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Everything posted by Beatmiser

  1. I can get behind this. but I still worry that you will see barren 30-49 brackets.
  2. Any class played well is OP. Play smarter. Don't call for nerfs. Nerfs destroy games.
  3. I have just been informally keeping track of this over the weekend while pugging WZs. If I wind up in Alderaan and before the match say "Two - Left / Everyone Else Mid and then Hold- do not leave" Then make sure you have two people call out that they are going left (And make sure those people know to stay there and guard even if no one is actively attacking).--- We win.* If I do not, people scatter like idiots and we lose. It's just a piece of advice for those who find that their Alderaan missions (In Pugs-- I grant you that premades probably don't have this issue). I hope this helps. *I do recognize that this is one of many strategies, but it is one I continue to see work.
  4. The thing that underwhelms me the most is the environment. I simply do not like the worlds I've encountered so far. Hutta was brown and junky. Dromund Kaas is jungle like I've seen a million times. And without the ability to quick travel it just turns those environments more boring. I'm hoping that as I continue I'll find that less of an issue on other worlds. But it makes me not want to roll an Empire character as my alt. I do not want to see DK ever again. Other than that I do love the game.
  5. My friend and his gf came over last week and I was showing him the game. His girlfriend just stared at us in disgust as he watched me pvp for two hours.
  6. Mods and Macros are for people who don't have the ability to compete with the tools that the devs provide. They are a crutch for people who need their scripted boss encounters to be easymode so that they can claim they have 'x' boss or instance on farm. If you're a tank who can't hold aggro- let someone else tank until you have the gear and ability to hold aggro. If you're a healer who cant watch healthbars - learn which players you need to focus on and adjust accordingly. If you're dps who keeps pissing off the boss - learn to wait for the tank to build up aggro and use less powerful abilities. If you are a raid leader who wants to exclude people based on numbers, you've missed what 'fun' is all about.
  7. I would have assumed that the hordes of women who throw themselves at you and high pay CEO job offers that you receive in recognition of your server first would be enough. But you want something from BW too? Greedy!!!
  8. I suspect that BW will be adjusting caps all weekend as they gather raw data from login info. No need to panic.
  9. This is going to be an extremely annoying post. I apologize in advance. Que = Spanish for 'What' Cue= Something that acts as a signal Queue=A line. I'm sorry this has been driving me insane all day.
  10. Actually (and this is where people who have been calling me Fanboy will finally be proven wrong)- this is a big mistake on BW's part. They directed guilds to a specific server they should have capacity to ensure that people who's guilds are there have first right of login.
  11. You know, human error happens. I'm sure everyone mocking the OP here has NEVER IN THEIR LIFE done something that was completely obviously a mistake. It's a good warning for people, and it would really be nice if BW would add a 'confirm' button. I've also seen a few people who thought they could respec to a different AC after the choice.
  12. I would love to roll on a new west coast RP-PVP server but they only made an EC one.
  13. "Who Cares" With a side of "Wow, I kind of feel embarrassed on your behalf"
  14. And just to add... as an RP'r you shouldn't know their names anyway unless they tell you.
  15. I am also on an RP-PvP server. BW has made it very clear that they will not be name policing the servers nor will they be monitoring RP/Non RP actions. Honestly even as an RP'r I'm okay with that. I would prefer that they continue to improve the game and allow the RP community to police itself. PVP Rp'r /not signed.
  16. That depends... which side is good and which side is evil? It's a little bit complicated
  17. :rolleyes: Not sure what your complaints are... could you actually explain what your problem is?
  18. That has absolutely no bearing on what he said.
  19. I think the problem is that for most people who have something approaching "Healthy Goals" (And yes that is a highly subjective term, especially on an MMO forum) - the concept of someone doing this is utterly foreign. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing. It certainly isn't good for anyone's health or mental well being to plug into a game and run themselves into the ground for something with no tangible logical result. I do however congratulate this person for making what was, obviously a personal goal.
  20. First to 50 First to complain about lack of endgame content. No one will remember this accomplishment in a week. gg.
  21. Not to be rude, but if the ability to skip conversations is a good thing for you... you may be in the wrong MMO. /bumping appreciation thread.
  22. This has been the most outstanding post I've seen since the whole EGA Entitlement Rage began. /applaud.
  23. Thank you for 3 years of hard work BioWare. Last night when running the BT with a bunch of non Beta players, watching the text sprawl: "Oh my god this is so cool" "Did you really just shoot the captain? Hahah Awesome!" "OhmgodIlovethisgame" I got so excited knowing how much fun people were having and re-experiencing it with them. People have been really upset about not playing and with such an fun product it's easy to see why. You did what you said you would an no one can say otherwise. Thank you. Merry Xmas!
  24. 1D10-T Error? That's what we called em in my day.
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