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Everything posted by BinxDarkstar

  1. Ok, my biggest arguments against this: 1) It's luck of the draw, the teams are random. Healers are a tough class to beat, but most healers need help to beat a DPS class. I'm usually only 4th-6th in DPS when I do PVP, but even then, the healers need to gang up, or have a DPS/Tank do the damage while they keep them alive. 2) People really need to stop QQing about PVP, all that does is get abilities nerfed that makes the PVE game more difficult.
  2. I look at it this way, if you want to need on a non-class item, that's fine. If I want to kick you out of my group for doing so, that's also fine.
  3. Came across this and had to quote, cuz I thought the same thing. Realistically speaking, some characters are straight, some are gay. I loved the lesbian romance option with Juhani in KotOR, but I don't feel that having a lesbian romance option for Bastilla would have had the same weight. It makes more sense if some characters are straight, some are gay, some are bi, etc. Just a personal opinion
  4. Um... are you actually saying that the CREATOR of the series is wrong? Because he does make the point very clear in his explanation of the Chosen One prophecy. In Lucas' eyes, the Sith were destroyed, and no new Sith Empire was ever going to emerge, because the story is over. Also, the Light Side and the Jedi are two separate entities. The Jedi TEACHINGS are extremist, but a number of Grey Jedi were very devoted to the Light: Qui-Gon Jinn, Jolee Bindo, and Revan as examples (Jinn and Revan may have still been a part of the Order, but were considered grey because they made no efforts to hide their disagreements with the Jedi Council and even defied them if they believed the Council was wrong) The Light Side of the Force represents purity and balance, and the Dark Side represents corruption and imbalance, that's just how George Lucas wrote it. If you have a problem with that, take it up with him.
  5. I personally think the nerf was warranted, but they really should have put some kind of balancing buff for the class to make up for it, cuz now they're crippled in a PVE environment. Makes me glad I rolled sniper, instead.
  6. Ok, IMO this is a delicate issue. On one hand, yeah, you should be able to roll on whatever you want to roll on. On the other hand, the need/greed system was built for a reason. Common sense dictates that if you want an item not built for your class because you want to sell/replace the modifications, you do not NEED the item, so you SHOULD do a greed roll. Same thing if you want it for your companion, that's really a greed roll, not need. People who roll need on items they DON'T need make the game a lot less fun because they take items that other members of their group actually DO need. Personally, I don't think there should be a rule against it, but any way you look at it, because of the way the system is built and designed to give an advantage to people who need the item over those who just want it, it is very rude to click need when you someone else in your group needs it more. So, If you're running a group with 3 Sith and an agent, and come across bounty hunter stuff, I say it's free game, but if in that same situation, it's 2 Sith, a bounty hunter and an agent, please let the bounty hunter have the first crack. That's just etiquette. Increased stats for your PC=Need Increased stats for Companion=Greed Stripping mods for sale=Greed Replacing mods because you think the item looks cooler than what you have=Definitely Greed You see what the difference is? The system was built that way for a reason. So, should it be against the rules to click Need on something you don't need or cross class items? No. But it is rude, and I don't see why anyone should have to put up with it, if they don't want to. IMO it is a perfectly valid reason to boot a PC from a group, and refuse to group with them for future missions.
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