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Everything posted by Beatmiser

  1. I don't see a discussion. I see a rant. Also these queues are necessary right now. Get over it.
  2. It's BW's fault that people aren't pvping? wat.
  3. Relax. Read the messages from the devs. There is no need for anyone to be acting like . This is just a video game.
  4. Concept for you: Current server caps are artificial to move players to lighter servers. It is better than opening 10 new servers that will only have to be merged later due to low population. Also which AAA MMOs have launched without queues that had almost 100% uptime (Other than patching), little lag, and few disconnects? Go ahead I'll wait.
  5. It's not even remotely the same. It's not even in the same universe of same. Utilities are built with infrastructure and mandates laid out by the Federal Government. They are required by law to fulfill certain standards. And for things like cable, it's based on the area where you live- what is available. Some areas can only use Dish and have more outages than others. This is a video game on it's first day of launch that is trying to make sure that their servers are balanced and load tested they are doing this for the longevity of the game. And for the record, when Utilities are building infrastructure--- they load test too.
  6. So much this. The kind of person who would rush out on launch day as soon as the stores open to start playing would have most likely pre-ordered and be playing already.
  7. I'm so sorry to be 'that' guy... But: Que - Spanish for "What" Cue - An indicator for an event Queue - A Line Carry on. By the way, a simple solution to your problem- if the wait is excessive. I rolled my Empire Main on one server and my Republic Alt on another.
  8. Good post OP. Nice to see someone who is willing to take the time mto evaluate the game on it's own merits and not the games that have preceded it.
  9. For the record, on Age of Conan. Morrison took the game even further down the craphole to the point where it's on bare life support now. He even tried to rewrite history by saying "AoC was never a PvP oriented game" But yes, you can definitely tell who- amongst the rabid forum ragers has never been through an MMO launch before. With the exception of long queue times on larger servers this has been the smoothest launch I've ever seen. By the way this is a few years old so FFIV and APB won't be on there.
  10. EGA community that spent 4 days raging at Bioware? I've never seen the words "Epic Fail" so much in my life. No, the EGA community was no better than those that are to come.
  11. 1) Roll DPS class and complain about lack of healers. 2) ??? 3) Profit
  12. Loved the guy who went nuclear on me yesterday screaming about noobs and generalizing my sexual preference because I couldn't pass the ball- while stunned- while surrounded by no one else on my team and in a sea of red.
  13. I'm gonna say no- people defending turrets don't always see a lot of action but are necessary. Seriously, this is my guild strat. Two on Turret rest of our premades hold mid and harass the other turret.
  14. Unique title like "Spacebar Commander "__________"
  15. I find it sad how many people equate disagreement with a flawed argument to being a Fanboy. "You don't agree with me? You must be a fanboy! Derp!" Most people will say the game has room for improvement. That does not mean that we have to agree with the powerfully flawed opinion on the OP (Note I am saying opinion, not review. What he did was not a review.)
  16. Or you can stop there. My IA is a PvP beast. Honestly, your review, your list, and your thoughts are anecdotal and based on your interest in WoW. An interest which you think many share, but is greatly conflated in your mind.
  17. I'm going to roll an alt if they open another West RP/PVP server for those days when the queue is too much to deal with on my main, or I just need a break from the Empire.
  18. I always go month to month. But yes, I will continue to play until I am no longer having fun.
  19. I started out as a sniper, made it to 17 and rerolled to an operative. It wasn't that it was difficult, rather that it was just boring. Operative feels a lot more 'hands on'. As a sniper there was very little room for variation - most everything good only happens in cover.
  20. I wound up rerolling because I didn't like my AC around 17. So my current Main is a 17 Operative Hybrid Medic/Concealment. My alt-- I can't decide between a Jedi Shadow or a Trooper commando.
  21. You know, it's a fair review from your perspective. Sadly though I could care less about WoW as my main MMO experience has been DAOC, MxO, and EVE. Anyone who uses WoW as their comparison point is automatically rendered irrelevant to me. Just to add, when you are trying to craft a review, calling people 'Fanboy' and 'Fangirl' because they have differing opinions crushes any credibility.
  22. Ouch well that puts out most of my gametime for the night. Ah well. Probably for the best my old man eyes could use a rest. Anyone know if they are going to have new servers launching with this downtime? I'm still really hoping for another RPPVP West to roll my primary alt on.
  23. I can't believe I didn't make the Jack connection sooner. You all just nailed the reason I don't like the character. Bald and attitude. +1 to whoever said that they just flirt with Watcher 2 nonstop.
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