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Everything posted by iamthehoyden

  1. Considering that pretty much everything he says has me near to fanning myself...well "Firing!" - AJ
  2. "Adaptive gear is the ability for some gear, in particular social gear, to morph its armor rating based on the skill of the wearer the short form is that, yes, you can now tank in a bikini." When this gets put in, in 1.3 most likely, you should have a lot easier time finding pants. Not that guys can't be intimidating in skirts...err... robes. A bikini, however....
  3. The bounty hunter crew is pretty good with some outstanding members (Blizz is fabulous) and one major ick (Skadge). Mako can get a bit irritating although she ROCKS the heals, Gault is amusing, and Torian's a little bland, but overall they're pretty good. I adore the trooper crew. They make sense as a team, and given that you're playing a non-Force user it makes sense that Havoc Squad as a whole is a big part of why you win. They all have a reason for being there, and I even like Tanno Vik although we don't agree on much (except blowing things up, we both love that). 4X is hilarious and over-the-top. Yuan is strange, but effective. Elara heals like a pro. And then there's Jorgan. Plus they're easy as pie to gear. As a group, this one is the best, in my admittedly limited experience. I don't have all the companions on my other toons so it's harder to say. The worst companion of all companions that I've encountered so far is Skadge, without a doubt. I know there are a few people who love him, but for me, he's it. The best companion....hm....that one's a little harder. I mean I love Jorgan for his personality, voice, and his assault cannon but Blizz is so much fun and I just want to say "you're sooo cute" every time I have him out. I'm going to have to go with Jorgan because he's actually useful as well as scrumptious, and Blizz although I adore him is just not as helpful in a fight (even though he tries REALLY hard).
  4. I like this idea. Giving more uses/interaction to companions post-50 makes sense. As it is, they really just become a crew of crafters/gatherers post-50 rather than the useful, trusty companions that helped us while leveling (or drove us insane). Those 4 man-groups sound like they'd be fairly simle to implement too.
  5. Saying that content shouldn't be created because you don't have the time or inclination to partake of it is a bit selfish to be quite frank. By that argument, you shouldn't have raids of any size since there are people out there who are not inclined to raid. Silly, just silly. Varied content gives us choices in how we experience the game. You don't lose out just because there is content that takes more effort than you're willing to give. Nothing is being taken away from you if more is offered and you say "I'd rather not."
  6. My legacy story has my jedi knight being adopted as a baby by my trooper and Jorgan. Got me thinking of what Jorgan would think of his little girl getting involved with a guy like Doc....yeah, there would be threats of bodily damage and probably a few incidental damages. What kind of parents would these guys and girls make? Corso would make an awesome dad. I mean, classic carry-kids-on-shoulders dad. If Star Wars had baseball, he'd be the one in the backyard with the grill going, playing catch. Jorgan would be strict but the kids would know he loved them to death. Uber protective. The type that tells his boys to treat women well and teaches his daughters to defend themselves. And hugs them all way too tight when they're ready to leave home. I'm trying to picture Mako as a mom, but honestly, I think she needs a few years of maturity before she's ready for something like that. She'd be overwhelmed so fast.
  7. Yes!! Mwahah...er...there was no plot. I swear it, uh huh....
  8. Thank you for making me laugh hard enough to hurt my cheeks. I appreciate that, lol.
  9. That line had me laughing for a good couple minutes, he got so flustered!! Plus it's such a classic guy line lol.
  10. My guild and I inhabit one of the ghost-servers where people dare not tread (or at least they don't show up, ever). We're making plans to shift to another server when transfers come out, but it would be really helpful if we had some idea on when we'll get the list of servers that will be available for free transfers so we have enough time to scout them and decide where we want to be. ETA on the list of free transfer-to servers, please.
  11. I do not understand the "kill the murdering psychotic who is sure to kill a huge number of people in the future" as DS vs "let them go on their merry way" as LS. If there was a "lock them up forever" option I could see killing them as DS, but there's no way that letting murdering psychotics run rampant is in any way LS. And there are a lot of them - I've run across this particular choice on a number of different toons in different storylines. And yes, I understand the "killing is DS" argument, but it isn't applied across the board through the game so it's not a definitive reason for these types of choices. I've just come to the conclusion that as concerned about justice as my toons typically are, they're all probably going to have a few DS points on their record.
