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Everything posted by Endusima

  1. As it stands right now for Operative healers: The main hot Kolto Probe requires two GCD:s to apply the full effect and heals for a underwhelming amount, both total and per second if you look at what you must invest (2GCDS and 30 energy). Typically you use it to keep random raidmembers topped off (those that takes damage on occasion and where damage is far inbetween). On most occasions you do not have enough energy to keep Kolto Probe up and rolling on random targets "just in case" they take damage. As for Recuperative Nanotech it is too expensive and too weak for me to use within regular intervals, it is still worth using if several damaged players are bunched up but in those situations I don't see RN as an asset or a valuable tool, it's just that I don't have any other efficient response. When I have spare energy I spread Kolto Probes on the raid, not so much for healing as it is to increase the chance of me proccing a Tactical Advantage. KP ticks are too weak and ticks too slow for it to be of any noticeable effect on the tank (You still do it because, well you got no other choice).
  2. I had a good laugh from the Jedi Knight PvP set. *** is that helm? In the end it will hardly matter since everyone will run orange gear with augment slots.
  3. Let's assume that you already prepaid for 6 months and then unsub. You can still play the game and access forums until the 6 month period expires even if you unsub. Fail more plx.
  4. I have a theory that OP is worse at playing the game then the IA:s he fights.
  5. I think I speak for almost the entire healing community when I say that the nerfs to Merc/Com healing came from NOWHERE. Like everyone else I think it would be very interesting to hear about the motives behind this heavy nerf.
  6. I want the PvP head for IA:s to not look like a cooking pot with some tubes on it. Hide helm stays on /sigh
  7. Reality check here, if you use a resource neutral rotation in PvP you suck.
  8. The incredible thing is that every single healer agrees. Sorcs, Ops, Mercs, we all *********** agreed that Sorcs were over the top and that Ops and Mercs needed buffs. Our concerns are legitimate, this aint no pie-throwing contest like they got on the PvP-forum where everyone and their mother claims that their class is broken and everyone else is OP, all of us are shocked by this. We can prove, both through brute math/data and through the collective experience and knowledge of what practically constitutes the ENTIRE healing community that the things they did to Mercs are NOT the right things. I don't expect them to give us everything we want, I don't even expect them to give us anything we want. I did however expect them to not do the EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE WANTED. *********** hell man, I don't even play a merc or PvE either for that part but this **** is just breaking my balls.
  9. IF the patch notes goes live, PvE-wise: Sage/Sorc will still be the dominant healer - by far Scoundrel/Operative will be better but they are still dwarfed by Sage/Sorc,. Merc/Com changes are just a big *********** joke. I'd like to see their test numbers that made them justfy these changes.
  10. This is so *********** not important that it aint even funny
  11. As far as I know Infiltrator does not stack with sprint, hence it does not affect your out of combat movement. It should however apply when in combat which makes it very useful even while outside stealth.
  12. No, I get the +4% Endurance instead. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401rcfMzhRRdsZbIb.1 Is the build I used when making the movie.
  13. To clarify, yes I spec 2/3 in increased Endurance. As for 31/3/7 it is a solid build but I prefer to ignore the alacrity and go for improved Shiv dmg instead. The benefit of going 31/10/0 is the Infiltrator talent, the movement speed helps alot.
  14. I'm not sure what you mean here, I run a 31/10/0 spec. That means 31 Medicine, 10 Concealment, 0 Lethality. 31/3/7 is also very viable, the two specs are on par and is a matter of taste.
  15. Pretty much what he said. Also remember that if you get focused by 2-3 ppl and manage to hold out you probably draw away as much damage from your team as you would have mitigated by healing uncontested.
  16. As I previously posted I do believe that Operatives are very powerful healers in PvP regardless of the many issues that we have. This is my second healing PvP movie and it shows how dangerous they are even as full 31-point healers aswell as giving a few tips on survivability.
  17. As I previously posted I do believe that Operatives are very powerful healers in PvP regardless of the many issues that we have. This is my second healing PvP movie and it shows how dangerous they are even as full 31-point healers aswell as giving a few tips on survivability.
  18. Who the **** gives a **** about *********** legacy if you do *********** pvp? It adds NOTHING to the pvp.
  19. The THING is boy, the "hardcore pvpers" already sit at maxed bm gear. How come you aint got that? To busy lfg BT HM? Use the same argument for your precious PvE boy. "u should never be forced to grind some silly gear to be competitive, u should be able to jump up to "endgame pve" fights from first day if u have a team" -you
  20. Nerf smash, buff something else.
  21. Everyone has the possibility to get the best gear, if you meet someone with better gear it is because he spent more effort getting it then you. The difference between champ and bm is very small, a full champ geared has every chance to beat a full bm. If everything should be equal in PvP then why not the same in PvE? That would be the most fair. Why not remove gear entirely and tweak encounters for naked characters instead? That would be super equal and so fair for everyone your SKILLZ would be the only factor and it would be so *********** fun playing the game at all right?
  22. The difference between champ and bm gear is like 5-6% so I don't understand what the qq is all about.
  23. I don't suppose anything about Operative healing (or healing state overall) was mentioned at the guild summit? I just watched the part were some fat chick asked the devs why the same piece of armor sometimes had a different color gradient when worn by different classes..
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