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Everything posted by Novarium

  1. I take it by the silence that no one knows if this piece even exists or not
  2. Hi guys i noticed this on torhead and I have to say i love the look of this piece of gear and i so desperatley want this for my assassin now i know there are a few items on torhead that for one reason or the other do not exist. I am currently at work and in eager anticipation. can som1 please confirm for me does this item actually exist.. or is this another instance od bioware crushing my desire to not have my assassin looking like a total nob. http://www.swtor-spy.com/item-single/Enforcers_Jacket/15161/ one website i found said the the special items vendors on hoth and voss sell the item. thanks in advance
  3. you make no sense you have not addressed the complaints i made about your build at all.. so u have reduced force on your maul... does not matter you now have less force for shoc or whither and hence have 1 less stack of HD hence less damage and less health regen.. = learn to know what your talking about "again ignore this person"
  4. Not sure if ur build is for pvp or pve and secondly not sure if your planning on using a shield generator or not if u want to be more tanky or more damage.. all those question need to answered before i can offer a few tips.
  5. You can but a lot of PVE gear from the vendors people on my server are selling exotech gear ect all the time which you should be looking at for PVE and even columi implants. also get going on your dailies every day i think u can earn about 30 or so dailies comms a day so after 2 weeks of grinding these you can get Rakata Earpiece and implants and campaign relic. and probably have saved up around 3 million credits whish can used to buy better and better gear. in regards to what people are saving i can only speak for my server. hope that helps
  6. The more i look at these the more i am dumbfounded.... everyone please ignore these... you should amost never be using maul in darkness spec so having to points is silly..and having points in edurance stack is all so silly for PVP.. if ur going darkness then put those extra points in nerve wrackling and to allow ur spikes and stuns on healers to increase the damage... my abilities are very viable.. if u want i can put up a full darkness spec build for PVP. but if u do that you need to use a shield generator.
  7. These Builds are not very viable. for starters u have gone a standard 31/2/8 build but u have not at all made it effective in both builds u have 2 points in hollow but absolutely no points in Dark ward it just not make sense. if ur not using a shield generator then dont put points in hollow or lightning reflexes.. its just plain stupid.. if you are using a shield generator then DARK WARD IS A MUST.. it should be the first priority!! because shield chance increases by 20%.. .... and lastly having abilites the generate threat in PVP? dude please stop offering people bad advice with your builds.. and dont critique people that actually know what they are talking about. 93 valor rank signing off
  8. Im just a bit confused by your build.. its not bad but i think you have to many eggs in to many baskets... you kind of need to decide what you want to go.. if you want to be tanky then go the full darkness.. if u like the hybrid then i suggest that you respec so that you do a lot more damage.. with the upcoming changes there will not be much point having dark charge on unless you are full tank..so i would suggest changing your build so that you pump out a lot more damage and still have a little tankiness.. this build is what i mean. Pretty amazing damage constanly casting dots with a high amount of force regen and damage out put. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200MsMszMcZZcMfRrbkb.1 This build has some outstanding utility possibly the best in the game in terms of black out force regen etc.. but very much lacking dps I would run this build with a shield generator. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200McMskrckZGG00zZcMc.1 This build is amazing in terms of flat out dps.. but seriously lacking utility this is by far my favourite build because of its DPS output and when u get thos amaazinf whirlwinds that hit three players.. no one expects that.. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#2000cZGMZcrforrkbfz.1 I hope this helps you out in some way there are many other builds that are viable.. and my suggestion is that you decide what you want to build. what you enjoy and go with that..
  9. Your horrible bro... at least solo kill all 6 of those apposing players for contesting that node of you... for shame.. obviously the words "Learn to play" come to mind and no grenades.. like OMGWTFBBQ,..... just get better and one shot people with your saber strike like i do ...... ahah but seriously awesome vid.. im my comp wasnt running on hamster wheels i might be able to post some of my own... .. If it wasnt already obvious ^ sarcasm
  10. Hey man first of all good post.. i like it when people know exactly how to ask their question.. firstly the changes to the tank tree will hurt.. and it will mess with us tank assassins but just like every class has their days on the top of the ladder eventually the also have their days on the bottom... it is up to good players to fight through the changes instead of whining about it.. I believe the changes will hurt and because my tank sin is my main.. im not happy about the changes but i will stick with it because its fun and i enjoy the game.. in regards to your question i do believe tanking will still be viable because we are assassins and we have a double bladed lightsaber = bad a** in any language. so tank sin's are awesome but i am also a massive fan of the madness tree... and madness tree rocks my world DPS wise especially in PVE and since you dont care about PVP I wouldnt even bother about deception.. because Madness is by far the better DPS build in PVE.. good luck with your assassin
  11. I would not put those two points in duplicity as a darkness assassin you really dont want to be relying on maul.. reason being u would only use it when it procs and when it does proc the dps is good but i would much rather use the same amount of force on a thrash in order to proc energized shock and use that.. you really dont want maul to be bart of a darkness assassin rotation.. if anything i would think about putting them in dark embrace or something.
  12. he will be alive always able to come back in new content now.
