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10 Good
  1. I have an interesting video regarding the mitigation of crits with guard. It appears that the guarded target gets 50% of the crit damage, while the tank only takes 50% of the base damage. In the video you will see the guard target take a crit of about 1600, while the tank only takes 600. http://www.twitch.tv/klusky/b/315414151 Note: This is not me playing.
  2. I don't understand Illum. Its suppose to be a pvp zone, yet armaments spawn so you don't have to pvp. That keeps the side with the dominant population (Empire) on Illum, which leaves the minority (Republic) not even able to go there to PVP. If armaments didn't exist, you wouldn't have an operation just waiting at Illum to kill the few Repbulic that show up. It's not fun when Republic as a total of 4 people on the WHOLE Illum zone, and Empire zerged me with 6 people right out of the base. GG Bioware, no more Illum pvp for me.
  3. Threat issues could possibly be resolved by adding threat to attacks based on the current mitigation for tanks. IE, have it based on damage reduction, shield chance, defense chance. That would make popping cooldowns also increase threat for a certain amount of time as well, making the random AOE add pull a little bit less stressful.
  4. For me its the Operative. Majority of their damage is non-mitigated, non-interruptedable, and does a stupid amount of damage. Sorcs can be problems but get in their face and interrupt not really an issue. Assassins damage is mitigated and just don't keep your back to them. Gunslingers damage is mostly mitigatable, and you can LOS the crap out of them since they don't move when in cover. Mercs are annoying with there ***** rocket spam, but get in their face and interrupt and they stand their for 4 seconds not knowing what to do Powertechs are mirrors and usually go 50/50. Guardian/Marauders are mitigateable as well so no real big issue there. Post below on how you feel your match-ups are against empire. PS- I'm shield specialist lvl 50
  5. I for one would like to see dual spec implemented. I tank for pve, but trying to tank in PVP is not fun. That just makes me cannon fodder. My whole job in PVP as a tank is to die and soak up as much damage from my allies as possible. I can't do enough damage 1v1 to kill anyone before they kill me. Having an alternate spec would be great. Right now my respec cost is set to 40,000 credits and I'm not going to pay that to PVP for a few matches and then go tank again for PVE. I understand ppl's argument that it should be a meaningful decision, and for healers/dps it makes sense. For tanks it does not.
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