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Everything posted by Rutrict

  1. Yea I saw that but could he post say 5 lines before an after that one also?
  2. If you're talking about Flame killing ppl when jumping back, he does an AoE move. Idk if that's what you're talking about. Otherwise he has no real big attacks that can 1 shot someone. Best if you could Fraps it. Post your combat log maybe.
  3. This is EASILY taken care of. Here's what my guild does and we 1 shot this every time on HM. 2 tanks, 1 on Fire and one on Storm. You never have to do a tank swap. Ever. Simply have someone other than the tank on Flame with a taunt use their taunt when Storm does his first Double Destrutction. Simplified: Tank on Flame tanks it with his back to the door. Tank on Storm tanks with his back to the wall. When Storm uses Double Destruction for the first time. DPS on Storm calls it out over Mumble / Vent. When this happens, DPS with Taunt capabilities taunts and takes the Incinerate Armor debuff. Tank on Flame immiedetly taunts after Incinerate Armor is cast on DPS. Rinse and repeat. VERY simple.
  4. I find this as a tank one of the best fights in the new content. Guild I am in has downed this every week on Hard mode since 1.2 released. We've had no bugs, if you're failing it's a L2P issue. Don't mean to sound cocky or arrogant, but really this fight isn't bugged. It took us 3 nights of 6 hours attempts to learn this fight, now we go in and 1 shot this, tanks and minesweeper boss every Tuesday night. Video of us downing it:
  5. Assassins of Sion server, Imperial Side, Lament Configuration guild - Downed it last week and now this week no one can click on it. The object isn't solid either. We even had people who weren't there for the kill try to click the object, no such luck. Apologize to everyone on Assassins of Sion server, looks like until BioWare addresses real problems no one else will be able to kill or attempt Nightmare Pilgrim.
  6. And I am being the negative one? Instead of making both the players who like and dislike these items happy ...you'd instead have them removed VS having the ability to select a box that prevents them from affecting you? Oh I get it, you want the game to cater to you and only you. Gotcha.
  7. Yea, it's here: http://memoriesofxendor.com/parser/desktop/ You'll need to locate your "Combat Logs" folder. A lot of people have tried the "Logs" folder in their SWTOR files under Program Folders. This would be the wrong spot to link it to, you want to go under My Documents > SWtOR > Combat Logs. Just a heads up.
  8. You sir are wrong and misinformed in so many ways that I can't give you a response worthy of justification.
  9. This man seriously needs to be taken care of by Customer support. This is a PR issue and this is something I agree on a add-on being use-able for. I'm sorry that BioWare treated you this way. As for the DPS meter, get Mox Raid parser. It works great.
  10. Party Bomb makes no sounds, and you can run or mount or simply do nothing and it doesn't prevent you from doing ANYTHING. I don't see why people find it annoying...
  11. I currently have 38 mounts, and 4 sitting in my storage, not to mention Achievement mounts. I was told there is a bug that prevents me from learning new mounts. When can I learn more mounts?
  12. Mox Raid is a dps / heal / damage taken / healing received meter. It's not a mod or bot. This is as FAR as I am willing to let SWtOR go in the mod / add-ons before I unsubscribe. The only reason I use this is so the rest of the guild I run with knows I am pulling my weight. I could find another guild that doesn't use this mod / add-on.. but than I wouldn't be in the top guild on the server I play on. http://www.swtor.raidranks.com/#!
  13. Than remove it from just RP servers.... The dumb CS replies are all in RP form.. I am on a PvE server, I want a person to talk to me like a real person, not RP as a droid. You don't see me asking BioWare to Ban CS droids because they're RPing on a non-RP server? People are so self centered.
  14. No it's BioWares "avatar". Nothing about it is yours. They own everything about it. Also, not all of us who had a Party Bomb spammed it.... I only used it after downing HM boss @ end of raids. And if someone in my guild disliked it, they'd of vocalized it on Mumble. People would change into outfits and have fun with it because they were proud of beating a hard boss and enjoy my Party Bomb. I'm sorry if you think this game was made soley for you, wake up call, it wasn't.
  15. This dropped for me in Hard Mode from the first boss. The droid boss.
  16. That's not really the point..... you've missed it completely.
  17. Yes, because it stopped you from going into your bank, or doing anything. You're posting on forums is detrimental to my gameplay, I want the Devs to ban you. See how that works? Instead I can just ignore you and we both continue to play. The same feature could be implemented in the game so both of us are happy. Instead you want the game to adhere to just YOU.
  18. You could have programmed in a button under Social that would make your character immune to the effects. I went to a Video Game Design school, this isn't something astronomical in terms of doing. You response is appreciated.
  19. They won't fix anything, just mess up more crap.
  20. This happened to me also.... I wrote them an angry ticket and still no response.
  21. I really hope this will work, I sent it to all my friends who play SWtOR. They loved it, and they actually worked to get Social V just to be able to get it....
  22. I've killed all 3 of the bosses twice now.
  23. I'd just like a Admin to actually comment on this. They're throwing a blind eye at us.
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