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Everything posted by Jeffleigh

  1. I agree that the community in mmos is not as friendly or tolerant as it used to be I think it's probably because people have now been online for a much longer time and have a much higher experience level and skill in playing mmos I know when I first started playing wow in 2004 - there were heaps of questions in general chat about how to do things - let alone when you did an instance together! I think there is a very large section of the game community now who just want to get to end game as fast as they can and raid I think mmos have also attracted a large section of the community - who, for a variety of reasons are able to spend a large number of hours per day on the game Their expectations are really based on a total involvement and I just don't think any game developer could hope to keep up the content they demand Their views tend to be totally unrealistic, and have no consideration of the vast majority of the "working and real life" group of people who play a game like this is a casual and relaxed way
  2. Two things I see in SWTOR First off - I have have very few problems with bugs while playing - certainly far less than I ever had in WOW and other mmos From my experience - many people have poorly maintained or set up equipment in terms of compatability of programs and equipment and that can cause some major issues with a game as complex as this Secondly - the game has a deep immersion level - not just fly thro the content and do end game To be blunt - it's more directed at people who are going to want to read the content and follow the story lines If you are not keen on reading and listening and have a don't big interest in science fiction - perhaps this is not the game for you But don't think this game is a failure - there are a lot of people out there who are well read, have a good education and are more casual gamers who are having a ball with this game
  3. Played Rift and raided up to the last instance - have all trades maxed on both sides and 6 level 50s Rift was fun after playing wow for years The biggest thing I don't like about Rift is the story lines - they just seem so wishy washy to me The other thing - it's always killing mobs endlessly to get anywhere - not strategically grouped mobs The game is small - only two story lines to follow Trion has done a great job with the game and it's got a great ui Basically I got sick of the end game grind with the raids - and personally - I did not really enjoy Rift raids as much as those in WOW - not sure of all the reasons - they just seemed clunky I am really loving SWTOR, but of course I have been reading science fiction for years SWTOR has tons more content that Rift, and I just like the fact it has a definite science fiction theme - and not damn fantasy again - with water, air and earth elementals and some strange fantasy story line I can't get into
  4. Not to be insulting - it's not the game that's boring it's people People who have little depth to their gaming style who want to race thro the content to get to max level and raid and do end game On the other side - people who are able to take their time over the content, follow the story lines, play a number of alts and do all the trades, do most of the side quests - are going to find heaps of content I have been really surprised by the amount of content in this game compared even to wow which I played for years My main is only level 45 still and I have a string of alts - and I have not really started on the Empire side much I imagine just seeing all the content is going to last me at least another 6 months Of course - the usual crowd who carry on about it "being too easy" and all the rest of the stuff we see - they probably are not going to enjoy this game as much - and anyway who cares about them - they are just being their usual painful self that they have been in every other game
  5. I am 69 and work in computer training and consulting When I first got a computer I knew it was not really meant to work on - really just for gaming Been raiding in wow for years and rift and tried most popular mmos Having a ball in this game following the story lines
  6. I think this game has been developed more for the casual type player who likes complete immersion in a storyline People who want to go thro to endgame raiding or serious pvp are probably going to be disappointed I really like following all the story lines - and I don't find them boring either It's all personal preference - and of course - that is dependant on your age, education level, literacy level and ability to understand fully what is going on with the voice actors
  7. EQ 1 - 6 months was my first mmo - I learnt a lot (I think) WOW 2004 to 2011 - loved it most of the time - played most classes and raided (not too hardcore) Rift - was a great break away from WOW - raided up to the last instance - but the game was very small and I got sick of the end game grind and the lack of areas to level new alts in I tried Aion, Conan, Lotro and a few others for a month or so each - too much grinding to level past level 25 odd SWTOR - love it - I love the story lines, the zones, the graphics and the fact it's science fiction based (being a big reader of science fiction) - going to be at least 6 months before I have seen all the stories I think How ever - I could see that a lot of people would not be interested sufficiently in that kind of thing - but having said that - I wonder what alternatives of gaming there are out there now or even will be What I don't like about SWTOR - the damn 9000 error dcs - especially when our characters come back and may be all over the place (looks like some kind of server issue)
