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Everything posted by NomadFifteen

  1. As to the level break, I am level 68 and saw the 8 companion bump. I was logging out, wanted to get to 70 but RL came up. So it looks like the break is 66, 67, or 68. My money would be 67 or 68 to prevent someone leveling all their crafting alts one level for the bonus, as 2-3 levels is at least sometime commitment.
  2. Hover over the dark/light icon on the mission and it will tell you the dark/light side points on the mission. Some missions give both light and dark points, which does mess with the max level. I am now checking before running missions, as reattaching 'the Loathsome' after every run was getting....loathsome.
  3. Seventeen toons, 7 max level, 4-6 in the 50+ range. Have just over 175 million across all toons, most on my main two crafters. I don't PVP so no income from that. Don't do ops or belong to a guild, so no expenses there. Have only 4 strongholds, and those are not maxed out, just enough done for a nice boost if I decide to do Conquest that week. No items that I must have on the GTN. some I would like but won't spend outrageous amounts on any item. I craft a lot of niche items, and they sell like mad - volume over high prices. I do not spend real money on CM boxes, I use the monthly for unlocks on items I have or items on sale to resell at a later date. Only do the heroics every other week or so, mainly for the companion gifts to bump another companion or two up for bonuses on crafting. I know I should spend some of that, but there just is nothing in the game that is a must have yet.
  4. I fully expect something along the lines of: "We are proud to announce we are only 6 weeks away from the announcement concerning the upcoming expansion. Keep checking the forum for Eric's upcoming announcement that he will be announcing the date of the announcement." If you are expecting more than this,....
  5. On Shadowlands also, started the game first week it came out. There were about 8 of us that played at that time, we never formed a guild, just played in groups whenever we could. They have all left the game. I tried a guild about 3 years ago, and the officers ran the guild like everyone owed them something for being invited into the guild. Needless to say, after two days in the guild (never being invited to run a FP, and the guild leader asking me to donate a million to pay for officer repair bills) I /guildquit. Since then ran solo. Not anti-guild at all, I have been a member and officer in guilds on other MMOs. Its just that after playing for so many years in MMOs, I now feel that solo is the way to play to avoid drama and trolls. I tried to do standard mode FPs, and getting kicked for not having raid level gear (in a SM FP), or playing a healer and having the 2 DPS whine that I can't keep them alive along with the tank when they pull agro or pull a second group, well I just reached my limit. I occasionally group for event areas (4 man during Rak) or the H2s. Now if I want to do the DvL, I am going to have to step up and run the non-solo FPs in tactical, hoping that I get a group that is ok with the occasional question on the bosses. I will be checking out some of the videos online to try an learn some of the boss tactics, but I fully expect to be kicked from several when they find out I have not run the FP yet. I purposefully do not do HM or pickup OPs, I see those as something a guild will walk its members through, and as non-guilded I have no problem with this. If I do not run something due to my choice, I do not deserve the rewards someone who has run it has earned. Guilds have their place, and games need to make guilds attractive to join. The guild benefits in a game like EQ2 where astounding, and this game needs to show guilds some attention. I know that in an MMO you should be interacting with other players, and a guild is one of the best places for that. It is just that SWTOR has not paid this aspect enough attention. I recommend everyone at least try a guild once to see if they find one they like. There are some good ones out there (from what I read here), and I am sure at some point, in this game or another, I will join a guild again. For those TL; DNR - try a guild, you may like it. If not, enjoy the game your way, so long as that does not interfere with someone else's enjoyment of the game.
  6. Sorry, I have to do it. Every rose, Has its forum. [Ducks the Milky Way.]
  7. Targeted promotion was up on my launcher for about 2 weeks. I have had a monthly sub since launch, so was subscribed on the date shown. I made a ticket yesterday but have not logged into game yet today to check its status. Looking over the thread, appears I need to add my name to the list. Did check my balance, no bonus coins. Would appreciate the coins promised for being a subscriber on the shown in the promotion. scriber.
  8. Well, now we know. Our monthly fee isn't going to new content it is going to the drugs they took to design this event and the booze they are toasting with over the anger of the player base.. They have no respect the long time players, and this more than proves it. From the inane (start and level 8 new characters, no matter how many times you have done this already) to forcing PvP on the PVE crowd,, forcing FPs & Ops on the solo player, and then having PvP do the entire story in PvE and do FPs and Ops is just the icing on the cake. This went from an event many were looking forward to the latest joke on the players. If they are proud of this event they are fooling themselves. They should be ashamed that this is how they are treating those who have supported the game.
