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Everything posted by netskink

  1. Hello Does group finder find your instance based on your equipped gear or yhour gear owned? For instance, I often put my best pve gear on my companion and I wear the best pvp gear. I do this simply because at most I run daily's while I pvp. I seldom do pve but I'm considering using group finder.
  2. Its been a while since I have done a fp. How viable is a hm in WH gear?
  3. I agree. I have a jug tank and a sin tank both are in tank gear. Also when my guarded pal gets 800K healing and we never die, he gets all the votes. People don't realize their great heals is because of my excellent tanking. When I play a healer I can definitely tell when I have a tank who either does not know how to guard or they have dps gear or spec. John
  4. netskink

    taunting a healer

    Does taunting a healer have any effect?
  5. Is there a legacy weapon with mods like the armor sets?
  6. I have done many a ranked stunfest, i was just mentioning that one in particular since it was so strange.
  7. Hello I did rwz yesterday with a guild as the only non guild member. We lost 2-4 in huttball. At one point, one of the guild guys was raging on the other guildmate for not catching a pass and then later one guy quit which caused us all to quit. Seriously if you think one event causes you to lose a game, much less grief your own team mate you really need to get out more. With that said, its becoming hard to get ranked war zones going anymore. And of all the pugs I've had this week, I lost the majority of them. Its not much better with accelerated gear seperation when the winners get into regular. I don't know, but BW are you trying to make this game unbearable? Enable solo only queues, or at least enable solo ranked queues. Give some chance to those in small guilds or even playing solo. John
  8. Maybe I am going up against guys who are not pyrotechs but it seems like they have a lot of abilities which are interruptable. Interrupts and stuns seem to make them harmless.
  9. One day when I am flush with cash (which may never happen) I will purchase the CE orange gear, agument it and put in my WH augments so that I can look unique. Hopefully that day will come.
  10. As an operative, I think the scoreboard is misleading. Using stealth I spend a lot of time picking off guys who are moving between objectives or I am simply traveling to an objective myself. Consquently my dmg is low since I am not in constant combat. And yes maras maybe overpowered but once they get that buff its time to cc them and either finish them off before they go invisible or kite them. As another melee dps they are not as tough as feared. My biggest complaint is that if I am kiting them, some other opponent will engage them in melee distance and enable to them to self heal in combat. Ditto for sins.
  11. netskink

