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Everything posted by Kyanzes

  1. I don't wish to play WZs I hate. Even when backfilled. I will not stay in any Hutt Ball games and I don'T wish to be forced to play it. Also, yes, occasionally I quit WZs. I quit when I see major incompetence. That's not to say I can't screw up, of course I can, but there's a limit to screw-ups. E.g., insta door pop in Voidstar after like 15 seconds into the round. Or losing south in the coastal game with 5 friendlies fighting 10 metres from the controls. Or being ninjad twice in a row in other control WZs.
  2. Thanks guys! So, basically, 150 expertise difference is not significant then.
  3. So, I have been looking for more in-depth info on expertise but all I can find are either outdated or too obscure for me. So, what happens when Player1 has 1200 expertise and Player2 has (say) 1350 expertise? Is it as if Player 2 has 150 expertise and Player1 has none? I simply can't find out whether the difference between 1200 expertise and 1350 expertise is significant or nearly meaningless. I can see on an old graph that the difference is numerically small, some 22.8% vs 23.5% or something like that for damage boost but are there other "hidden" factors that one should be aware of? Any info on this or a link to a good general (and up to date) info on expertise would be nice.
  4. So, I just wanted to propose that, for convenience and to make it more pronounced, stun bubbles should be renamed to "WIN BUTTON". An alternative could be "FKING WIN BUTTON" or perhaps "SPAM-THAT-CRAP-AND-WIN BUTTON" I'm not sure which one would be the better.
  5. /signed for hurried action I just leave the WZ when I see it exploited (put on the whole enemy group to no end).
  6. No, I want to be able to leave WZs I don't like. E.g., Hutt Ball. You could say that one could be free from the debuff if leaving before the match begins but what about when you get drawn into a Hutt Ball that is on-going? I want to be able to leave cause I don't like Hutt Ball. Not one bit. Surely I shouldn't be punished for leaving a WZ that I don't play? Also, isn't the team better off when someone who hates the match (or any WZ) leaves? You have a chance that someone else comes who wants to achieve. If you have the debuff then people who hate the WZ (for whatever reason, be it general hate for the WZ or simply for the current state of the game) will stay but put no effort into winning? It's always better if someone else comes who actually wants to win. One thing is sure: the one leaving (or wanting to leave) surely won't contribute any longer whether there's a debuff or not.
  7. It happens because (on Red Eclipse at least) imp healers are few in number. In most matches you see no imp healer while on Republic side you can often see 2-3 healers. Just played a game that had 4 healers on Republic side.
  8. I can't wait to be able to skip Hutt Ball and queue exclusively for Voidstar and Alderaan.
  9. That the medals are entirely wasted, not even otherwise meaningless valor gained. What's wrong with giving valor for the medals if you can't have anything meaningful. What's wrong with that?
  10. Okay, they want to limit XP sub-50 so people have a harder time leveling up their chars. Fine. But why limit L50 to receive bonuses from 8 medals only? Every match I have a lot of lost medals. They are basically meaningless. You get no valor or comms for them. Fine, they want to limit comms so you have a harder time getting gear (even though people with high number of medals should deserve to get geared faster) but why limit valor? There's no advantage to having high valor anyway other than bragging rights?
  11. Yes, it happens relatively often. Either the timer is wrong or something in the evaluation is wrong. E.g., an attacker group was able to get into the last room (just as in your example) but time ran out for them. This should have meant max time for us since they used up all their time. Then we went in, got into the second room and it was over with several minutes left on the timer. Another bug: We obivously won, even got 2 wins on my daily counter yet the scoreboard displayed defeat. How lame.
  12. MVP helps a lot. When you get naught MVP for working your *** off defending a node/planting *ALL* bombs or warning peeps constantly of incoming attack you finally know it's best to be left to others and go and and smash/heal instead. As you, my group-aiding friend, are ignored.
  13. I play on the Red Eclipse in the L50 bracket. In my experience people often give up a few mins before the inevitable end. They just gather at a node, sit down and wait. E.g., in the turret defense game (civil war I think) at a standing of, say, 300/100 most people will not fight anymore. Which is strange. In my opinion one should fight to the bitter end. Even when everything is lost one should not give up. I don't see this happening in Voidstar or Hutt Ball but it does happen in the coastal defense game and in civil war. Happens sometimes in Hypergates. I guess the level design of Voidstar and Hutt Ball doesn't leave much chance for one to just sit down and wait. Since there are no walls between you and the enemy you'll get attacked if you do nothing. In civil war and novarre there's a chance the enemy will not come to you since there's a notion that you are far or separated by walls.
  14. I also hate Hutt Ball. Wish I could play Voidstar and the turret defense one only. Guess I can tolerate the coastal gun capture one as well. But hypergates and hutt ball I wish could be avoidable.
  15. What I mean is that people could still choose options but they could not SPACEBAR the scenes.
  16. It should depend on the type of attack. AFAIK any "melee weapon damage" attacks (indicated in the ability's tooltip) should be governed by the melee attack accuracy. As for assassins: I'd wager that only the basic saber swing would be basic attack and all other weapon attack moves should fall under special attack. E.g., assassinate should fall under melee special attack as it's not a force attack and it does "weapon damage". For assassins that should be energy damage (or kinetic if you are using a double bladed vibrosword). Obviously, force attacks are governed by force accuracy. I'm not sure if I'm right but I think force/tech attacks cannot be defended (parried/dodged/avoided). Can they? Although they can be mitigated (shield/absorption). This would also mean that force accuracy is meaningless as force attacks cannot miss.
  17. They could just add a checkbox to GF "movies may be skipped". When you enter an FP and it's set to disabled then people in the group would have no control over the movies. It would already help a lot. Obviously, only people with the same setting would be paired. If you get no pops, you could still opt to enable movie skipping anyway. As for bosses: up to the developers. They could make them unskippable.
  18. While I realize that some people are simply overly polite, I'd imagine that male characters thanking you for coming to their aid in PVP at a node are mostly female players. "Thanks for coming." Who would say that in a situation like that, seriously?
  19. "Why aren't Russians play on the Asian servers instead?" I mean while Russia truly reaches deeply into Asia, fairly large parts of it are in Europe and even Moscow is in Europe, along with several major cities. I mean come on.
  20. Some people (perhaps not you) confuse accuracy on standard attacks and special attacks. When your displayed accuracy hits about 99% your actual special-attack accuracy is already about 108% (only revealed when you hover over the accuracy stat and look at the tooltip). That is the accuracy that's important to you. That's what should be around 108% (some say 110% can't hurt). I found it fairly easy to reach 110% accuracy (on special attacks) on my assassin. Actually, I was able to drop two accuracy mods and swap them for power.
  21. If you don't have a stun bubble assembly line operator in your team then you are toast.
  22. No, it's being in the vicinity of 3 people that sucks. And then they pop the bubbles again, and some more. "Hey, could you get over here, there are too many bubbles there, would you? I can't hit you where you are." It's not enough that we have fortress healers they also make the whole group a stun machine every 20 seconds. Overlapping, of course, making it even worse.
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