  12. Great lines in the bounty hunter story, truly great! And yes, the Alderaan storyline is awesome. It was great being able to knock arrogant lords on their a**. I wish there were repeatable daily quests there where you could come back: Pompous Lord: How dare you invade our halls! You are not worthy! BH: Idiot. *smack* On a bad day, man, that's therapy right there.
  13. I'm in the process of scouting new servers for my guild so we have some ideas of where to go when server transfers hit, so naturally I rolled a trooper to check out the potentials. I'd forgotten how GRUMPY Aric is at the beginning! So funny! So of course I'm taking any conversation choice that teases him, even if it hits me with a -1. He gives out too many +15s anyway. I'm half tempted to continue leveling this toon just to run through the relationship again...ok a little more than half tempted. Who am I kidding, it's going to happen. More Aric!!! Yay!!
  14. What would be really nice is if they were able to adjust respawn times based on how many players were in the area. Few players = longer respawn times.
  15. Lol! I love this!!! Just the ship droids fighting over SCORPIO would be enough, but the rest...good show, good show.
  16. The mobs in instanced areas don't respawn unless you've left the instance before its finished and come back. BUT there are certain instances where NEW mobs show up after you've achieved whatever you went in there for - that however is storyline, and I don't have a problem with that at all. However, I will add my vote to not having to fight the same mobs both in and out of a non-instanced spot. I really hate caves where I know it's not instanced and I'm on a kill-10-rats quest, and so I'm trying to work out about how many rats I need to kill before I turn around and go back since I'll have to rekill the rats that respawned. Although it does add a little drama to the whole thing since you're trying to speed through the cave as fast as possible on the off-chance you might get out before they pop back up.
  17. BH has to be Skadge. Gault is amusing and smart, even if he would steal everything he could get away with and probably sell it back to you. I could see BioWare making minor adjustments to the story going forward. For one, I think they're likely to write more exit lines into the relationship quests given the furor over being railroaded into relationships and sexual situations. I don't think they're going to completely rewrite a storyline though, largely because it looks like they have a fairly complex interweaving of storylines mapped out well beyond where we stand at the moment. I do think they could tweak a few things though, and I'd certainly like to see some more options in terms of replacing companions with new ones, new romance options, etc. I think we'll see that going forward, but I'll be curious to see if they seed in new options back through the already established stories.
  18. This is a person with very good taste
  19. To the OP, thanks very much for this statistical treasure trove. And I really appreciate the clarity on where the numbers have come from, the assumptions made, etc. And given the stats on my server (which strongly verified my general experience - I don't think it's ever been at Standard that I can recall), I think my guild is going to have to figure on packing our bags and heading for new places come early summer, probably one of those top 30 servers you have listed. At least we have the time to get organized and all our people heading in the same direction.
  20. Lol, but they make cool sounds! Honestly, I will say that my merc isn't as easy to play as she was when I started her months ago. The class got hit with the nerf bat. If you play mmo's long enough your class is going to nerfed, sometimes so bad that you want to damage things (but you can't cause your dps now sucks). I don't think mercs got hit THAT bad, but that's simply my opinion on that. When a class gets hit you can either reroll if you only ever want to play op classes, or you can learn how to work with the new changes. If you still like the feel of the class, the storyline, whatever, then sticking with it makes sense. That's entirely your deal - flavor of the month or evolve your playstyle. Just be aware that that new class you rerolled to because it's awesomesauce is likely going to see the nerf bat in the not too distant future, and if the nerfs were truly nasty it's likely that your old class will come up a few notches.
  21. Took me two tries. First one, focused one of them and burned him down and then died....er, rather looked like I was dead till I bounced back up and took out his buddy. Vanguard assault with Jorgan, so all dps. Saved my heroic moment for Rakton.
  22. Haha! Thank goodness someone understands my madness!! And in that vein...."You'll do fine. You've *bleeped* us this far."
  23. It's true, change is riskier than sticking to the tried and true, although I would argue that it is a losing strategy in systems where there is an enormous amount of change going on externally. However, I think that you're right on the money as far as why the Jedi Order doesn't like change and why they freak out over broken traditions - fear of the dark side. Fear....kinda ironic
  24. Jorgan - "Can you *bleep* me up?" Jorgan - "Need a *bleep*!" Lol, just can't let him go.
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