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Everything posted by youwillburn

  1. yeah because all the people that claimed they only teamed because they "wanted to play with friends and not for easy honor" suddenly stopped doing premades when they found out they couldn't stomp another premade as easily as they can a pug.
  2. 5 heroics mobs attacking you and your health never went below 60%? calling bs
  3. Premade should auto face another premade. This is one thing that WoW did right.
  4. give world pvp rewards. Suddenly 100s of people in Tattoine fighting
  5. wut? Every mmo modeled after WoW has failed terribly so far. Only the ones not modeled after WoW stood the test of time (City of Heroes, Eve, Guildwars)
  6. lol wut? 10 days /played is lot. You can get to lv85 in WoW for less time than that. City of Heroes you can do in ~5 hours, DCUO probably 5 days /played or even less
  7. I can't even count the amount of times charge>ravage has bugged out on me in pvp
  8. Force Choke and Charge is probably why I play this class at all
  9. Is Guard broken in pve? If I die while guarding someone I can't guard them when I rez and always get the "this guy is already guarded message".
  10. Lawl It changed from a restart to unknown issue with no ETA. I wouldn't hold my breath on it coming back soon
  11. Thank god they restarted it. I got 3 error 9000 in the last 15 mins
  12. Sith Assassin buffed Sith Warrior not touched even after BW agreed it needed buff Really?
  13. Sunder Armor should be able to be talent to no CD in the tanking tree. Holy **** thats the most obv thing ever
  14. reroll assassin like me. I've shelved my Juggs until it gets some luv
  15. Uhh no. The story was about investigating and stopping the Reapers/Collectors.
  16. ***? DA2 had no over-arching plot of any kind. It's just week in the life of the Champion, stuff happens and you become mayor
  17. Except the npc phasing in the major cities after the Battle for _ in WOTLK works fine.
  18. actually that does work. since when people buy up all the 100 credit ones they'll be forced to buy his and he makes this money back 3x faster. The only way this wouldn't work is if there a unlimited supply of something that has a higher supply than demand, in which case he wouldn't choose to corner the market on that item in the first place.
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