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Everything posted by iamthehoyden

  1. Lately - this chunk of gorgeousness Hugo - Bread and Butter
  2. I swear those two are related. Please please tell me they're long lost cousins or something. Doc has the better lines though.
  3. Completely agreed. The background is a-maze-ing. Remi and Scourge <3
  4. I'm betting Real Ale Devil's Backbone (because it's awesome and local).
  5. I'd love to see Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern universe mmo'd.
  6. Daaaaaaamn. So good. Mmmmm....this is just delicous. Awesome work!
  7. I saw this one on tumblr, but I had to comment because it's just lovely. Just adorable and so well done and lovely.
  8. DarthRobert, I have to apologize for it taking as long as it did to get these added. Thank you so much for your contributions!! Updates in for Vette, Broonmark, DS Jaesa, and Pierce.
  9. I have to say Khan and Hannibal Lector were especially good ones. It's hard to pin down a favorite favorite, but I adore complicated characters that could easily fall to hero or villain - the ones that live on the knife's edge of good and bad. Take (Fight Club spoilers) I think the thing that I love most about those characters is that they are living by their own code, and although it may drive them to villainious acts, there is often something to be respected about them. Honorable mentions in the villain category: Grand Admiral Thrawn, Bill (Kill Bill), Loki (The Avengers), The Goblin King.
  10. Thank you for these overviews! You do such a good job with them!
  11. Oh enlighten me, oh enlightened one. On second thought, I'm pretty happy with myself and the way I handle stuff like that. I think I'm good to go
  12. Kill it with fire? Or maybe we could just roast it like a marshmallow and makes smores...mmm smores.
  13. Perhaps I should have been clearer. Yes, I emotionally react to some statements. That doesn't mean that I need to sit and passively allow those words to control me. I can act and do something about it. In this particular situation, there is /ignore, there is alternate chat tabs, and there is the report function. If I determine that I've overreacted to something, I work on that on a personal level. What I won't do is become impassive. I won't wall myself off emotionally from whatever is going on around me. I won't pretend that words aren't important. If you feel that because you have a different approach, this makes you a better person, have at it.
  14. I do not allow other people to control how I feel - I take the steps needed to either stop the irritant or remove it from my environment. I also don't dictate what kind of emotional reaction other people should have to certain stimuli. Cause that would be silly.
  15. Legitimately new content here. Looking forward to it!
  16. Words have meaning. When that meaning is vile or hateful then yes, they irritate and bother me. I'd argue that maturity is deciding how to deal with such situations in a rational manner by deciding whether to report the incident to someone with some authority if it's something that is not permitted, block it from my environment (which is what I generally do), or put up with it. (Edit: Or confront the person, which I only do if there's a shred of evidence the person can be reasoned with - yeah that doesn't happen often.) I've seen some people just say 'ignore it.' I don't know if it's a condition or what, but I read everything in my vicinity. If there are words in a language I can comprehend in my sight, they get read automatically. (This is generally pretty helpful as I tend to read things like directions and warning labels that a lot of people skip over.) Straight out ignoring does not work for me, so I resort to other methods such as /ignore or building seperate chat tabs. Edit: And silly is fine, in my book. It's just that people find different things funny. Some stuff that I find funny others would find off-color and rude, and there are things I find vile that others find hilarious. Humor is entirely subjective, which is why I end up not reporting a lot of stuff that is intended to be 'funny' even if I find it intolerable for myself.
  17. Just wanted to chime in with a thank you for this explanation (the whole piece was really interesting but I didn't want to quote a monster chunk of text). It cleared up some stuff I thought might be the case but wasn't sure of on the other side of development.
  18. Well my smuggler's still a baby, but I've heard Corso has the tools...and possibly the talent. Maybe. I could be wrong
  19. I've leveled 2 characters in each of these classes, and I like both of them. I thought the JC storyline got better as it went on, especially through chapters 2 and 3, while the bounty hunter story line was better in chapter 1. They're very different, though. BH is about using your skills to hunt down people (natural enough) while the JC is about building coalitions and stopping insidious dark side influence. If you're a fan of Skadge, however, I'd go with BH, simply because there's no character remotely like that on the JC side of things (or anywhere else for that matter). I personally despise him, but if you're a fan, I'd say go with BH.
  20. I mostly use classics for filling in gaps in gear, picking up classic shells I happen to like (not many there), gearing companions, and making credits. Mostly I make credits - buy gear, wait for timer, sell gear, profit.
  21. It might have been an oversight, but, in my opinion, if a group has something in mind for loot other than 'need for current spec upgrades' then it should be made clear prior to the first pull. If you don't like it, you can leave, but all cards should be on the table. That's on the master looter to be responsible and forthcoming.
  22. I like that reminder, by the way. I'd like to see more story content in the form of: expanded companion interaction - more companion conversations, fully fleshed-out companion missions where our character assists the companion in their task, more companions, etc. continuation of the class stories - not some smooshed faction questline with minor personalization, real continuation of our class stories a class-related daily system that is added to over time - essential points: class-specific and tied to what your character did in their story;you have one mission a day; a set of daily missions; they rotate on a random basis; a new daily added to a random mix at regular intervals over time (for example, your Jedi Sage picks up his/her class daily on their ship and is sent on a diplomatic mission to Corellia, the next day he/she is tasked with rescuing a group of refugees, and so forth). There are a lot of minor things I'd like to see changed (character customization kiosk for credits, for example) but overall I like the improvements they've made lately. I'd like to see more story.
  23. Um...that's exactly what it was. There's obviously a lot of argument over whether this was something of importance -people have different opinions - but by their own admission they were trying to find out if they could put story content on the CM.
  24. You can stop now, you only make yourself look foolish. It's a legitimate complaint and something that can and should be improved. I know more than a few people who this happened to. While it may be unimportant for those who don't enjoy the stories, for those who do it's extremely disappointing to have their story spoiled.
  25. I'm pretty sure this is related to that Cathar fur color bug. I really hope it is. I wouldn't say no to removal of the body suit he's got going on under his clothes though. Bizarre that Cathar players don't have such issues but he does.
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