    PvP Alts

    One WH, it has all WH slots except for three. Started playing this toon in January. Three BM's. They all have the full BM gear set and BM weapon/offhand. All have some WH upgrades. It varies how many WH pieces they have, but I think they all have at least two. I also started these toons in January. My original toon which I started in December is lvl 48 and has been lvl 48 on the opposite faction for a LOOONNNGGG time. Like the original poster said, do the daily each day and weekly each week. When possible try to get in RWZ pugs.
  12. Sorry to hear this happened to you, but coming from a pretty much lone wolf player on pvp servers both here and in wow, this is the work around. Its simple and effective. Log to a different toon and do something else. If you are outgunned don't get upset, simply do something else. Its that simple. On Thendys Noori, it was mostly Imps, I have many imps. However, I also have two Repubs. During the rakghoul even I had a lvl 21 sage on repub side. I thought this will be a very good time to play this toon again. I knew tattoine was gong to be hard. It was. Nothing would suck like fighting your way thru that corridor clearing each and every bs mob to get to the crash pod at the end of the alley for the daily and being in combat with the pod spawns and then have a lvl 50 imp one shot you. However, rather than get upset, I woujld simply log to another toon. I laughed as I figured some kid sat their waiting to grief me. Even on a lvl 40 imp, I would get the occasional repub 50 trying to gank me. What would be funny is that sometimes I could get away. Ditto for outlaw's den duing recruit loot box farming. Seriously if you are a lvl 50 and you can't kill a non 50 you suck and you probably need to gank non 50s because you need to work on your skills. Lastly, you did roll on a pvp server to pvp right? It does add to the excitement, right? If they do manage to catch you, just don't freak out. Do something else. John
  13. I see people say that accuracy is bad. I read somewhere that accuracy over 100% meant that you reduced your opponents defensive stats. So it would seem to me that if you reduce accuracy to enhance dmg you might well end up in a dps loss since you are reducing your crit chance. Maybe this game is not the same as Wow, but I remember in wow where I played a rogue I had the following situation. o regular attacks have a good chance of missing. o special attacks had an increased chance of hitting. o I tried to focus only on my crit by maxing that so that when i hit someone and landed a crit, I would do huge numbers. My result was that I was a one hit wonder, I could land a few hits for big numbers but then I ran out of steam. 1v2 I was pretty much toast. 1v1 and I did not get the jump from stealth I was pretty much toast. My class had a skill perk for the enhanced attack speed. I seemed to doing a windmill like attack that although very fast mostly missed. o I changed up to replace my crit bonuses with simple accuracy so that my regular attacks had a high hit probability. I tested my rotation on training dummys with recount. My result was that my dps curve was much slower (not as much burst) but my steady state dps was much higher. As a result I did much better. In fact, in arena 2v2 we did much better. Playing with a lock our team got the title and many a time I was the last man standing. All in all, I also believe playstyle comes into play. Myself, I would rather be a weak guy who is still alive than someone who a great dps but dead.
  14. Exactly, I have full BM and partial WH on my merc healer, without a tank I am pretty much healing myself otherwise I am fish bait. I've said this before. o when I roll tank, I ask for healers present and then I guard/taunt for them. o which I roll heals, I ask for tanks present. o when I roll dps, I ask for heals so I can help dps their attackers. I gave up trying to dps enemy healers in pugs since at most it will be me and one other guy on them and 75% of the time it will just be me. Even when I have marked a healer and I am attacking it, I will see peope 1v1 all around me.
  15. Hello Each day I start a rwz pug using my dps toon Dapengzi or tank toon blind'amna. These pugs are partial guild mates and parital pickup's. We play to win and if it goes badly we play for medals. We try to have fun. I invite people based upon need or friends. If we are full and a friend or guild mate wants in, I ask them to come to vent and be on stand by in case we get a drop. If someone disconnects, I wait for them to return instead of kicking them and getting someone else. I also ask people to vote round robbin. Lastly, I ask for volunteers to be lead and call the shots. I do this so I can encourage people to play ranked war zones and I want to keep the games rolling. In contrast I joined a pug last night since it was late and I did not have time to do my daily and form a fresh pug before bed time. I learned that not all pugs are equal. o A team with four sorcerers and they were the "Dark Lords" or "Dark sith lords" guild would go immediately to a defensive node and consumption/heal medals. I'm talking like immediately. o After we were trounced there was considerable voting of guild mates for mvp. ie. the guys doing consumption had multiple mvp votes while those actually trying to win had none. Lastly, I saw this once. Two guys joined my pug and using my vent were trying to recruit for their guild within my group. Luckily for me their elite skills were no match for their ego and they soon left. Happy Gaming, I will be forming pugs again tonight. Like LFG I will not be joining any more random pugs for RWZ where common courtesy is missing. JOhn
  16. Many thanks. I did not realize the ones from bh dailiy rewards can be learned. Many thanks.
  17. Well artificers can at least wall paper their ship with the elegant light saber schematic.
  18. Sadly I do not pve much with my cybertech so I don't have any of the EC schematics. Is that the only HM which drops schematics better than the ones the vendor teaches? Also, I don't understand your happiness with gernades. I only made the rakatta one which is reusable and slows opponents. Its on such a long cooldown its useless. I save it for when I am in trouble and then use it. Sadly on my bh healer it seems like a loss. I was hoping in a deep trouble situation to throw gernade, then jet blast them away and then begin to run. However it has yet to save my life. Schematics for ships you say? I have all of them except the ship armour. I gave up trying to get that one. I used to farm lvl 5 lockboxes for it but I never received it. You got me where people find it. Speeders? Who would spend money on credits for the mats when you can buy one for much less. A custom built bike looks pretty ordinary to me.
