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Everything posted by netskink

  1. o to guard a healer. When I have someone guarding my healer, i can watch them get melted away when they are using dps gear. o to solo defend a node. o to cap. When you have killed the last defender, i immediately start capping when I play as a tank. When I play a dps, I always heal up a bit before i start to cap. o to help protect non healers who are about to die. Throw a guard on them and soak up some dmg. Pity I seldom get many votes, even though I am top protector 99% of the time.
  2. netskink


    My experience with a full war hero dps operative and a full war hero heal bounty hunter is the same. o A dps trooper/bounty hunter is an easy kill for a dps operative where as a healing trooper/bounty hunter is nearly impossible. The only healing heavy armor types which are easy kills for my dps operative are the ones in dps gear and/or the ones who are a hybrid spec. o A dps operative/smuggler is easy to kite, avoid as a bounty hunter healer. They may get the opening on you from stealth but you can withstand their damage long enough to gain range and then kill them. Once their acid blade wears off from their opener, they can not regain it unless you allow them to get close enough to backstab you. They are only dangerous if they open from stealth and you are already weakened. In that case, they are playing appropriately. ie. they are preying on the weak and easy kill as they should since they need to come out of stealth, kill, get out of combat and return to stealth quickly.
  3. netskink


    If you are a heal spec commando then you are similar to my heal spec bounty hunter. I have videos of this toon playing as a healer and its kind of like a tank class. Look at some of my videos when I play wicked wanda. Seriously things get better with more expertise. Personally, I find it better to keep the following in mind. 1. AOE shield, when available use it. Apply it to yourself and anyone near you. Keep in mind activating it also releases heat. 2. Watch heat, save cleanse and free heal for yourself. 3. Whenever you can, use your low heat/high dmg abilities - electro dart, rail shot, tracer missil (might be the name, its the one with a cooldown.) 4. Alacrity helps get your heals off fast, it also helps with your flamethrower, ditto with power shot. Use them after you heal to boost your alacrity. 5. Mara doing his channel thing on you? Concussion shot him. 9/10 will not interrupt because they want to let it go to full channel. If he cancels it, he loses and you can knock back with jet pack. Afterwards, kite him with rapid shots and strafe.
  4. netskink

