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Everything posted by Cowflab

  1. You've taught me well madam. Personally, I don't enjoy the DoT specs as much as 0/24/17, 23/1/17, or 27/1/13 but I definitely see its purpose. I have a guildie that uses this spec and when we stalk around together, we make an excellent ninja team. The CC between both of us is enough to give opponents fits.
  2. Cowflab

    Give us arena's!

    Lol at arenas is Swtor! Remember RPM in WoW? Meet AOM or AOJ.
  3. If you honestly think there have been no changes since March of last year, there's no helping you. Not being rude. Just telling it like it is.
  4. Cowflab

    Idea for Expertise

    Agreed! This isn't so obvious to some players(ie the poster I quoted before this). The point of having varying content is so that you can specialize in your area of interest, whether that be PvP or PvE. If you want to be the best at either metagame, you need to get the gear for it. I rarely ever see PvP players complaining about not being top "insert dps/tank/healing" in ops. It's to be expected. However, like the previous poster, you often get PvE players complaining that their leet HAZMAT gear doesn't translate to easy PvP wins. In this case, they are mutually exclusive. Deal with it.
  5. Cowflab

    Idea for Expertise

    It's not an exaggeration buddy. I was a dw twin blades of azzinoth rogue in WoW. When you mixed those weapons with resilience armor and PvE trinkets, things got ugly real quick. The things you're proposing also cause class balancing issues. That gave me a huge advantage over most of the playerbase. Apparently you didn't play high level PvP in WoW... As for your "anyone can go buy said set" shtick. Maybe if everyone had double digit million credits at their disposal, sure! But the vast majority of this games population don't. You seem to think me pointing out the obvious, means I'm complaining. I'm not. I don't have these problems, but I'm also not naive enough to deny that it could cause issues.
  6. Cowflab

    Idea for Expertise

    The problem you run into is that hardcore raiders then run the gambit on the game. Many hardcore PvE players are abysmal PvP players and would dominate the PvP metagame because they have the best gear. Thus forcing people who PvP exclusively, into the time sink known as PvE raiding. Contrary to popular belief, time spent in game =/= skill. With your proposed model, that's what it would become. Let's also not forget about why WoW introduced resilience in the first place. That reason being that you had a couple of PvE heroes running around 1 and 2 shotting people with their Hand of Rags.
  7. Cowflab

    It's been 7 months

    If they allowed solo queues for Rateds, with matchmaking to go against other solo queuers, I'm willing to bet you'd see an increase in rated WZ activity. They could even reduce the amount of Rated Comms for participating in solo rateds. One of the biggest deterrents of rateds right now, is that one good team can kill off the competitive PvP of a server(it shouldn't, but it does) because the actual pool of rated players is so small, given that you can only queue against your own server. What ultimately ends up happening, is that you get 1-2 elite teams on each server that roflstomp any entry level team and discourage them from participating again. This pretty much hold true to the statement of "people don't want competitive PvP, they just want to beat up on lesser opponents." I know that when I played Warhammer Online, once the population and competitive edge swung to one dominant side, you often had good players reroll to the other side to increase competitive play. I'm not saying this should be the only option, but with legacy perks, rerolling has now become extremely easy to do. It just seems that players in this game tend to do the opposite, and reroll from the weaker faction so that they can get easy wins on the dominant side. Cross server Rated queuing needs to be implemented if that metagame is to ever be taken seriously.
  8. You shouldn't have squishiness problems in a 0/27/14 build. Between Sith Defiance, Darkswell, Entropic Field, Insulation(I usually take this over Static Charges because 4% mitigation through armor seems like better spent points than a buff to discharge which will rarely, if ever get to a 5 stack in PvP), a minute self heal through Death Field, and proper rotation of Force Shroud and Force Cloak(which resets your Blackout timer) you should have survivability on par with Darkness. The reduced cooldown on Force Shroud in Darkness hybrids and full tank builds is definitely a plus, but it doesn't really afford you much more staying power over good use of defensive cooldowns in the Wakajinn spec. The only real loss that I see with 0/27/14 is the absence of Force Pull. But if you rotate your CC's and reduced cooldown Force Speed, you shouldn't have too many problems. I personally prefer Low Slash over Instant Whirlwind, based solely on the cooldown timer of each.
  9. Agreed on all points. I found that when I run 0/27/14, squishiness was never a problem. Most full deception assassins need to understand that the absence of VS is a good thing. The graphic that accompanies VS is a honing beacon for any intelligent premade to tunnel you as fast as possible, because left to your own devices, you can wreak some havoc if left alone. It is one of the single most identifiable and iconic attacks in the game. It also "shows your hand" so to speak. The burst of a 2/31/8 spec is incredibly predictable, and easily countered. Unless your enemies are really paying attention to your buffs, it is very easy to be ignored as even some of the best groups in the game will see a normal thrash and assume you're darkness/combat spec'd.
  10. I have the black hole pve relic. I'll do some testing on a target dummy. You're right that it probably won't add to sustained dps but it could help in burst situations. I'll let you know how it goes.
  11. Do you mean 4/14/23? If you do, its played in force/lightning. The talents in induction/circling shadows is only for the crit damage multiplier.
  12. Although you're correct, there are still balance/madness hybrids that get that and unearthed knowledge(shadow equivalent) that hits harder.
  13. 0/27/14 or 23/1/17 spec assassin depending on the skill of the player.
  14. Lol at the derps quoting near year old posts and pointing out errors that are only errors because of changes made over time. You used to be able to get raze procs in dark charge. Before it was changed due to hybrid sins being even more unstoppable than they are now. For a so called leet player, damager. You took this hook, line, and sinker. Derping it all the way to the bank. Oh, and 300k damage was a lot, IN DEC 2011!!! Successful necrotroll is successful. 9/10
  15. You can drop your ACC to 96.9% and surge to 75% and probably squeeze a bit more power. It's not a requirement, but it helps.
  16. For what spec? 23/1/17? Meh, doesn't matter. You should use a focus. Shield generators have minimal usefulness outside of full time ball carrying or full tank play while guarding.
  17. Has anyone tested how often they proc as a benchmark? I'm not disagreeing, just curious.
  18. That would depend on how you define "effective." It's very effective in its designed purpose, however, I do agree that it lacks in the "there's no I in team" department.
  19. Your Sig is very fitting for this attempted necrotroll.
  20. I hope that English isn't your first language, because if it is, might I suggest you spend less time looking for people with 11k hp in wz's and more time in school brushing up on your grammar and reading comprehension? You're in such a frenzy to defend your videogame feats, that you can't even formulate coherent responses.
  21. Why go dps when you can become nigh invincible with competent teammates?
  22. Either that, or you become a late comer to a blowout loss that someone bailed on.
  23. How is this even remotely a L2P issue? Good for you. You hit a crit on a retard. Are you going to brag about how you won a foot race at the special Olympics now?
  24. Agreed! BW, take notes!!! The assassin community wants this! http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/5/59/Galen_dual.png Change the dual wield to double bladed lightsaber. We get that you want sorcs to look girly with flowing robes because they're casters, but I'm tired of having to resocket mods to adaptive armors that an assassin would actually wear. NO MORE GODD*** ROBES!!!
  25. So in other words, doable in a duel with a relic or stim proc'd on a significantly undergeared opponent? Yeah, don't think I'd brag about that...
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