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Everything posted by Ryzerion

  1. Rather than type that just post some videos of the other mmos your talking about. Thanks bro:D
  2. So people bought the game unsubscribed yet few I.E me are looking to see if there are updates or any new information, yet we can't tell people that we aren't resubbing this game because such and such or until such and such is fixed? Like I don't even hate the game period yet you have people labeling each other and don't even realize they are saying the same bs that other forum posters stress, the sheer lack of reality or honesty hell common sense. Contrary to what posters may think I'm giving this game a try but I'm not about to pay 15 dollars a month that they honestly don't need from us, for something that is gamebreaking for me. I forgave the fact that this game lacks true immersion(post me a video of live npcs moving about and actually doing something, and if one area then it's not consistent), I almost forgave PVP but that's retarded since it's honstly Jedi vs Sith which would be open world PVP, I could keep going, but the lack of ability delays which EQ nad WoW off the top of my head really did have from the [start] makes no sense at all for an game in 2011 going on to 2012 to have. Now really it's not even justifiable for people are aren't unsubbing to not post in this thread especially. Yet opinions are opinons, so you could say it's an opinion, I'm sorry.
  3. Well ****(I'm not calling you the f word or anything don't take it that way) what is the thread name? Actually why post in a thread were you know it'll have different responses.
  4. Reality is crazy because even though this **** right here is far different from WoW your going to still disagree and maybe even show some sarcasm. Unless you going to man/woman up and actually admit the opposite. Either these two things will happen. Oh and restart the video. On topic:I'm unsubbing until they fix ability delays, though honestly I could complain about other stuff but mainly the ability delays.
  5. One of many key reasons the trinity sucks :/
  6. Feeble stop being retarded they don't take games with subs. Idiots I swear to God.
  7. This, every one keeps trying to defend this situation which various of things but it's rather annoying when people say EQ and WoW had the same big flaw when they didn't. Which is why I'm skeptical, Rift also didn't have the issue from the start, I believe the devs for Warhammer knew the issue just like with SWTOR and correct me if I'm wrong. I'll be amazed if they fix it [soon] since it's a multitude of issues leading to one issue and might have a slight chance of being unfixable, like we know they are aware but whether or not it's fixable is the question. Oh and another situation is using overload in PVP and PVE(sometimes) it won't happen instantly.
  8. OP...grow up.... A matter of fact this is a clear example of how ignorance is displayed not even the op but those siding with him and didn't even read what the ****(calm tone) he was saying in the other thread you guys are funny. Yea...this is an logical community alright. SWTOR fanboys talking about WoW fanboys you guys got issues, serious ones. And people wonder why their MMORPGs go down hill after months. Peace and take care.
  9. Note: WoW and EQ didn't have this issue and it was one of their reasons for a long success Take care.
  10. He used timing, don't let your love of the game blind reality, that's the 1st step in hurting it...not helping it.
  11. Yea they are but luckily I'll enjoy both or just one(if this issue isn't fixed.) I like star wars lore and what not, and new this wasn't a "groundbreaking" mmo but a good mmo, just wasn't expecting delays you know? I'll keep some faith in Bioware though
  12. What's sad is that the future MMOs already got that right, I'm not even going to bring in the name but having tried it out last year it had it down packed on the pre alpha.
  13. No you admitted to having seeing the issue here and there. Then saying you didn't experience it. Unless I misread. If I didn't misread it, then it means that it's not consistent, and the issue is there may not harm you but it's in fact there, and it is more apparent to many people, the first thing I said in the The Harbinger server on my sith warrior was that vicious strike needs fixing, first response was "agreed." then later on I got whispers by 5 other people saying "agreed." then one said "Wait till you see stomp." A soon as I use it, my character(I laughed it looked funny) jumped and didn't go no where and jumped immediately after that finally doing damage.
  14. Just to piggy back GW 2(played it at PAX),Rift,WoW, and I believe AoC got the responsiveness in abilities down packed. Can't remember if any other MMO has it down packed.
  15. Press one then use vicious slice/strike. Or try stomp It's actually funny to be honest.
  16. Y'all are some little...man I swear to God it doesn't take a WoW fanboy or mmo traditionalist to notice the big azz issue with this game.
  17. For Sith Warriors, Jedi KNights, Consulars, and Inquisidors it isn't excellent. You'll notice this from level one on all of those in PVE. I mean honestly what was the point of no auto attack if the combat isn't fluid enough, the combat could of been handled differently, like you press one you swing, press it again you swing again, press it twice faster you got a combo, then press it 3 times plus 2 you have an outstanding combo, IMO I think it would have been a lot better. Let me know if I'm wrong or the system above would have been worse.
  18. And for those who play Sith Warrior and Consular's from my experince, it's an issue as well, glarring one at least, at the very beginning you'll notice it.
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