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Everything posted by Ralev

  1. There is only one "M" in flaming. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  2. I have to agree. My Smuggler is kind of a manwhore. He romanced Risha and Akaavi and even though I chose the option to keep things "casual" with Akaavi (the dialogue option even said it), she went all Fatal Attraction on him. Now he is married to Risha, and unfortunately the only way I can progress through Akaavi's dialogues are romance options where if he turns her down I lose tons of affection, or if he chooses Akaavi and dumps Risha (which I do not wish to do, as I am looking forward to future companion quests and such). I know I kind of painted him into a corner, but there should be a way to go back on the "just friends" track through our choices, shouldn't there?
  3. Not quite 100% useless, but real close. I agree completely with the rest.
  4. Press "C", armor icon to the far right, then click "Unify Colors".
  5. Anti-farming code I believe. Although I thought it was supposed to only affect mobs that did not provide experience. After 3 kills, log out and back in. I've read that that resets it.
  6. Actually, you only have to complete act 2 to unlock a buff for all characters in your legacy, so around level 42.
  7. If you're Imperial, there is a weapon vendor on Balmorra at the Gorinth base (the one on a plateau above Troida workshop) that sells green moddable vibroswords. Republic should have an equivalent vendor on Taris.
  8. Hope everyone is bug reporting the companion implant/earpiece thing so they know it is not fixed yet. I'd imagine such things might be difficult to pin down, and the sooner they know to keep looking, the sooner it can really be corrected.
  9. They also changed the areas around the Cunning datacron on Quesh And the Cunning datacron on Hoth Seems like they want people to do them in a certain manner, rather than finding clever ways to get them easier.
  10. I agree, this stuff's mostly stems and seeds.
  11. Sith happens. New MMOs have had problems like this again and again. Everquest, Dark Age of Camelot, City of Heroes, WoW; all of these suffered the same kinds of disasters if not worse. Pretty much every professional developer with an MMO has made themselves look like a noob at one time or another. Don't get so worked up about it and enjoy the game.
  12. Nice strawman. Where did I say it was minor? I said it is not the biggest fail in mmo history and mentioned the most major screwup someone could make. So don't get your knickers all in a twist from withdrawal kid.
  13. Yeah it's not even close to what happened to a Japanese mmo called "M2", they accidentally deleted the whole game.
  14. I was thinking of asking the same question, then I realized that I didn't care.
  15. Got a good laugh out of that. Thank you.
  16. Anyone else think of Monty Python when they read this?
  17. I have one level 50 character (and 4 in their 40s) and did not receive a free month. Now I feel ripped off even though I have lost nothing. Strange I know.
  18. I disagree. Bowdaar may be better for a barfight, but a good drinking buddy cuts up with you and acts as your wing man while you hit on chicks (or dudes if you're a female). You know if Bowdaar actually had a few drinks he'd just start whining about his slavery issues again, and what a drag that would be.
  19. So, it's really supposed to be Gus? (I didn't have him at that point) I figured it was because Risha has plenty of meat on her bones. Either way, it's still funny and shows Corso has a good sense of humor. Best drinking buddy companion imo.
  20. I loved the follow up to "In a Pickle"...
  21. There is also a way to talk your way out of fighting him, without becoming his servant. I did it on my IA, Watcher Two was terribly impressed with me.
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