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Everything posted by Aaroneus

  1. awesome. thanks. and typo, i meant 2 years XD
  2. Hey Dudes, A couple questions to toss out before I get back into PvP after a ~3 year absence: 1) Is the classic Tank Sin w/ DPS gear and a shield still strong? I noticed we don't have the classic 3 masteries trees any more and these new linear progression paths instead. RIP hybrids. Also RIP old core stats. And 2) Am I better off running my old lvl55 expertise gear now at lvl 65 or should I mix in some lvl 65 pve gear for more of the other stats? I noticed the expertise values on each piece of the new gear are the same as the lvl 55 gear from a long time ago.
  3. So mercs/commando's are still bad? This is no different than when I stopped playing the first time 3 years ago.
  4. so essentially what you're saying is: focusing targets is OP. /sigh
  5. Guys, that was amazing. Can't wait for your next instalment. XD
  6. It's a bummer for sure. At least you can take the augment out before trading your partisan piece in so you don't have to spend 100ish k on another augment.
  7. Did icearose join late in the game? Maybe somebody gave him an mvp vote for joining a game in progress thus perhaps not getting the opportunity to do much?
  8. Cause you're an MMO prodigy? Shrug. The fact that it's happening at all is something to be worried about. I see it happen somewhat frequently with both force charge and intercede. As well, covered escape fails to move you from one location to your target location on occasion. You see the roll animation, bounce back and forth for a split second, and wind up exactly where you tried to escape from.
  9. well done boys. you can count on my donation next time.
  10. I'm a CC spamming, back peddling baddie tunnler and I approve this message.
  11. It's the ever-dangerous, savagely overpowered sniperative. BW should just eliminate the agent/smuggler classes all together.
  12. Aren't matrix cubes already BiS? Or did that get changed sometime in the last month or so?
  13. Aaroneus

    State of PvP

    Regarding your first point, I think the majority of the PVP playerbase shares your displeasure with bolster. We're all unhappy about it. The best we can do is keep grinding Conqueror and hope bolster gets fixed, removed, whatever. On your argument about class demographics, ranged DPS has become widely popular. You've played against some pretty lousy snipers/slingers (probably me) if you consider their DPS manageable. Lightning sorcs' talent tree has been brought to a level which is giving them some attention, and it's great to see. Mercs... no comment. Which server do you play on? Are you solo queing? Which bracket are you playing in? Premades? Four friends should be able to play a game together. Groups of friends join games together in Battlefield games, RTS games like Starcraft, etc. I don't see the issue. Sometimes I solo que and get rocked by a team with a premade on it. Sometimes I que in a 4 man group and get beat by another team with a 4 man group. It's a computer game. You win some, you lose some. It's nice being carried by a 4 man premade though eh? Trust me, I get carried all the time.
  14. I love seeing this happening, and Black Hole is a great location for it. I'm bummed I missed it. Thanks for posting. How was the fps? I heard a couple people saying they were getting extremely poor performance.
  15. For the most part, the Bastion's PVP Guilds are good sports. Good on ya for putting those shmucks in their place. What brought on this verbal onslaught against C&G anyways? And more importantly, who the **** is Black Market?
  16. Don't blame your badness on lag Britten. <3
  17. What does this have to do with smash?
  18. My personal favourite is when I hit covered escape, glitch back and forth for a split second, and wind up right back where I was pre-covered escape attempt only to get my face smashed off. Good times.
  19. This was actually a very informative explanation. I had no idea how their "balancing" worked until now. Thanks for this
  20. varying terrain is a great concept for warzones. hopefully we see something like this. you know that mountain on hoth that has the chest on it? you get a speed debuff due to weather. that would be an interesting element to add into the "neutral" area or transit route between objectives.
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