  9. No guild here. Started the game at launch with some friends. We never formed a guild or joined one, we just grouped up as needed when we were on. Due to RL all have left, and I am the only one left playing full time on Shadowlands. After they left, I tried to doing FPs to try and meet new folks, and ran into to many people that made it a pain to run them or get to know the good ones. I purposely avoided HM or anything that required a certain gear set so as not to hit 'that crowd', but they were also in SM FPs. I decided to try a guild so that I could run FPs, but my first and only one ended up bad . I left it after four days. I am not against guilds. When I played EQ2 I was in a great guild and we did a lot . Guilds there had a lot of perks, something that I feel is lacking in this game. When I want to group up I run a tactical, but I play 99% solo. Not antisocial, I will chime in on fleet speak or world chats, and offer help when I know the answer. Why play a MMO if I do it mostly solo? I enjoy the SW universe. Game has its faults, but I enjoy playing. Just have run into to many people that has made the game more enjoyable solo then with a guild. Will I ever join a guild? Probably not due tot he comments above: Large guilds do not offer the family atmosphere I enjoyed with my friends, and the smaller guilds are established and happy with their current members and do not (usually) actively search out new members. At my age (45) no need to get riled up trying to meet people in the game, would rather play it and have a good time for a few hours. Rambling over. You may now resume your reading of the topic.
  10. Here is hoping the Queen is enjoying Moose-track or Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream. Now in regards to getting subscriber rewards while not being a subscriber.... Do I expect to win the lottery without buying a ticket? No. If I show up a half hour late to a movie, do I expect them to start it over? No. If I do not do Ops, do I expect Ops level gear? No. If I do not subscribe, do I expect subscriber rewards? No. To use the tag line from the game....Choices matter. You chose not to subscribe, and you got what happens with that choice. No subscriber rewards.
  11. I have been playing since launch. At that time there were 7 of us that were playing, We never formed a guild, we just grouped up whenever we were on together. Due to RL, some not liking the direction the game was going, or just getting tired of the game they left. I did the group finder thing, and answering tells for groups, but ran into the players who were more of a pain to play with than it was worth doing the FP with. So I decided to try a guild and do FPs with them (did not expect to do Ops straight off). and answered one of the guild spams. That was mistake. When I joined, noticed that there were only about 18 in the guild. Guild leader had his core friends and people he grouped with. Flash point runs were by invite only, and only the GL and his friends were running them. If they tried to set up a run and only had three, would not invite anyone else in the guild to join it, they would rather run three or wait for a core member to log on. They also expected everyone not part of the core group to 'donate' cash for repairs, stims, and other goodies to the bank (which only they could access). After four days dropped the guild and never looked back. Never run an OP other than Eyeless or a world boss. Done more FPs solo than with a group. Got so annoyed by the blind invites to join a guild turned on auto-reject. Not saying all guilds are bad (was in a great one on EQ2), just saying that my experiences in this game have made a guild a no go rather than a need. Not against grouping, and have done so for H2s, In EQ2 guilds had a ton of perks that made being a member a bonus, but there is really nothing a guild in this game offers that is a necessity or perk that I need. Maybe if guilds some love from the developers this would change, but as a solo player there is nothing about a guild that makes it a necessity.
  12. While the episodes were not bad, the fact that the reply value is so poor really cut back on the enjoyment. Between an expansion that was mostly cut scenes, gating subscriber rewards gated behind having to do the content, and pushing old content as new (looking at you H2), I (personally) do not feel like this was a positive step forward in the game. I have only taken two toons through the expansion, and really do not intend on taking more than maybe one more through it. I am hoping that they do not gate the next expansion behind having completed this one. Maybe if they did it as a world/system where each chapter opened an area that became a daily/weekly after it was completed, or added new zones to the world as updates it would feel more complete. We have been given one shot content we cannot go back to (like we got in RotHC, Revan, etc) and that feels (again, imho) like content wasted. Having only two toons that can go back to the only open zones (swamp and subway), and that is only to gather, no quests at all, just doesn't feel like it is worth pushing more toons through the same cut and dry content.
  13. A lot of us noticed this with the 4.1 patch. The tickets sent in (and if read by a real person and not the bot program) acknowledged they deleted a lot of HK customizations and weapons and replaced them with the default gear. It is an issue 'They acknowledge occurred with a game update' and 'will be rectified in a future update.' In other words, no one realized releasing HK-55 would mess up some current HK-51 customizations, they have no idea where the data went that lists who had what (otherwise CS could mail it back to us), and they are going to try and buy time until we give up and just rebuy the customizations ourselves.
  14. Adding for the bump. Missing all equipped customizations on all HK-51 droids, along with all equipped weapons. All back at base appearance and weapon. I will double check my storage and see if any are missing out of there. Server is Shadowlands. I checked my Treek's and all have their equipped customizations and weapons.
  15. Been playing since launch. Been a full time subscriber since launch. Never raided. Never ran a hard mode flash point. (Exception - HK51, but that was a speed run to get the part.) Never did PvP. Was in a guild with friends. They left the game, tried a new guild, drama and guild-leader actions made me drop and never try another. Down to playing 3-4 days a week. Have 14 toons, only 1 at 60, several 55+. When on, level an alt or run dailies for cash. Not rich (only about 40 million between toons). 3 Strongholds, none totally unlocked or decorated. Toons have the equipment they need to get the job done, and I do occasionally pick up gear on the GTN that appeals to me, but I do not need to have the latest and greatest item or the FOM item. I craft for cash and to equip alts and followers. I work 40-60 hours a week, so I do have free time, but do not want the game to become a second job. I have ran into many people who look down on those who don't raid, PvP, or have the best gear available. I enjoy running out into the digital world and working off the day's frustrations by relaxing and playing the game as I want to. I would rather play alone and enjoy the time than deal with the drama of PvP or a guild. Been in guilds before on other games, just have not found any that fit me in this game. Not anti-guild, just anti-drama and anti-game-as-second-job.
