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Everything posted by Cowflab

  1. ...and bigger teams. Too bad the SWTOR engine can't handle it. A lot of the problems you see in this game would disappear if there were 15v15 wz's.
  2. Great work!!! Any chance of designing an assassin dual blade with an aggressive, sleek look? Possibly with spikes of some sort and hand guards over the hand placement areas on the saber?
  3. I completely and utterly disagree with your opening statement. A guildie and myself, both 26k-27k tank spec'd assassins in EWH gear often are able to harass and survive in this situation while often times coming away with a cap(this also doesn't "weaken your team at mid" because 9/10 the other team will panic and send half to 3/4 of their team to that node leaving mid open for you to cap while giving our team plenty of time to back us up). Then again, we aren't retarded puggies who don't have a plan(are in voice chat, rotate CC's, run opponents off of the node so the other can cap... Etc... Etc). You'd be amazed at how many times we get the crucial caps and stall for reinforcements that ultimately end up being the deciding factor in the victory. I wouldn't recommend you do this unless you know the tendencies of your teammates and have quick, open lines of communication though.
  4. Lol, gotta love hate mail for my guildie. Here's a pro tip for you. When you see an assassin spamming AoE slow and smashers are around, you might want to try the other door. Just saying...
  5. This^ I've found most success when having another assassin guildie go with me to ninja. He is also a tank and more often times than not, he will draw them away from the node and I'll back cap because the defenders tunnel vision him and don't look back. Other times, one of us just stays stealthed and re mezzes as the other caps. It's ridiculously easy and effective when there is only one defender. It's not the class' fault, its your team. Always leave 2 defenders.
  6. This is a pretty weak argument. A lone defender will almost always give up a cap if their team doesn't respond fast enough. The basis of nerfing a class because 2 players can effectively coordinate and use in game mechanics to achieve a goal is almost as ridiculous as people saying premades serve as a detriment to the PvP community unless they face other premades. Assassins/shadows have already been nerfed numerous times. Whiners complaining about them now just need to learn how to deal with them. Here's how. Stop a stealth cap: If you have an AoE taunt and you suspect there is an assassin nearby. Use it! It will put them in combat and they can no longer mind trap you. If you haven't already done so, stop raging at your computer while sitting in a mind trap, IMMEDIATELY call out for help. If they mind trap you and are capping break CC. 9/10 they will immediately force cloak again, in which case you use your AoE damage ability or knockback to pull them out. In the unlikely event that they use shroud with cloak to avoid your AoE they're dead meat anyway if you have even a slight inclination of how to fight them because they've now used their get out of jail free cards. They have now completely filled your resolve and given you ample time to stall and for your teammates to arrive. As others have said, L2P. I've had more than my fair share of ninja caps halted by players who know what they're doing.
  7. So much this^ I've had many, many ninja cap attempts ruined by a lone Rambo coming over and drawing 1/2 to 3/4 of the enemy team to the pylon right as I'm vanishing to hit the "cheapo" double mind trap.
  8. Damn those 31/31/31 spec'd shadows and sins. Damn them straight to hell!!! On a serious note, no one single spec of the AC has all of the characteristics you've described. It's a give and take. Unlike marauders... This post is incredibly ironic as well. Your last sentence is actually what you're trying to do yourself.
  9. I would also like to add a 15b example. If you see someone capping in VS, DO NOT go over to the door and start capping with the other person. Your efforts should be used sitting at the opponents drop down point so you can use your AoE knockback, single target stuns, and AoE slows/stuns to ensure the cap is successful. I can't count how many times I've been 1 second away from planting a bomb and get leapt to, or gotten AoE'd because a teammate has done this.
  10. Since when is a 31/0/10 build considered a "hybrid?"
  11. Uhhh no. Anyway, I grow tired of this back and forth. You're right. There aren't any cheaters in the game. The message on the login page is an arbitrary reminder that cheating is bad. Nothing to see here. Just bad players that need to L2P...
  12. Yes, the extra power comes in handy. Nice red herring though. I also have no problems killing healers that aren't cheating. I'm not talking about everyday players, this is specifically in regards to 1-2 particular healers. As I've said before, when I have one on my team, I don't complain either... Why do you feel the need to act belligerent in defense of these nonexistent cheaters? It's happening, BW wouldn't put the message up if it didn't.
  13. This is not what I'm talking about. Although it is a great ability, its definitely not what happens. I have a min/maxed EHW assassin that I play in deception if I'm not in rateds, so lack of oomph isn't the problem. But its ok, when I have a cheater on my team, I don't want to admit it either. We are winning because of our leet skills...
  14. It's not your guild, but it is a more reputable guild, you could say. Rhymes with floodsign.
  15. If you ever face my premade, please focus our jugg. That way our healer can free cast uninhibited and I can melt people's faces from behind on my assassin.
  16. Last I knew, BW was banning posters for posting fraps. Although it does serve a purpose, it does "stir the pot" so to speak. Most of the cheaters I've seen aren't any particular class or ability. What I've seen is the speed hack(not predation or sprint, those have a graphic), the lag spike "hack," and the endless resource healer cheat.
  17. Lol to the guy saying he's played since open beta and never seen a cheater. Jedi Covenant is ripe with them. It's very easy to distinguish between good players and cheaters. I won't call any names, but there is a particular guild on the Rep side that gets extremely lucky with "lag spikes." I find this odd because I run warzones everyday and plenty of them and NEVER have latency issues when not playing against that particular guild. It also "just so happens" to usually result in ridiculously lop sided matches. I'm positive that there are plenty of examples of false accusations and people not knowing the game but this is just not one of those.
  18. **** of here with your reasonable, logical, well written post. You're making too much sense!!! Less pewpew, more QQ.
  19. I haven't had this problem and I PvP A LOT. Either you're overloading a full resolve target or one immune to kbs. There's no reason to get snarky. Clearly there are people that don't know about the change.
  20. Overload is no longer a 360 degree KB. It's a 45 or so degree cone frontal KB. If you're not facing your opponent, you will not knock them back.
  21. Overload is no longer a 360 degree KB. It's a 45 or so degree cone frontal KB. If you're not facing your opponent, you will not knock them back.
  22. This^ You can finish a quick VS with 300k damage, doing 450ish dps. A parse would tell you that that is abysmal dps. What the parse doesn't account for is that you were able to merc healers left and right, effectively decreasing your opponents efficiency, greatly helping your team achieve a victory.
  23. Quite literally, this. This dude makes a new thread about the now nonexistent gear gap pretty much daily. I'm beginning to think he really doesn't know how to play.
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