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Everything posted by Fyurii

  1. In all honesty, the only problem I have with post 4.0 is the removal of so much of the previous custom shells for us to craft. I'm just glad I've still got much of them in the archive section of the crafting menu, but I really wish they'd bring them back for us to craft again. Not just bring them back like they have been the old comms gear, through the alliance system, but so we can craft them again.
  2. In that same section of the movie, I'm positive I saw someone in a red armour that looked like one of the old Bounty Hunter comms sets, maybe dreadguard set but I'm not 100% sure. They really did delve into Legends/EU for a lot of the visual aesthetics/props and background stuff we get to see in the movie - i.e. the model of droid outside the building, that we saw first glimpsed from one of the trailers that had first appeared in TCW iirc. It's definitely not SCORPIO or but the influence/similarity for the design is definitely there. I can honestly say that I do like the refined/updated look of the X-Wings, especially since they look so much closer to Ralph Mcquarrie's concept art for the X-Wing.
  3. The "grind" we have now is nothing compared to before 12 x XP. Yes it's not as fast as when we had 12 x XP, but it's still significantly faster than what was before the 12 x XP we had for months. Even at release, levelling wasn't that slow. By about half way through February 2012, I had my first character over-levelled for Alderaan by almost 6 levels, and I had only recently been able to afford my first rank of Speeder Piloting too. What he have now can barely be called a grind. It's faster than vanilla, slower than 12 x XP, and is pretty much in the "sweet spot" between them with the reworked Class and Planetary xp gains, especially with Level Sync which helps keep you gaining XP appropriate for your non-synced level.
  4. Never said, or implied that it was. Simply pointing out the lunacy of being offended by a [FLIRT] choice on the conversation wheel when it's for same gendered romance options, that none of have to click on, if we choose not to.
  5. Only if all the opposite gender romance options are on an on/off toggle in the options... Nor should homosexuals have all our straight stuff shoved in their faces over and over again in this game! ^^What I wrote is exactly as stupid and intolerant as what you wrote. That a [FLIRT] option on the conversation wheel that we have to choose whether or not we click on it can be so offensive to anyone, no matter their gender or sexuality, is a concept that just proves the idiocy of some people.
  6. If you're a subscriber you'll get RoTHC and SoR for free tomorrow (27th October) iirc.
  7. You really don't like JJ Abrams, do you? He hasn't done anything to the EU. Disney did. If you don't like what's happened to the EU, direct your ire at Disney, not the guy hired to make the movie. If you don't like the movie, assuming you watch before judging it, then you can say stuff about Abrams "running the trilogy into the ground".
  8. There is no EU storyline. Disney already made the EU non-canon when it was all rebranded as Legends.
  9. Abrams isn't doing anything of the sort. Disney already did that when they rebranded the entire Expanded Universe as Legends, making it all non-canon. Including this game.
  10. Well, it's time for a really petty rant... Over the past couple of years it's become more and more common for people to post things in completely the wrong section of the forums. Namely, posting SW:TOR game related threads in the Star Wars Discussion section, as opposed to more the appropriate areas. With the release of 4.0 (and the 4.0a patch) and all the incredible whining and ************ and moaning about it in the Star Wars Discussion section, this has gotten even worse than before. So in a hypocritical turn of events I thought I'd do the same - create a thread in entirely the wrong section of the forums, to vent about posting new threads in the wrong section of the forums! I'll be honest, when the front page of the forums was changed to its current layout, General Discussion was moved to a less intuitive section of the layout. It used to be one of the first things you saw on the forum's front page, but now it's not. However, that's only a thinly veiled one time excuse in my opinion. I would add that perhaps Forum Staff/Moderators need to be more vigilant (and take on more moderators) to deal with this kind of thing. I've seen community members repeatedly try to politely direct people starting threads in the wrong areas to somewhere more helpful (done it myself a few times too), but it just seems like more and more people don't care enough to take the few seconds or more to look at where they're posting, or even employ a modicum of common sense about where they're posting a new thread, that it may get the best attention it needs. The only section that hasn't noticeably had this issue, is Off Topic, and even it's had people using that section to cry about the 4.0 changes! Rant over, comment as you see fit for however long this topic lasts or even remains in Star Wars Discussion.