  19. I never quit WZ and I also never rage against people in WZ here's why. o If things go bad, you can always cap one node and wait it out at that node. I would rather sit defending a node gaining medals that solo attacking a well fortified enemy node, dying and giving them additional medals. In fact if you want to deny them medals and maximize your own, its best to force them to travel to your node and attack you. They lose defensive medals while they travel to get to your node and chances are they can not get the last node. Mindlessly solo attacking nodes like lemmings is dumb. o Even if you are the only one left in a wz and you only get one medal, you get 1/6 of your daily (1/2 if not 50) done. o If you leave a wz, you get nada, zilch, nothing but wasted time at loading screens. o The most brain dead thing I have ever seen is people leaving Ranked War Zones. As soon as you see the Enter/Leave dialog, you take a loss to your rating if you click leave, lose or quit mid game. If you stay you at least get valor and ranked comms. o Unless you have great gear and are truly competitive worrying about your rating is simply silly. As someone who has one War Hero and three Battlemasters, I assure you, no matter how good you are somebody is better. This game is a rock paper siccors game. You may have every slot WH with augments but somewhere is a guy with the same gear but of your anti class. Chances are your skill level will not compensate for the game design. With that said don't get so upset with a loss. Stick in the game and grind the rewards. Be couteous to your fellow team mates. o Lastly I want to say this because it is a typical example of a lot of PVP heroes. I was playing my healer in huttball. It was a tight 1 to 1 game. The one time we scored I healed the guy and even passed the ball from the point I got the ball to the end zone. Also during this game I was healing the ball carrier while others were in better position who the ball carrier could pass to but did not. I see this all the time. Now at the end of the game, we have the ball and we are near our own health pack, I am right by the ball carrier getting beat on just as hard as the ball carrier. I am cc'ing people and people break my cc, I am healing and blowing my own defensive cooldowns keeping myself alive. Basically I am hitting hotkeys contiously and moving to line of sight people. In my opinion I am doing everything possible. Then with 12s to go, the ball carrier passes the ball to me, who does not have any shields or cc abilites available not to mention high on heat. So soon as I release from stun with my dying breath I pass the ball to a team mate standing on edge of the wall. Sadly the ball does not go to the guy on the same level as me but instead goes down into the pit for a throwaway. The enemy who has control of the mid picks up the ball and win. The result is I get all kinds of insults, explicatives and general abuse. I also notice a slew of whispers from a guy who was a pvp kind before the event telling me what to do. I did not respond and even though it upset me a little for a guy calling me out in game using my name. I thought about it from my perspective. o If the guy had so much time to type, he was obvisiously not the ball carrer or one of the guys trying to protect the ball carrier so he was not contributing. o If the guy thinks I blew the game, then he does not understand it is a 1-1 game because of many numerous prior mistakes. I saw plenty during the course of the game. o If the guy can not realize that I was passing to a guy on the same level as me, but the game sent the ball to the pit, then he does not realize that its kind of indetermite where the ball lands. Also its as much the part of the receiver as the passer to catch the ball. The guy whom I was passing to probably thought he was going to catch it just as I did since he was in the targeting aoe indicator. o Lastly if the guy did not realize how fragile a healer is with no def cooldowns and high heat is, then he has no understanding of the class. People like this have a very high opinion of themselves yet really are delusional. As a result, I did not get angry, I did file a complaint and I logged of for a while. I figure if a game is not enjoyable I need to do something else for a while. Lastly, I realize I am on a ramble. If you quit a game, its your own loss. I have no pity for you. If you talk smack to people and cause them to leave I will report you. It does not even have to be directed to me. I don't think its fun to have you around, probably not best for the game.
  20. I've heard that before but you and your companion both have a presence stat. If the stat is meaningless for companions I wish bioware would remove the stat from the companion tab. As it is now, it seems to imply they do get bonuses.
  21. Hello I was not clear. My vector does not have any presence gear. He has hm fp drops or other epics I've picked up along the way. With all my companion unlocks I have about 450 presence. I have a 48 human but for months now I have not been doing any thing with it other than the daily pvp quest every now and then. I do look forard to having the human buff along with 25 companion buffs unlocked. I also keep my epics around. I should have done more testing on my dead server with the black hole mobs. It really was nice to simply test them against mobs with different gear choices. I suggest you guys do that as well. For me, vector and temple really rock the roll. You can send them into attack one mob and then enjoy the show. Lokin in dps form is a sad experience. I really wish he could stealth as a ghoul and have his melee dps buffed.
  22. No matter what I never leave. I have left one wz ever and that was because this guild had managed to have 8 men in a regular game and were simply farming. I have 4 50s and I pretty much pvp all the time. I figure its better to get 10 marks and a 1/6 for the daily than seeing more loading screens and a slim chance at getting a better group. Lastly if you queue ranked wz and your gear is bad, you are simply dumb if you leave during a rollstomp. As soon as you see the enter/leave dialog you take the loss to rank if you leave, quit or lose. Stick around and get one medal at least. If you can not get a single medal then you should really reconsider your play style. The lowest medal count I have received is one as a healer in a three capped pug.
  23. It makes me sad, when I play healer and get no guard. It makes me sadder when I get a guard, who tries to dps. I also play two tanks at 50. When I work my fingers to the bone guarding, taunting and cc'ing to keep them alive and they get top heals because I am rocking the roll and then I get no votes. I've got fraps where I say, "GJ, I vote for you" and they reply "thanks you did good too, but I'm voting for a guildie." It makes me sad when I play as a dps, stealth, solo kill a lone defender get the three cap and get no votes since my dps is not highest because I am in travel between nodes. Take or harass this node, run back to defend the other one. Really MVP votes are simply no indication of skill. They are mostly just votes for pals.
  24. Username, Legacyname - have seen it <full of sith> - seen it <sith happens> - seen it <suck it trebek> - played with them. <something something darkside> - seen them <Whiskey Tango Foxtrot> - seen it <***> - seen it try'again'kid - surprised i have not seen it. i'mfatman or i'mbatman - surprised i have not seen it <Wookies and Cream> Have not seen it but seems funny. <wait wut lulz> - seems funny have not seen it <whoos yer daddy> - have not seen it <more spacebar> - have not seen it <high or just stupid> - have not seen it
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