  13. I am almost full war hero stalker set on my darkness assassin and at most i can get about 450k damage 80k protection and 75k health thats at highest sometimes i creep closer to 500k dps but very rarely and only when the other team are very nice and keep stacking for me... firstly i would respec to this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200McMskrskrsZZf0cM.1 secondly dont think of it as a rotation think of it as a priority set of abilities 1.Forced lightning x3 stacks HD 2.Wither.. try to use this on multiple enemies that are nicely stacked.. dont use it on a stand alone target.. 3.Discharge.. again use on grps of enemies for increased dps.. both wither and discharge apply a debuf so use them as often as possible. 4.shock use to stack harnessed darkness 5.thrash only use when high on force. 6.saber strike ... golly gosh use this.... its free dps.. i see so many assassins just standing around when on low force have this on a spamable keybind like "R" and use it regularly other then that dont forget to use spike and force slow and full and jolt and stun and all those other abilities.. now super important tip.. spam your taunts use Aoe taunt on large groups of enemies and use normal taunt when u see an opponent attacking on of your teammates also use guard regularly on the team mate that is taking a lot of damage.. and watch a pvp stream for more specific tips.. i recommend watching Murdoc's channel. hope that helps
  14. Hey Murdoc great stuff I have been a fan of yours since watching your videos in the early deception days. Hmmm I wish you were on the Aussie server man would ove to have a Darkness assassin duel xD great vids and great strat.. learn from one of the best guys
  15. well eventually you will get rakata i would use the columi one and just bare with it until then or u can spend 250k and by a new mod for the columi.. i wouldnt bother because you will eventually get rakata anyway
  16. you should swap to the columi if nothing esle then the armor increase. and -8 power is very minimal also
  17. at the moment the End game content is hardly any i agree.. but you cant make it 24 hours top end guilds will just spam run ops and it will ruin to many things like the prestige of having top tier gear and the economy would be flooded with crystals.. and mats and it would break a lot of the economy with a lot of thing.. but i think some end game content not necessarily ops/gear things but perhaps vanity things.. like completing guild achievements and earning you a guild flagship.. and have guild v guild warzones.. and dueling areas on your guild flagship.. earning special customizations for your armor like spray painting it pink.... and a baby Rancor pet.. something like this that people could work towards in their down time that wouldnt break the ingame economy
  18. Posts like this annoy me so much no one cares about your fantasy guild.. you waste half of your talking about things that dont even matter trying to say how awesome your guild is and how amazing you all are.. how does this help the forum? it doesnt!!.. not having a go at you but there is no way to validate your claims and your claims dont help your discussion.. like if i said... Oh i solo 8 man EC HM... not having a go at you but i see 4-5 of these posts every new thread.. if your guild is that amazing why do u need to brag?? sorry finished my vent its funny i just posted about something being irrelevant.. i think you answered your own question this Op was designed for balanced group there is evidence of this all the way through... if u must take all MDPS then thats what you have to do.. if u some of u have a few RDPS alts then you might need to do that... there is no real solution here
  19. I am a bit confused by what you mean by assassins charge :/ if you mean discharge then yes it does.. if you mean like dark charge or lightning charge etc.. then for those abilities to activate there effect they need to damage anyway.. so yes and yes.. I hope that answers your question..
  20. Hmmm every time i seem to post something like this i dont seem to get a response?... I dont want to do the math myself
  21. Hi Guys I am a darkness spec Tank and have just acquired my third campaign piece and 3rd black hole piece and so far i have put absorb augments on the black hole gear.. now my stats are something like 30% defense 50% shield chance and 56% absorb chance.. I cant be sure on exact numbers cause im at work xD. Now i have been using nothing but absorb augments because one absorb augment witch is +18 base ='s about 1.5% absorb increase.. roughly.. (might be wrong here) However defense and shield chance augments just straigh up don't seem to be worth it.. I think i read that defense was capped at 30% and shield chance about 50% just isn't worth it.. am i right in then assuming that because my stats are already so close to these caps... that from now on i should just add absorb augments all the way? by my rushed and rough calculations it would equal about 65% absorb?? this is just rough guys so dont critique the math .... But is there any end gama assassin tanks that are fully geared and offer an insights into this? is better to start subbing in power at some point? anyone know what the soft caps are? because i really want to make sure i am maximizing my stats.. Thanks people..
  22. ok thanks guys so then i can safely assume that 22 augments are the best ones available to me.. seems rather strange that torhead would have a tooltip for them even though they do not exist ingame??... very strange indeed
  23. Hey guys me and my guild have started clearing EC HM and as a result im now getting my black hole and campaign gear.. and am finally ready to take the next step up and get my augmented gear and stuff.. now as a result I have a few questions in order to maximize my stats.. i have read a few forums and gotten rough estimates but help woud be nice. firstly can som1 tell me what stats i should be aiming for in terms of shield rating absorb rating defence rating... etc.. just the defensive ones i guess i am asking for the soft caps.. so i know what augments would be best for me. In addition could som1 confirm or disprove is it possible to get the advanced 25 augments still?? because all i see on the GTN is just the purple 22 ones but i know torhead and stuff have the advanced 25's example http://www.torhead.com/item/dnSJu62/advanced-absorb-augment-25 and if it is possible to get these is through slicing?? or through Ops?? or some other means.. thanks in advance
  24. Hey all i was reading some old forums and i couldnt help but notice people were talking about advanced absorb augments 25. http://www.torhead.com/item/dnSJu62/advanced-absorb-augment-25 javascript:; My question is are these still possible to get through slicing?? i know this might be incredibley hard and difficult to get but before i start doing this i was just wanting to make sure that they were still possible to get.. any help would be appreciated.
  25. This is the proper hybrid build sorry http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200rcMsk0cZGMZsMfMb0z.1 sorry for posting again but i decided to also post a straight up madness build.. because they are so fun to play and u can easily top damage table in pvp.. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#2000cZGMZfMfRr0krfz.1 i hope these help
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