    Taunting healers

    Hello I asked this before, but does taunting a healer affect their ability to heal? JOhn
  5. I have two toons which are full war hero and now working on war hero or battlemaster gear for their companion. ie. my op is full war hero, dr lokin which also wears medium gear is full battle master with 4 war hero pieces. When dual spec comes out, I will have a dps set and a heal set. My healing merc is full war hero and his aim companion is partial bm gear set. To the original poster, I've found I also get frustrated if I try to get gear NOW. If I relax and play various toons, its more fun and kind of relaxing. I suggest you do that.
  6. Ahh. As I thought then. Well everyone has their likes/dislikes. As for me, I play 5 different 50s. Each day I do the daily on them and each week I accomplish the weekly. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. I don't get all bent out of shape if its a loss. Someone said to me once, wow you have much better gear than me, but I have more valor. I am not certain but I think he was being critical. I guess he grinds pvp after he has done the daily. I get the tokens via the daily and thus do less time played and matches. Seems to me, if you are leaving the war zone, you are just hurting yourself. Once again, consider this strategy to be optimum for getting gear (which is my objective) do the daily pvp and in between matches work on the blackhole daily's. You can buy a legacy perk to get to black hole quickly and on the weekend, do the heroic. At worst case, you will do 6 pvp matches, and 4 black hole dailies. I've never had time to do more than 4 black hole quests before my pvp daily was done. At worst, you will get 3 matches for the pvp daily and one bh daily.
  7. I'm confused. You are saying that you get 1/6 of a daily for quitting the wz early? I've only quit maybe a handfull of matches in six months of playing, so I would not know. However, I will test it out this evening. Funny thing (and this happens all the time) yesterday in civil war. I cap left node using my tank. Enemy caps theirs, both teams fight for middle node without capping until score is 400/400 and a guy on our team quits. A new guy comes in and we take mid. We hold two nodes for a long time and then they cap mid. Finally we recap middle and win the game. I never died and solo'd the node against enemy until help could arrive. I thought it was an excellent game. I thought it was funny that the guy who quit was our weak link.
  8. Sticky crewskill selectors (or even better open the api for the UI so folks can customize it themselves.) macro support in combat meters for heals, dmg in/out
  9. I am pretty sure you do not get credit for the played daily if you quit or disconnect.
  10. I remember playing as a prot warrior and being the last man standing many a time in arena.
  11. Really? Here is one for example: http://www.thesecretworld.com/itemstore Look at claim items, patterned dice. They have tons of stuff there.
  12. Have you played the secret world? I sometimes play it when swtor is on downtime. It has the ability to purchase gear to increase your character. I think this game will eventually have that type of stuff. Afterall they are both owned by EA.
  13. I started it at lvl 26 on my lowest toon. Albeit it was a twinked toon. I only got ganked once that I recall. It was much easier than my lvl 25 during the rakghoul event.
  14. I am for solo queues. I have not q'd for rwz in probably two months. Here's why: 1. Don't have enough 50s in my guild with gear for rwz. 2. When we do form a rwz, 1/5 times we end up a man down. 3. It takes too long to get a match. I only do the daily on my toons. I can get medals faster via single man regular q than trying to q for rwz. About me, I do 3-6 matches each day on 5 50s and 1-2 matches on 3 sub 50s. As it is now, I don't have time to do this everyday but its all I do. When we get another toon slot, I will start playing a jedi sentinel so I can learn the class. Its the only one I am unfamiliar with.
  15. I have two stealth toons and I have played various positions in huttball. Personally I think that when people stealth in the endzone soley for the hail-mary pass or jug leap are doing it wrong. Effectively you are making the game a 7v8 and you are not much use. Not to mention you get fewer medals by camping the opponents endzone. I believe the best offense is to be on opponents ramps/catwalks. That way you are within scoring position as well as passing from mid.
  16. Really? I figured my sintank was the anti marader/sentinel. I have no problem killing them. My difficult class is snipers.
  17. Same here. I play on a laptop at lowest settings, but I've started making videos as well. See sig for more info.
  18. Hello I'm not a pro, but I consider myself good. I've made some videos recently (still learning ropes of video remixing) of some recent fights. I have a video of my newish 50 sage healer and old hand 50 bounty hunter healer. If you are interested they are here: http://www.heiankongzhi.com/home/swtor/videos
  19. I disagree. When I see a three way split of our forces in civil war and the result is that we only get one node, I will go to that one node if I am not already there. Chances are someone will soon quit and we will be a man down. At that point, I do not rage I just wait patiently to end. Seriously, its a pug, people do as they please. You need to realize that and when its a loss, you have a few optioins: 1. Rant and rave about how bad people are 2. Defend an existing node 3. Attack in a single file against established defenders 4. quit I choose to do option 2. I should not be punished for accepting the loss in the most efficient manner for my time. With that said, here is the common sense approach to civil war. 2-3 take left node, its closer from your spawn to the node than it is from the opponents spawn. One caps the node the others intercept the opponents trying to stop the cap. The rest go mid and fight. At worst, its a battle for the mid with either side capped by each team. Whomever wins middle wins game. At best its your two nodes, left and mid. What I do not understand is the splitting of forces left and right. If you are in a premade and you have four equaly great players you can split two from your premade to each node and if and only if you get lucky your 4 teammates can effectively help each side. Since its a pug, I prefer 3/5/0 approach its the safe bet.
  20. Try now. It appears it was only visible to me.
  21. Hello I'm still working on getting video capture working. But here is one for viewing. http://www.heiankongzhi.com/home/swtor/videos
  22. Ive said it before, you approach the pvp match based on your class and your gear. On various classes I have played with and without expertise. Sure with zero expertise and no gear I get owned, but when I am in that situation I do not charge into battle. I hang out in back and play a support role. My fifth 50 is a sage. When I started him out in 50 pvp he was wearing some gear which was level 46. I've had good games and bad. On some wins, I've been the top healer. On that guy I know I can pretty much be a dedicated healer to myself and one other guy. I look at the guys on my team and find the best geared and/or player and put a mark on them. Then I run around and heal him and myself. I will heal others when no threat is around and my dps pal is 80% or better in health. The way I see it. Even with great expertise gear, I will never be able to dps as well as he. So I don't need to dps. Mostly I just dot his opponents and mine with the slow ability. Also since his expertise is high, it helps mitigate my low expertise for pvp trauma reduction. If no one on my team is particulary good, or they like to get to close to multiple sets of opponents. I will focus on keeping myself alive and try to heal and run.
  23. Wow man you must be doing it wrong. I have two 50 tanks, both are soon to be warhero. My experience that a tank can easily beat any dps. Generally you have faster turn around on interrupts and are more durable. Most dps are glass cannons. So in a fight between two dps, its a dps race. Between a dps and a tank its a matter of survival. Regarding shield tech (bounty hunter tank) and marader I always felt that the shield tech was the natural counter to the mara. You are ranged and they are melee. Your autoshot will place a dot on them which also slows them. really I don't know how you are getting beat. Do you know how to run/turn using your mouse? Do you ever strafe while firing? ie. hold down your E or Q key while firing with your 1 or 5 key while mouse looking with your camera and right mouse?
  24. Hello So I thought I would try heroic lfg this weekend. Ive tanked/healed/dps'd a many instances with guild before. This weekend thought i would try the heroic lfg. Took me three times to complete. o First, a guy said /sigh on the first pull. I know you can bypass the initial mobs, but when i did it that way, we were in combat for half the game. It takes a minute to kill them, so I did just that. o Later as we are going by mobs on the way to the first boss, i am killing them as well. The guy really seems to be having a breakdown. One of his comments was "why are you killing these guys, you ****?" I replied, "fun?". He kept on and I just put him on ignore and quit. o Second instance, one of the dps takes to long to get started. I just left. I figure if he needs time to prep, he can do so with another player. I figure if you are not ready to accept queue, don't click accept. o Third instance, no one dies, things go really smooth. They did want to bypass some mobs so I oblige. But I just wonder why not simply kill them. I
  25. its on the frontpage here: http://www.heiankongzhi.com
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