nihilus because she had insider knowledge That for example one thing where she was wrong. I don't know if she said it to manipulate the Exile towards approving of the dark side or because she really believed it. Revan fell to the dark side because of the Mandalorian wars, even before he was mind contolled by the Emperor. Almost all Jedi who fought the Mandalorians did and Revan was no exception. And that was also the impression I got from Kotor 2. Either I didn't notice Kreia saying this or I didn't believe her. Yes, Obsidian did a very good job. I was fooled by Kreia for most of the game. She was a manipulative darksider all the time, but I though she was a grey Jedi who had great wisdom to share.
  18. Would it really be? I can force two magnets together that repel each other. So it would depend on how strong the magnetic field is and how fast the plasma moves. No, wait, not how fast it moves but it's momentum. Wouldn't it?
  19. Well, that kills it for me, but I guess there are others interested in doing this. Good luck.
  20. Great, you just gave me the idea for a fan fiction or rp or something like that: A businessman who tries to build a glass factory on Tatooine.
  21. Well, write your timezone. Or at least if you are EU, America or Asia/Pacific. I can't consider applying without this information.
  22. The hostage situation is the one with the Selonians on Corellia. I haven't played Bounty Hunter, but in the videos I watched LS and DS bounty hunters took their "mothers and sisters" hostage to capture their leader. I'd consider this a war crime. On Balmorra, you sabotage the work of an imperial officer for another imperial officer and you kill an imperial admiral. That makes you a criminal by imperial standards. I'll look up Nar Shadda soon, I guess you are also a criminal there. Edit: Blowing up a research facility and blackmailing a lot of people. Well, yeah, these are standard bounty hinter crimes, but still crimes.
  23. You can't do an MMORPG without mirror classes. It would be a heck of balance work and people would never ever stop to complain. And Telekinetic throw is not about throwing pebbles, it throws everything in it's way, the pebbles just indicate that the air is moving. For me Sages do have lot's of Jedi feel. They feel like Yoda and Obi-Wan from the Original Trilogy. (Obi-Wans lightsaber moves in ANH were not more advanced than what sages can do.) And, as I wrote, I would have liked it better if Yoda didn't do his lightsaber breakdance, but instead fight Palpatine with the Force alone. (And I'm convinced he only took his lightsaber against Dooku because Dooku was his former Padawan and he wanted to show him that the dark side hasn't made him more powerful.)
  24. Not yet. But emotion comes up in her conversation at some points. Bring her into a situation where you can make it look like channeling her anger and hatred is the only option and she will do it. But the Sith code (and Jedi code) can be interpreted in different ways, and the fact that Ashara would accept one interpretation of the Sith code shows how far she has gone away from the "I'm no Sith".
  25. No, there's not. No special naming policy outside the normal rules. What names don't make sense?
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