  16. Every dual wielder I have uses 2 different weapons, each with a different color crystal. Merc has the mis-match guns to 'match' his mis-matched armor. Gunslinger uses the first two guns he got that were orange. Gives him that 'I'm good with any gun' feel. My Mara uses the Czerka Rep Vibrosword in main hand, blue-black lightsaber in off hand. I like to think his enemies don't know which to worry more about - the whirring of the vibrosword or hum of the lightsaber. Then again, may just be the goofy side coming out.
  17. " But with the success of the Shadow of Revan expansion..." If this is new standard for success, we are in for a bumpy ride.
  18. I think I know the issue on this. I do not run a Sent, but I do have a Marauder. Just logged in and checked, and he can use vibroswords, but not techblades. As the Sent and Mara are mirrors, I am assuming the same use restriction applies. As I can not think of a class or companion that uses two blades, that would mean only a main-hand schematic would be in use.
  19. 'Working as intended' has come to mean 'We royally screwed up, won't admit it now, and will fire the nerf nuke shortly.' Training costs after 3.0 launch: Working as intended during 'pre-order beta'. Removed from the game a few days later before standard launch. Slot machine: Working as intended, but the payout on JJ is too high. We will announce a tweak to its payout, then change the entire odds table without warning. Working as intended. Never trust them when this phrase is uttered. Chaos and pain will soon follow. {Ask them about the state of the game after 3.0. Is it working as intended?)
  20. It is a 3.0 issue unless you send in a ticket. Then you are told it is an ISP/old computer/router/act of god. Nothing to see here, this is not the lag source you are looking for.
  21. Here is a suggestion I bet no one else has thought of. All of those people who didn't pre-order and are saying 'Its only virtual money, get over it.' and the pre-order people who want refunds should like it also. Have BW/EA go to every account that did not have early access and delete 750,000 - 1,000,000 credits from every toon on the account. That way everyone will have paid the same for advanced training. No refunds are needed, and everyone is now on equal ground with credits spent on the expansion. A little off the wall, but this way everyone suffers equally. But really, what they should have done is something that affected everyone equally, like make the no cost to training effective the first of the year, rather than anger those of us who pre-ordered for early access. A game company that wants to keep its paying customers shouldn't go out of its way to anger those who are trying to support the game. I know that as of now I will no longer be pre-ordering any expansions as they have not tried to make up this massive thumb of the nose to the early order customers.
  22. For me it is just odd to see Assault Cannons for planetary coms on the Imp side when no one can use them. They are not BtL, so really useless to have these. Is there even a companion that can use this on the Imp Side? I know that there is at least one companion on the Republic side that can use sniper rifles, so really no useless weapons on their side.
  23. Non-guilded founder. Started the game with a group of friends, and we had a blast. But most did not like the direction the game was going and stopped playing. Last one logged on over 6 months ago. Tried a couple of guilds, but between drama and guild leaders trying to use the guild bank and funds as personal fiefs, dropped out of them. I have run most FP and a few heroics. No ops or hard modes here either. Not badly geared for what I can do (156-162) but when I tried to get into a hard mode or classic op, got tired of being kicked for being 'under geared'. I like the game, but a lot of the players just make group content to much of a pain to do. I understand that there is content I will not see due to no ops or guilds, and I do not expect them to make such available to me. I do agree that the base story line should be more like Makeb, with a final boss fight similar to the Archon fight. This does not have to be the 'final fight' of the story line, but it should be a good finish to a planetary (or two) story. The final fight against Revan should be an op, as that is what it should be. If we, the solo players, choose not to participate that is our choice. What I do ask is that both EA/BW and other players respect our play style choice.
  24. I agree that hitting the players with strongholds and guild ships is going to be a major credit sink in August. Will this flood the market and lower prices as people try to get funds? Probably. Will this force more people into dailies so that smaller guilds can acquire a ship? Probably. The price of 50 million may seem high, but as others have said if a guild wants one and/or a guild stronghold they will have to work together to get it. Fifty million for a guild ship is attainable for just about any guild. I am a founder, 12 characters (only 5 at 55), non-guilded, non-raider, non-pvp, and I am sitting on about 20 million over the toons. This was made through dailies, occasional flash points, and crafting a lot of mid-tier gear and selling it for reasonable prices. I expect to spend a good portion of this on the personal stronghold, but if I need more credits I will go out an earn them. With a little effort I can get about 300,000 a week through dailies and sales. A guild with 15-20 people can do about 5 million a week. Yes that is 10 weeks, but it is doable.
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