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Everything posted by Laeris

  1. I agree... and SWTOR shouldn't be either. You people are getting charged money for less content than what's in Skyrim.
  2. Skyrim sold 20 million copies. SWTOR Is an abysmal failure. And there's multiplayer mods for Skyrim now.... look up Skyrim Online
  3. I don't care about the number of overall subscribers. I am not 14 years old and I don't thrive on peer pressure and hive-mind thinking that dictates cool kids have to play the cool kid game. I only care about the population of my server. My server's population is easily down 60-70% from just mid January. Our PvP queues at 50 are nearly 2 hours between pops. Single digits on Ilum. Never more than 30 L50s online on the Imp side at any given time these days. Nar Shaddaa usually only has 20 people or so... so they're not rolling alts. For me, the game having 250k, 500k, 1 million or 3 million subs doesn't matter. Our server community must be an anomaly because it is doing exactly the opposite of what a lot of you are saying. Rift just launched a major feature update today (400+ megabytes of content) and for a game that supposedly only has 350k - 500k subscribers, it sure seems a lot more lively on the Rift server I play on. So, I'll end by saying this: I hope SWTOR gets to be like Rift one day where 500k subs feels more healthy than 1.7 million.
  4. Taris - Companion customization vendor IIRC
  5. Login >> wait 1.5 minutes while loading Corellia >> fleet pass to station >> load ship interior >> leave ship wait 1.5 minutes while loading Alderaan >> load 2 more times before you get to actual Alderaan >> run to taxi >> wait a couple minutes flying halfway across the planet >> repeat in reverse to go back to what you were doing before when you're done helping your guild mate. Repeat the above 2 more times for a 4 man heroic. There's a lot to be said about reducing tedium in games. If it isn't fun and can be avoided... why the hell not?
  6. It happens after the end of every chapter, FYI.
  7. No way in hell would Lucas Arts allow it.
  8. I only need one wish: I wish they would make it single player/offline so I could continue the storyline I like without all the multiplayer junk that I don't. That way, I wouldn't have to be cancelling my subscription for a single player game.
  9. Uuuuungh.. UUUUH... nuh na-nuh-naaaaa.... I'm a TROOPA!
  10. Yep. But it really doesn't get any more simple than what I said.
  11. The game is a success for people who like it. It is a failure for people who don't.
  12. I bet this person likes those Capital One credit card commercials where "Peggy" does customer service... Because at EA, any CSR you call and talk to or email is in India and they're named things like Bob, Richard, and Jennifer.
  13. For as cool as an idea this would be, we all know full well it'll just end up like Audiosurf where we move the mouse left and right and hit spacebar to avoid junk on the track. Space combat anyone?
  14. Well to answer this original topic: The escape pod is in fact usable. If you're in a group and go visit another player's ship, you of course can walk around on it. Now, let's say you're in a group with a Bounty Hunter and they go to a BH only storyline location then cancel the group... You're stuck on the ship because you can't use the door to get out. You can't use their ship's holomap. You'll note in this case, you can use the escape pod and it takes you back to the fleet station. That's how I've used the escape pod before.... err, my friend did because I did the above to him unknowingly. He had to use the escape pod to get off the ship.
  15. The only weapons that have it are empire vendors on the Imperial fleet. Same with the cyan crystal on the Republic fleet. For those of you who haven't made 50, you'll note that all 50 gear is unmoddable. The actual "crystal" doesn't exist in the game per se. It only exist as a part of a locked item from reward vendors.
  16. Well, in EA's end of year report, they are quoted as spending 380 million USD in 2011 on PR for SWTOR. This figure is in addition to the design cost. If you want to get technical, this game cost around half a billion to put on shelves... all said and done.
  17. This goes along with what I have been saying on the tech forums. Most people have hardware in their PC and they don't know what it does. That's how people end up with 500 dollar routers, 16mb of RAM and performance problems. SWTOR, like any other game, is a 32 bit program and can only use 2mb of memory at any given time. Any system resource beyond that limit is unused by the game. Just because you have a top GPU/CPU, doesn't mean the program can use it. This game is an antiquated game technology wise. It does not make use of advanced hardware features and has a bloated program structure that causes performance degradation because it doesn't make use of its address space properly. This is also why most people who have 6 or 8mb of RAM in their motherboards probably never use more than 3-4mb of it. We in the IT services industry take their money with smiley faces all the time though. Running 32 bit programs on 64 bit machines only allows you to do more background processes... it doesn't affect the performance of the game you're playing at all (unless you just run a bloated system)
  18. 3/10 It's below average in every category I can think of that comes to mind. I don't play WoW either... and I'm not easy to impress like some of the fanboys around here.
  19. It's normally a social level X vanity companion pet.
  20. Simple: Crit/surge for DPS Power/alacrity for Heals Tanks... mix of power/crit... mainly power That's all you need to know
  21. Sundays are the heaviest play days for every MMO. Sunday prime time (early afternoon to early evening local time) is the heaviest played time of the week for every MMO (SWTOR included. Just check http://www.TORSTATUS.NET to see for yourself) As of right now.... out of all of the servers in the NA cluster. Only 6 rate as heavy. This is in Sunday prime time. Most are standard but "light" outnumbers heavy on the list by 2 to 1 right now. 0 Full servers During the week, it is normal to see almost every server rated as light with a few being standard in prime time. In short, you're experiencing delusions.
  22. They removed it because their software engineers broke a cardinal sin of object oriented programming... When enabled, the match chest feature affected the RNG random loot system and prevented you from getting armor types that matched your chest. IE, if you were color matched and wearing heavy armor, you would never get heavy armor to drop. Only medium and light. Basically, in a coding sense, they allowed code for one object or module to affect other modules by not following proper OOP coding practices. The reason it hasn't been fixed is because they literally have to go back and recreate not only the match chest feature but the loot RNG modules from the ground up. Think of it like this. Your car is a program. The engine, transmission, and brakes are separate modules. If you don't follow proper coding procedures, a problem in your engine can cause your trunk lid to randomly open by itself. That's the problem they're dealing with. They more or less cut too many corners and, instead of using rigorous coding practices, they got sloppy. I see it all the time in the real world. The only way to fix a very complex program or module that is suffering interoperability issues is to often start over and do it right and do it rigorously.
  23. EVE Online. Can pay for the game's monthly sub with in-game currency.
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