  8. I think that the game is aimed at people who want to get immersed in a story line. People who like listening to all the voice acting and following the class story lines If you are just after a killfest with PVP or a fast levelling to end game - perhaps this game is not suited to you The game does suit people who have followed the Star Wars movies and also people who are sci fi readers - for them it's just like being out there and hopefully we may see more of the movie worlds
  9. The story lines, crafting, the graphics and game scenery - I love it in this game Like many of you I played WOW for 7 years and then Rift, and raided The only game bug I seem to have is this disconnect error 3000 - other than that it's great My highest character is only level 44 and I did start playing when the game was first released. I do play a lot - but I am not rushing thro content ( as I could have) as I am levelling trades and alts at the same time I think perhaps this game does not suit people who really wanted to level fast and get to endgame raiding or PVP I know in Rift and WOW - the very top end content was really only possible to players who were very experienced and prepared to devote a lot of time to the game - and only then probably 5% or less of the server I think Bioware is aiming more at the large market of players who want immersion in story line and detail Probably people who want to listen to the voice acting and follow the story lines - are getting a lot of enjoyment out of this game
  10. Found guilds on my server seem to be pretty unstable and overall lacking in leadership Think there are a lot of players who have come to this game without much background in setting up teams and organising groups generally Heaps of people seem to be playing it almost completely as a solo game too Hopefully as the game matures, people will gradually gravitate into guilds that are working together Not necessarily as intense raiding groups, but more organised by the officers and leaders of the guild But one of the most successful guilds on the server at the start - had increasingly lost heaps of level 50s as a decent raiding schedule was not set up early enough - and understandably people left This has gone from a guild with 45+ on a peak times to only about 10+ now
  11. I used to roll male toons - and in other mmos too - but I found the male models seem to be really ugly or have ugly animations Truly I was going to roll a male in this game - and I found that the running animation was dreadful - bandy legged So simply - for some reason - in most games the female characters seem to be a better creation overall And since I spend a lot of time with a character - I want it to at least look nice!
  12. The CPU and motherboard are major components when it comes to frame rate now In a practical way - I run two pcs (and two accounts at the same time) I do upgrade my computers as required My lower end pc had a core 2 duo in it - I had a reasonable card and plenty of ram, but the improvement with a new motherboard and cpu ( an I5 in this case) gave me a frame rate from 15 originally to about 60 after the cpu and motherboard change. My main pc had a replacement motherboard and I7 - due to the fact the older one blew ( it had a quad core 2 duo in it) - again the frame rate went from about 25 to over 60 Generally now it does seem that games are much more dependant on the CPU and the bus speed of the motherboard, but of course everything should be matched
  13. We all like reading different books I can imagine that people are going to like (or not like) a lot of different things in SWTOR When I first started playing SWTOR, it really seemed like an interactive book Currently I have 6 characters 16 to 37 on the Republic side and one at level 15 on the Empire. I think, over time, I want to see all the content the developers have created I am a big science fiction reader, and I am really loving all the story lines and developing trades, so I find a lot to do in the game I am in a large and social guild - but like many of you I probably don't want to get stuck in "end game" raid and grind again in a hurry To me the faction has never been an issue - more it's what side is enjoyable to play And that can vary to some extent with the server and people you are with
  14. Been playng and raiding in Rift and WOW for the past years This game is great if you like story line, like listening to the dialog and really getting immersed It's also great if you are a big science fiction reader and can appreciate what they have done with all the graphics If you are wanting to race thro to 50 and spend most of your time improving your level 50 character - at this stage maybe there may not be enough content to do so, but I have no doubt it will get better Last thing - the game plays really well (I have two computers and accounts) but the hardware probably needs to be fairly recent and the computers need to be kept "clean" - no rubbish software on them. Personally I have had no playablity issues on either computer other than a minor game crash very occasionally, and some minor bugs - no more than wow or rift had In terms of playability and smoothness it is better than Rift and about the same as WOW - well in my opinion anyway.
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