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Everything posted by youwillburn

  1. No it is buggy as ****. Targeting closest rarely works unless you spam the hell out of it. The auto target closest when attacking is also borked. I don't know it's caused by being in WZ or what, but it's buggy as hell.
  2. Last time I tried to get in swiftsure I got error 9000 in an hour and placed in a 1hr 15 min Q. NTY
  3. No my point was that expertise was a copy/paste from complete DIFFERENT games, without exploring whether SWTOR even needed it. Just by getting rid of that 1 stat would make fresh lv50s have a much better chance against a pvp geared 50 and make high valor's gear advantage alot less apparent.
  4. Are you really bragging that your stomps pugs? What I find even more unbelievable is that you actually LOST to pugs with that setup. lawl
  5. There are plenty of ways to differentiate between pve and pvp gear without need a specific stat designed for it. Such as having alot of +acc bonus in PVE gear that would be wasted in pvp, that not even counting set bonuses that can also be geared for 1 or the other. As it currently stands, people DO use pvp gear in PVE, because they are better.
  6. Expertise is a BS stat. They copy pasted straight from WoW without knowing whether the SWTOR system needed it in the first place. And now it's too late to get rid of it.
  7. Vette is hot and I want to rub her smooth tentacles while I make out with her
  8. http://img849.imageshack.us/img849/2783/1326991366157.png working as intended
  9. aren't 40 pvp gear just oranges? They're not better than orange quest gear
  10. MMOs are supposed to be recession proof. Because the $15 a month provides much more entertainment per dollar than going out. So they should actually thrive during a recession as people cut back on more expensive entertainment
  11. Didnt the price of gear also double with this patch?
  12. I find it funny you're a "founder" not because you bought the game for $60 in the first place, but because you paid a $15 sub. Shouldn't it be "subscriber" or "stayer" or something?
  13. This patch gave us the action bar cd feature that everyone requested oh wait
  14. lol temp bans. temp bans are worthless with no rollback.. I'd gladly take a 3, 5, 7 day ban if I got billions from the credit exploit or 50 valor levels.
  15. Then only thing people knew was going to happen was the epic fail of ilum patch. As it was already reported on the PTR that this was going to happen
  16. From now on whenever anyone gets high Valor even legitly, people are going to think they exploited for it. GG BW.
  17. Cool straw man bro. That's like saying Guildwars was advertised to have PVE therefore everyone thought it was going to be the best PVE ever. Fact is PVP is this game is not good, from buggy skills to faction imbalance to unresponsive controls, I dont think anyone can argue that. However, they had many chances to fix this problem if they only listened to the testers THEY asked to test the game for them, when they pointed out all these issues. But they didn't. That's why people mad. Everyone knew the problems, but I guess the egos @ BW can't handle being told that they're doing it wrong.
  18. Because it was balanced for WoW. In WoW your white attacks were auto, which a 4 sec CD wasn't bad because you can mash on it and it'll just fire when it is ready. In SWTOR you have to manually use auto attack, which = juggling between them.
  19. Ravage need to be talentable to reduce it's channeling time by 0.5/1 second
  20. I had some problems with the 2x strong mobs that the put in there. I needed to wait and pop CDs for them or else I was ****ed. Also seems the elite mobs got harder on Voss
  21. I remember Champions Online had this same exact problem at launch
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