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Everything posted by KennethHoover

  1. Stay away from the sewer known as General Discussion and you will be fine.
  2. No. Now live with it and worry about something more serious like poverty or overpopulation or global warming or why broccoli tastes so bad but your mommy makes you eat it anyway.
  3. Show me on the Exploiting Ilum doll where the carebear touched you.
  4. The kids and I resubbed a week before the 2x experience weekend. We didn't know about it at that time so it was like icing on the cake.
  5. And here we have another voice of tolerance and reason which is what makes this community so very, very special....
  6. I grabbed lunch. Pizza! Now I have time to check online where the datacrons are on Nar Shaddaa. Yes, the servers being down is inconvenient. But it's not the end of the world. They'll be back up. Now if I ran out of coffee...that would be both inconvenient and a disaster.
  7. It was an unintended exploit and Bioware decided to do away with it. As they should. Just deal with it. Oh, and have a nice day.
  8. Posting in another self-entitled "I qwit" thread while waiting for my coffee to boil.
  9. Starting to agree. Looking more and more like subbers are being bent over a stump by the devs of this game.
  10. There are no real deep oceans in the Star Wars universe. It's all knee deep shoal water.
  11. The cartel is a lottery. And you know what a lottery is, don't you? A tax on people who can't math.
  12. I always thought the fuel fee was way too low. It should be increased at least tenfold. You are able to travel from one star system to another for a handful of credits?
  13. No, OP. But thanks for playing and we hope you have a nice day.
  14. I agree it was a fun little break. I don't want them to do it all the time, either, because it would lose what makes it special. But one or two times a year would be nice, and it is a painless way to help level alts.
  15. My main sage is a DPS and I like that character a lot.
  16. It's pretty awful. So in other words the design team is living up to its usual standards.
  17. Um, wrong. That's simply not how it works, not how it has ever worked, not how it will ever work in the future.
  18. Pretty much what everyone else has said. You honestly don't have to buy anything. Just save your credits for skill upgrades, etc. Have fun!
  19. I would love to see some method of interior/architectural/paint customization in the game as it pertains to our houses, er, I mean, ships.
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