  11. Lucas Arts, which actually started life as Lucasfilm Games. Useless but somewhat interesting trivia!
  12. In all fairness, Kun too was betrayed. He at least did bring the entire Senate to their knees, figuratively speaking, through the Force alone, at the same time as defeating his former master, and walked away in one piece after showing just how vulnerable both the Republic and Jedi really were at the time.
  13. Account creation date - 21/10/08 Number - 9629 I remember it took me four attempts at registering, and it looks like I still made it in the first 10,000:D
  14. Nothing here even remotely connects to what I said. It's still not Battlefront 3, it's still a franchise reboot. As for what you said above, I'm not getting the game. Not because of the trite bs of "it's not battlefront", but because of the horrendous cost for the "full package" - around £100 for game + premium and the lack of server browser. The total cost for Hardline put me off buying that game, again almost £100 for the base game and premium. The practice of dividing a gaming community by who buys and doesn't buy map packs has been a blight on FPS multiplayer for too long imo. I personally don't care if they do start selling emotes and other cosmetic things for players to buy outside of playing the game. It's a way of generating money that's strictly optional content as opposed to mandatory.
  15. Battlefront 3 could have been great, but DICE isn't making Battlefront 3. They're making Battlefront. It's a franchise reboot, not a sequel.
  16. Whilst I agree that the price for the Premium package is ridiculously high (and I'm not a console player, and was put off buying Hardline for the same reasons), DICE doesn't usually just do only maps for their DLC. Their DLC is more akin to the expansions games used to get before the cash gouging popularity of DLC content. Maps and weapons, and in the case of BF3 new vehicles for the new maps. I will say this though, maps as DLC with a price tag works more to divide players than just giving them out free for people who own the game. Weapons and cosmetic customisation stuff as paid DLC would be fine, since it is less likely to divide the playerbase as much as maps do. I remember when COD4's newer maps were released in patches for PC players, whilst console players were getting the short end of the stick by having to pay for them, then from MW2 onwards all platforms were being screwed over by Activision's pay for maps practice, which really helped push the DLC cash cows. The DLC practice for Black Ops 2 was more acceptable (weapon camos, reticle options etc), but still creating division with paid maps dlc. After the 4 packs for BF4 were released, players have gotten more weapons for free, at least 1 night version of a map with a couple more in the works, an updated map from an earlier game coming and a map made with community input coming too, for free.
  17. Pretty sure RoTJ Luke couldn't, and definitely didn't. DE Luke absolutely, and iirc he did (I remember him doing it with an AT-AT but I'm only half sure he did with Palpatine, think it was when he'd just transferred into a clone body before forcing Luke to serve him).
  18. I'd say that she could make it as far as round 3 at the very least. KoTOR Revan isn't back to full form yet (incomplete memories still, leading to not being fully aware of his capabilities or potential) which would allow Kreia the edge she needs to defeat him. RoTJ Luke is an easier fight, due to his lacking experience in combating Sith that aren't holding back when fighting him (Vader was holding back on Bespin and on the second Death Star). HoT has had far more experience combating and resisting both the physical prowess and mental domination of powerful Sith, i.e. Vitiate, that the effects of the Trayus Core would be negligible. The HoT has shown the ability to remain focused enough in combat that verbal sparring wouldn't be a problem, and Kreia does love to use words as weapons as much the Force or even her lightsaber. I'd say it would be close enough to confronting Vitiate on Dromund Kaas that the HoT would be the most likely to emerge victorious. If facing Jaina and then DE Luke, there would be no contest victory for them. Jaina's lifetime of experience in fighting against such a diverse range of adversaries, with all the skills and abilities learned throughout all of that, gives her an edge that I doubt even the Trayus Core could blunt. DE Luke would be no stranger to the effects of the Trayus Core, having experienced similar effects from Palpatine himself, I'd say that it would be enough to dull his full potential, but not enough to give Traya victory, not against Luke when he's basically a slightly tamer version of the game representation of Galen Marek in DE. Saying all that though, Sion could certainly be the tipping point Kreia would need to make it all the way through to DE Luke, if he wasn't just for the bonus round. As long as nobody figured out that he was being kept alive by his own anger fuelled will...
