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Everything posted by NasherUK

  1. Windows is windows no matter what type of PC you install it on. Macs are basically re-branded generic PC hardware with a different BIOS and logo, so there isn't a lot of difference. Running any OS as a virtual machine is different though. So programs are not guaranteed to work or run properly.
  2. GW2 has nice graphics and all that, but it's not really anything revolutionary and it doesn't have a lot of staying power. It's a phase that will pass just like the first one.
  3. Yea but even with the best gear in the game, which many people do have now EC is still going to be very hard if you can't figure out mechanics and tactics. It will make it slightly easier to heal and DPS, but that's it really. It's not like tier 1 ops where you can make loads of mistakes and get away with it.
  4. If you want everything to be easy then you need to go back to wow, or stop doing hard modes because they are not for you. Lost Island is between the first 2 ops and Denova, which is columi and up. Not people who just hit 50. It is even labled as tier 2 and has it's own queue.. Though, with a group that actually has some skill you can do it in tionese.
  5. They use it a LOT in Red Dead Redemption to lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdENXifMyYM
  6. I think if they get F2P right, it will save the game. Like it did for LOTRO. No new MMOs are using subscriptions, they need to keep up with the times. People want to be able to hop in and out as they like and spend as much as they want. As we have seen from other new MMOs, F2P scores more customers. The mistake was launching the game with an outdated payment model.
  7. I think people are forgetting that ALL of the competition (appart from wow, which is also in decline) are now "free-to-play". People are not going to pay a sub when they can play something similar for "free".
  8. Do you know why MMOs do maintenance? Because if they leave the servers on for weeks on end they start to screw up. If they are not having to do maintenance then it's a good thing.
  9. I think if I didn't have a good guild who actively do Ops etc I would have gone by now. But after playing the Planetside 2 beta. Then coming back to classic MMOs like TOR (and even GW2), you realize how far behind things are compared to what is possible with modern hardware.
  10. BW is doing a good job with patching tbh. They are still bug fixing regularly and releasing new content plus mini events. How long did people have to wait between wow patches? About 6 months? and even then their new content since about 2009 has been poor.
  11. This smells a lot like pay to win. In which case, the game will be dead by this time next year. EA will never learn.
  12. Now that they lost most of their developers, funding cut and working on going F2P.... No chance. Especially as apple will **** them for royalties just to release it on osx.
  13. But you can't have human sounding voice overs with any of those. That's the reason it's cathar.
  14. I don't know why people are still developing in 64bit, no one uses it any more. 32bit only hardware hasn't even been sold for about the past 6 years. The last mainstream 32bit OS was XP, but even microsoft have stopped support for it now.
  15. If they do something like SOE is with planetside 2, or Hi-Rez with Tribes:Ascend where you don't really need to spend anything if you don't want (only for things like skins and exp boosters etc) then it will work well. They are still profiting from people who don't spend anything due to them just being in the game and buffing up the population. From looking at BW's planned F2P scheme it isn't really F2P though, you have to pay a sub if you actually want to do anything at end-game. But...we all know how greedy the big publishers like EA and Activision are. So I'm betting it will degrade in to pay-to-win and they will wonder why everyone flocks away from the game, obviously not blaming themselves.
  16. What they meant to say, was they already balanced the class on the assumption that this skill was working, when it wasn't and that fixing it would make the class overpowered (more than it already is...) It was the logical thing to do. Fixing it would mean wasting time nerfing other abilities to compensate.
  17. It isn't really a free to play system though. You can play to level 50 for free, but if you actually want to progress at end game (like do ops) you have to pay the subscription... This is more like just an extension of the free trial. If you look at the free feature list you basically get nothing except the single-player story and flashpoints.
  18. Not true. Making a pay-to-win game makes LESS money, because people don't want to play it. They know this (I hope). Look at games like Tribes:Ascend which has a great F2P model without being P2W. I think the main problem is, SWTOR was launched with an out-dated subscription model. Pretty much all MMORPGs coming out now are using some kind of F2P or "VIP" scheme where you can pay monthly for everything, or pay just for content you want. Or only for cosmetic stuff, like skins.
  19. This will work well, as long as things are not overpriced and keeping a sub really does give you access to EVERYTHING. Most upcoming MMOs are F2P, so I don't know exactly where you quitters are going to go Hopefully if you just continue with the sub plan, you won't notice any chance appart from a lot more players...
  20. That would be a bad move I think. It would scare a lot of people away :/
  21. There was really no other option. With just about every other new MMO being F2P (including big budget games like planetside 2, which is amazing btw) they need to do it to keep up with the competition. The only other MMO forcing subscriptions is WOW and they are also loosing players by the truck load. I think they have made a good choice keeping the subscription plan though. Which gives you access to everything.
  22. EA almost always mess up the big projects, they have been for the last 10+ years and don't seem to ever learn anything from it.... But less people are willing to pay EA prices these days, which is why indie developers are doing so well.
  23. Having republic on DK makes no sence, it's the sith homeworld. They should focus more on Nar Shadaa as a cross faction planet.
  24. Tionese gear (or even lower) is enough to tank all the HMs appart from lost island. I had no problems on my assassin tank. You must be doing something wrong, or not using CC for harder pulls.
  25. Your SWTOR account IS your origin account. Most people just haven't noticed. ...Because no one uses origin, because it's rubbish and if you want downloaded games you use steam.
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