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Everything posted by Christonya

  1. So theres been alot of talk about a pyrotech techs, but what about a Adv prototype specced tech?
  2. @Glodofmars so as a merc what sort of fun / unseful niches do you get?
  3. Can a tech compete with a stand still dpsing merc? Or will a merc come out on top every time?
  4. I'm thinking of trying to lvl a BH but im not sure what advanced class, so... For pvp which is better at what? What would / did you pick? Of course the obvious answer is "Tech for tanking, merc for healing" but from a purely dps stand point which and what spec would be strong for pvp. Any tips / info would be appreciated, like which is more mobile (has more instant casts) which has more burst, which has more utility which is harder to kill ect ect. Edit: Also, how much does a Adv prototype tech's retractable blade hit for?
  5. This is what we refer to as "Shotting yourself in the foot". That statement is the problem when it comes to pvp forums . "Nerf this class, I don't play it. Don't nerf this class, I do play it" If they nerf you, its because they feel your doing too well, I doublt you will be crippled to the point of being useless, you will just have to learn how to use what you have after the nerf.
  6. Then all 8 classes get to the point where they all one shot each other, making the game itself become very bad, worse if a nerf had taken place. Real smart.
  7. Of course burst is needed. But like warriors a few patches ago in WoW whom were globaling people, its just not fun, for any one. The burst ive seen from ops is out of controll, its much too high, and whats a opp do if their in trouble ? CC and heal. Further more, with the concealment tree, they have a 100% up time HoT, its like 2%? I think, which isnt super big, but it will add up.
  8. I don't have time to watch the video, but none the less, if thats the case then BW def needs to think about making a slight fix. Though IMO what needs to happend is simply this: Make a 50 only bracket. Let 1-49s go up against each other as is currently implimented. With this, they can at least get the information about class balence, that they need. Till then, every one reroll opp/sco and go kill each other, when BW sees that no other classes are being played, a change will take for sure.
  9. A good frost mage can beat any class 1v1. A great frost mage can 2v1 easily. Now to the point, as a tank you are able to live their burst? Well done. Though if you couldn't they would have been insta nerffed.
  10. Very helpful, and correct me if im wrong, but ops have a passive 50% armor reduc, we get 50% on maul (during a 10 sec CD if it procs without fail), and 6ish % from surging charge. Also at the OP, the way I see assassin is as a pressure class, but my opinion means little atm.
  11. Don't make the same mistake I did, if you want to play a rogue type, play the imperial operative. The assassin is similiar to a death knight in wow (in some ways) that it uses both physical and spell damage. Play style specifics come down to what spec you pick. Ultimately for me it was a happy accident, I like the assassin just fine although im only to lvl 34 so far.
  12. Huttball ruins pvp imo. I wana stab people, not run a ball from one place to another. Edit: I like capture the flag style things, but generally when the flag is dropped you can retrieve it right after rather then it auto going to the enemy Second throwing the ball is buggy I have hit my throw hot key and it doesnt go off, at all bare in mind im spamming it while i slowly drop in hp And lastly flame traps, and multiple levels I play a melee so the multiple levels grinds my gears (cant escape the ranged classes far outa my reach) and the traps add too much RNG from a pvp POV.
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