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Everything posted by Therealkoop

  1. Im almost a mirror to spugo. 50 vanguard, full assault (pyro), lvl 59 valor. I absolutely **** complete face and yes i expect the class to be nerfed also. The ONLY class I have trouble with in 1v1 is maurauders, which is why I now have a 25 sentinel. With battle focus on a 2 min CD and a 40% base tech crit rate, huge criticals/strings are not uncommon, and my sustained DPS is surely no slouch. I also have sweet cc abilities, guard, and range. I know lvl 25 and lvl 50/600 expertise is not a real valid comparison, but so far sentinel feels mighty strong even without a lot of my core pvp abilities. I see a lot of complaints but I think they are mostly unfounded. The playstyle is much different, and its simply harder to play than a VG, but I dont think its "woefully inadequate" as many people claim. We will see in the future I suppose. Like I said pvp at 50 is a whole different world.
  2. guys with the Naga mouse, are you running any macros? Theres a few skills id like to link together. Zealous strike and the basic slash for example.
  3. Thanks for the suggestion, hoping faction balance is decent. Maybe Ill see you around (playing rep however).
  4. Rerolling a new class on a higher population server. Only going to PVP and will do precisely 0 Fp's. Currently using a vanguard with full champion/600 expertise. I absolutely love vanguard but I wont play it to 50 again. Guardian seems to be similiar so that could be an option, which is why im asking. Sentinal is also an option since im pvp only. Thanks for any insight.
  5. Im currently a lvl 50 rep on the server Rwookworro (or something like that >.>). The pvp here is straight up useless. The most 50's for rep ive ever seen online was 25, whereas sith has 50+ even at shutdown hours. At this moment rep has 6 50's on and sith has 53. As our new 50's sit around and starve, unable to even complete dailies, sith has 2 matches of huttball at all times. Although i have my full champ gear, and am lvl 58 on valor, I want to reroll to a higher pop server. Any suggestions? I was thinking The Fat Man. The name is catchy and seems to have a decent number of players. Any reports on pvp balance?
  6. I think its a great pvp spec. Ive run it on my vanguard quite a bit (although i always stray back to full pyro). The synergy between flame barrage, charged gauntlets, and particle accelerator is awesome. I used the dot fire stance and the mobility/dps is great. It has a lot less burst than full pyro but its really hard to run out of ammo and you can keep constant pressure on people. the -2s cd on quell is also real, real good.
  7. Any hints on how guard works in pvp? I know nothing, here are some points: -Is the dmg that is transferred to the vanguard, the same type that was inflicted upon the target? (kinetic internal ect) -Is the damage transferred to the vanguard before or after the targets mitigation? -Is the damage transferred to the vanguard further mitigated by his own defenses? -Is the damage transferred to the vanguard mitigated by reactive shield?
  8. Assault still has the best damage and range of the specs, I think its okay. Ionic accelerator working off of hammershot? That would be so crazy.
  9. Which attacks from the vanguard can be shielded? Heres my list so far: 1. Hammershot Thats all i got
  10. As a lvl 50 with 450 expertise and assault spec, I feel pretty powerful. I typically end with the most damage, least deaths, and most kills. Many rounds I feel as though im not doing anything (guarding left on alderaan, standing next to a door on voidstar with nobody coming), and ill still end with the highest dmg. I have problems with dropping healers sometimes. Mainly caused by people coming to help them once i get them low. Sometimes Ill blow too much ammo on them and they will heal up or my cc will be down. I feel as though my burst is still somewhat low compared to other classes if i dont pop adrenals. But overall vanguard seems to be a very mobile and flexible class with a decent amount of cc. Nice consistent dmg and good survivability through cd's. Ive tried to play other classes and thier playstyles just dont work for me.
  11. He says he uses Ion cell, so I would assume he uses a shield offhand.
  12. Plasma is elemental. Ion is energy. They do not do similar dmg. My plasma regularly ticks for 800+dmg.
  13. Many people think like this and go for the 15% HIB crit. I dont however. I need tenacity. I need it more than I can use it. The .5 sec added to nueral surge is just a bonus. SS is still used every CD and is still one of my hardest hitting abilities as full assault.
  14. Ion cell does no where NEAR the damage of plasma in pvp. Not even close. Many attacks in pvp cant be shielded, and many attacks ignore armor. The only thing ion cell is really good for is the 5% flat dmg reduction, and the ability to guard, which is amazingly good.
  15. Nah makes me feel like a boss. I shoot people and grenade them and stuff. Then when they try to get in my face with glowsticks i just stand up and say "now u dun it sun" and uppercut them in the face and ion pulse them in the ****. I always hated that ranged classes in many games were total wusses in melee.
  16. I dont care if your main is rep. Everyone is picking option C and that isnt good for either faction.
  17. Nobody I know is rerolling IMP. Everyone is simply quitting, further wrecking the balance of the server. We are already undergeared. Every second that passes makes our whole faction weaker. And now that people are 50 and see how imbalanced everything is, they are quitting. Now when lowbie reps hit 50, they will have such a huge and incredible disadvantage in pvp it will be completely insurmountable.
  18. PVE gets old real fast. A lot of my guild is constantly running through stuff, but I just cant bring myself to do it. They are only doing it out of boredom 90% of the time, which isnt the right reason to be running content.
  19. Therealkoop

    PVP starved

    So while I haven't had a single pvp pop since Tuesday before patch, the sith on my server have 2 full games of huttball at even the dumbest hours of the night. So they already have the advantage of numbers, and now they have the advantage of actually farming pvp gear while im slowly becoming weaker and weaker every moment im sitting on the republic fleet. sigh.
  20. I love HTL even though im not currently specced for it. I had problems with it. Seemed buggy, wouldnt activate/refused to activate on multiple button presses, would be activated and id still get knocked down, speed wouldnt activate but immunity would. Maybe ill give it another shot. I really like battering ram / ionic accelerator combo anyway.
  21. Do you mean actual DPS or damage per warzone? Id think it would be incredibly difficult to beat the raw dps of assault, or even assault/tactics using battering ram and ionic accelerator.
  22. Ap > gut imo Ap is a very hard hitting ability. I think its only a mater of time before many people are running full assault.
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