  19. Again with the attacks. I made an observation and gave an opinion. No, I fully understand why it was made and "who it was for". This isn't a competition of baiting each other with "last word" behaviour. That line itself is purposefully confrontational on your part, and can easily be seen as attempting to bait me whilst trying to make yourself appear as having some sort of "high ground". You attacked me, and continue to do so, based upon a comment made that was in no way snide, yet you took it as an attack on you personally. You were so incensed by what I said, that you went ahead and made a similar thread with the caveat of The above can easily be misconstrued as an attempt at baiting me, especially in light of your open and continued behaviour towards me. Why don't you go ahead and PM me every single "snide" comment I've made on other threads, since you seem to have looked over my posting history to be able to make such an assertion... For what it's worth, it was never my intention to hurt your feelings at all, and I sincerely apologise for any misunderstanding. If you do feel the desire to continue this dialogue, it would be better done via PM instead of continuing in the thread itself.
  20. No, you're a stoopid head See, I can be directly petulant towards you too! No, it's not "crazy" to me. Crazy would be more putting Deadeye Duncan up against Vitiate in a 1-on-1 combat scenario. I never said or implied that "it was all about me", but you seem to have taken such umbrage concerning my comments, that you've misconstrued them as being a direct attack on you... Take your own words to heart Given the condescending tone of your sentence here, I'm going to say no thank you to your entirely disingenuous "offer" to explain to me via PM, especially when you decided to make such personal attacks against me in public, as opposed to doing it via PM yourself.
  21. The PT Jedi are referred to as the Jedi at the height of their power. It was canon when their was tiers of canon (G-Canon, T-canon, C-canon, S-canon, N-canon), and it's still canon whilst the EU (including this game's stories) has been rendered non-canon. Having read through Dagoz's comments, doing so would be a futile exercise. He/she won't accept canon by his/her own words See? Dealing with someone who chooses what is and isn't canon to their mind in order to make their arguments, and ignores what they don't like if it conflicts with their own head-canon. This is the funniest part. Providing "canon evidence" based on his/her own head-canon as opposed to evidence that is canon. Trying to reason with anyone with this kind of mindset is insanity. They're like a politician rattling off the same unchanging BS rhetoric and making statements that everyone else has proven wrong, but ignores the fact that they've been proven wrong.
  22. This. There was almost no point continuing on past this answer at all. I say almost, because the only thing more pointless was the initial question.
  23. I'm sure there's all sorts of excuses such as "Palpatine was only torturing him before killing hit" etc etc, but it pretty much comes down to "movie magic", in much the same way as Lightsabers themselves having a plasma blade that matter is incapable of passing through, and doesn't roast the flesh of the wielder as it should, regardless of any "electromagnetic containment field". Saying that though, in the now Legends book of The Truce at Bakura, the Lightning had left him injured with potentially lethal side effects if he'd gone without medical treatment. Pretty much. It's so much easier to ride the Hate Train than it is to use your brain for a couple of hours.
  24. Think of electrical burns from electrical current. Increase the current and exposure to it, and you'll get ashes. Luke looked pretty unable to control his convulsing body when the Emperor was continually shocking him with lightning... Plus lightning is plasma created by the passage of electricity through the air - the air where the electricity passed is superheated, and thunder is basically the explosive shockwave of the plasma.
  25. Electricity is energy... Lightning is the plasma created by the electricity, being heated by the passage of the electricity from point A (the Darksider/Sith using the ability) to point B (whatever the target is).
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