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Everything posted by Ryzerion

  1. There is a difference betwen say WoW(2004) at launch didn't have ability delays. and SWTOR(2011) is very more polished than anygame when they launched. Same goes for having more content and what not. If you don't see the differences then oh well, but I hope you do. Oh and want to get into high res textures, shards, non static worlds and what not?
  2. Your not God, though I will say thanks for your blindness you will be helping out blizzard in he future.
  3. So it's funny it's as if it's lie just like their fasle advertisement is with high res textures. I also wonder about what the critics have seen now. It's possible they could have actually witnessed high res textures when we do not lol.
  4. K.O Oh and look at the up close textures of SWTOR THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. "LFG Healer Chamber Secrets." 30 minutes later "LFG Healer Chamber Secrets."
  6. It's a tad bit weird how people(Now mainly in SWTOR I hear this in forums.) claim that in order to have a good MMO experience in this game you must do pvp or have a guild, most say "join a guild." That's very interesting and it shows an issue, it means SWTOR right now lack consistency. The last thing I myself complain about in MMOs I play would be the lack of the Massive part in MMO. My one of my top beefs is that this game lacks it, many of my friends and so on have said the same thing. Maybe time will change the shards population in [eyesight and experience]...maybe.
  7. Counter this with a SWTOR video, thanks. I think it can be done but oh well.
  8. INB4 someone helps Blizzard out by saying "Go back to WoW." Any way OP you'll prolly find a MMO that'll suit your preference sometime this year or the next atleast, if not then it is what it is bro.
  9. That's why all MMOs eventually head the same direction other than WoW's direction lmao. You seriously don't think that this doesn't happen on...well...every other MMO?
  10. You mean if they didn't emphasise on just the story itself, luckily some games(mmos) are going even further
  11. I don't know why i feel it'd be awesome if they made an Yoda type race or something.
  12. You know it's sort of funny how Skyrim... Ahh never mind that. Wait it's SWTOR not Skyrim...duhhh I should know better, because even though that system destroys that issue with timesinks you get people who will argue it breaks immersion, though it's more convient IMO having that as an option.
  13. I edited it to give my reason but I laughed as well.
  14. It's both In threads were people say I like this game people come in and ruin the moods. In threads were healthy convos go some stupid idiot comes in an say "Well your the minority and I'm God so in that case we're the majority who aren't havin the issues." Then in troll threads you have mental people take the bait instead of letting the thread sink to the bottom, brings good laughs for me. You have fanboys who are obviousely blind and are trying to balance out the love and hate threads. You have the fanboys who love SWTOR but want and remain to destroy it by telling people who have a decent complaint with "Go back to WoW." It's how life is on the internet lol.
  15. Do not lie to me, what do the womprats do every 50 yards lol? Your arguin against improvements but w/e. You know any way just so people know BW designed it to be static so no opportunities areto be missed. Course people will deny it now but that does go into replayability. To each his/her own though
  16. Why can't we admit that this was BW's intention? Just like the static world was an intention as well. Just admit it but it's still possible for one to admit he's enjoying the game and trying his/her best to act as if the world isn't static when it is and the game isn't linear than most which it is lol. OP makes it sound bad, so I guess you guys have to prove him wrong, personally y'all are entertainment when I take a break from the story which is linear.Like if I took huge offense to this post I actually would let it sink and not go to the first page but eh well. I mean who ever wanted dynamic story or quests that even if you don't do your PS it still makes you matter, this isn't your game lmao. Which I personally can't wait to get that experience again in that MMORPG but that's another story.
  17. Since I played all three of the games two out of the three don't have ability delays.
  18. I'm not shocked at the OP, I'm shocked at the people taking his bait. I don't know who's smarter TBH.
  19. His mentality is what will hold this game back.
  20. Recently in many forums and while talking to my Guild it's because of how static the worlds are at the moment. Before you say nme one mmo that has done this better, well one is Aion, Rift, and so forth, doesn't mean I think the game is better but that's just how it is at the moment, there are a lot of other MMOs that do this honestly but I'm sure people stressed there names including the two I mention. Just how it is bro, though that an the reasons the guy listed, maybe be some more reasons as well. It's sort of interesting how 5-8.5 ratings they give more than the rating with valid points. For those that missed mine though I doubt you care, I'd rate it a 7/10. Reasons well I got a good one if you have read this whole post.
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