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Everything posted by Yeren

  1. To go along with your last paragraph ..... That's because most WOW/SWG (I played both) are to young to even remember much of the RPG part of the game they are playing. That's where the games originated from .... paper and pencil and D4 - D200 and an imagination. Dr. Demento always comes to mind .... funny and stupid, but that's what it came from. Most players anymore want a FPS in an MMO world. I think that's what Titan is supposed to be ... have fun .... I like the 'turn based' combat of the old RPG's . I'm having fun in SWTOR and enjoying the story makes it take longer to get to max level .... think console RPG's. I remember getting through FFVII and FFVIII faster than I did to max level in SWTOR. Are there things they can improve ... yes. A few more sandbox more elements would be nice, but so far I'm enjoying myself more than I did in WoW.
  2. 1 post is all I'm doing ...... I don't want a cross server LFD tool. It's random. At least if it is same server I can take note of the 'lamers' and I can be sure to not group with them again. a cross server tool .... too many people to keep track of. I like going to ilum cause that's really about the only place where people seem to talk about stuff at random except for starting zones (at least on my server). I've been lucky. So far it seems that the community on my server has been great and active. For those on low pop servers .... I hope they do server transfers to help you out, but just say no to LFD.
  3. Man I have to find these other healers .... 1 vs 1 .... I'm stunned, stunned again, interrupted, rooted ... and dead. I'm lucky to get 1 heal off 1 vs 1. In WZ's where I'm known as a healer? LOL .... I might as well stand there.
  4. That baseline sounds about right. I've only been 50 for a few weeks (but I haven't been able to get on alot the last few weeks). My 1 lvl 50 took almost 12 days of playtime to get there. almost 300hrs. I took my time . Even at 50 I've done a total of 1 hard mode flashpoint and I enjoy playing when i can get on.
  5. I enjoy posts like this because the testing that I did most of the bugs that I saw in beta were fixed. Sure bugs are going to make it from beta to launch ... the system isn't perfect. And to the guy earlier who posted about notations in coding ..... um that's fine until you are crossing over hundreds (or maybe thousands) of different files that are broken apart by departments. It's not one guy looking at all the code ..... geez.
  6. That's what it turned into ... that's not how it started out. I remember having an entertainer account (that's right you could only have 1 toon per account), and I would sit there for hours interacting with people coming in to get buffs. When people left (because of the CU) servers started to die and THEN you got the auctioneer spam/entertainer bots. Don't bash a view on a game unless you take all points into it.
  7. He was referring to .... I have a lightsaber and I can't 1 shot as immersion breaking .... which they did do in the movies. At least that's the way I read it. In the Force Sensitives case in game I look at it more like an energy bar .... the jedi/sith get tired of all the dancing, dodging, submersion in the force, and deflections .... they get tired and then BAM deathblow ... That's the way I look at it.
  8. Yup all true ... i think PVP just brought it to the forefront.
  9. All it takes is a space, a misplaced 0, or a missing ( .... it can take hours or days to find the error in the massive amounts of code they have to look through.
  10. Patience isn't found in the gaming world anymore. Just like most of the world now its all about instant gratification. you want news .... you don't have to wait until the newspaper comes out. Hell I found out Whitney Houston died when out with the wife by looking at facebook.
  11. Have fun. Surge Nerf is fairly decent and affects my healing too. Everyone has their own spin ... and I have no problems with cooldowns in the UI. Just me personally. This sounds more like a you nerfed me so I quit post.
  12. Go one step further .... There is no Hallmark in a galaxy far far away If it takes Valentines Day to show your significant other you love them .... then your doing it wrong. Personally I'm glad they don't exist in game. SWG's holiday stuff was better than WoW's in my personal opinion (and we all know what they say about that).
  13. Simple ... I'm dead before the resolve bar is full and I can't do anything
  14. They were beating Lich King and Deathwing faster than that
  15. I'm all for exploring ... Corellia seemed to me more like just Coronet and not Corellia a planet per se. Just say no to flying mounts though. LFG feature is in the game .... just nobody uses it. Yes it could use a little more polish (filters of some sort), but not WoW's version. My server seems fine for finding groups for HM FP's. Most of my issues with the game are minor .... multiplayer space missions (I'm fine with the rail shooter it is ... flame me if you wish ) character customizations Lack of character races (the forum avatars are misleading if you were following the game for a long time) Expertise is pvp is too drastic (Kind of like Resilience in WoW) and causes lopsided fighting The game is a resource hog. My system isn't bad, but it shouldn't take me over a minute to load into a planet.
  16. I'm not like most ... I have plenty to do at 50, but I can see how those who are a little higher than casual would have a problem. I had a guy leave my guild (we didn't have alot of 50's yet) and he wanted to raid. In less than 2 weeks he canceled his account because the guild he was in was able to clear nightmare mode ops. It's a playstyle and for those slightly over casual ... they run out of content. Personally I have finished 1 hard mode FP at this point. Most of what you are saying is just playstyle. Many people don't care about story so they skip all that (even I have started to skip some of the overlapping storylines ... still watch my class story). If you are hardcore pvp ... 60 doesn't take as long as you think. I might do the warzones enough for the weekly and I'm just at 30, but I don't pvp much over that. All in all it's playstyle. I play for a few hours a day usually (3-4), but I'm doing daily quests and then if not enough people are on (a lot of people in my guild created pubs on another server for story) then I hit an alt if I don't want to search for codex entries
  17. I agree with your arguments, however, it happens already .... lets be real As for wins .... I don't have a problem with them not counting. It would be ignorant for me to say it doesn't happen when it clearly does, but that isn't my problem ... the winning 1/10 warzones that all run at least 15 minutes each IS a problem.
  18. That's an utterly ignorant post. I shouldn't be required to queue up with my guild in order to get wins in a warzone. That being said I was in a group of 3 people in my guild (1 of which is almost a battlemaster) for almost the entire 5 hour period and we had upwards of 4 people and even accidentally 5 or 6 when 2 separate groups were pvping and thrown into the same warzone. Yes yes ... I know the next comment ... well with that many you should have won. Unfortunately I don't know how many of the battlegrounds started with less than 8 people in them (there were a few and so we were quickly squashed at the beginning). Afkers in the warzone (yes ... it does happen I caught several as I ran by them to my death .... squishy healer). It just feels like it takes a perfect storm in order to get wins. I'm sure part of it is my luck as I know others in my guild get their wins faster, but come on.
  19. I don't do this everyday because I don't have hours to spend pvping. On Wednesday I did work on this ..... I started at 7pm and I actually finished it at 12am. Took me 5 hours ... countless warzones .... to finally get 3 wins. I didn't leave any warzones, but there were a few I gave up on. Was 3 capped in ACW twice (600 - 0 losses), Void star was a nightmare as they were able to kill us and lock us behind our 'rez door' while they planted the bombs, and huttball ... need I say more. I mean the ilum dailies are easy enough (takes me 15-20 min daily) and 5 days to finish. But the warzones .... you must be kidding me ... takes me a week to get 9 after days like Wednesday.
  20. change all of that to scoundral and you will see how I feel. Not saying Sorc isn't overpowered but they are far from the only one.
  21. I'm a healer .... I don't do damage ... I get killed by them faster than I do sorcs when one on one .... you must be one of the classes I stated
  22. When they nerf scoundrals burst (not the faux nerf that they already got) commanders then I'll accept that Sorcerers are overpowered.
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