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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by RayGonJinn

  1. 1.4 is here! and it's time to take things to the next level in PvP. All of us War Hero, Conqueror, WarLord, Elite WarLord should not be in regular PvP. We complain about the grind for WH gear for our Alts but we aren't using the content (that we asked for) given to us. I'm tired of just getting WZ comms all the time when I could be getting 1500 RWZ Comms from a full days worth of PvP. I don't care about my Rating I win and lose all day everyday. Raygon aint doing no more regular WZ's he's too f'n geared and battle ready for such petit matches. If you're over 70 valor and still jumping into regular WZ's... Your Nothing...
  2. I feel you man. Imp faction is out of control on the Lord Ieldis server. It's an RP server of course but still we have monsters and to fight against too sometimes their half there WZ team has full WH gear and they just crush us man... sometimes it feels like it isn't fair and makes some people not want to even play the game anymore. The good guys are unsubbing because they are unhappy and the ones trying to get good gear are left to fight the unbeatable monsters. Sometimes it is discouraging how one sided things can be. I don't want things to be one sided for either faction each WZ should be hard fought by both teams not a slaughter. The ones who get slaughtered all week are left with nothing but a low composure and barely any reward for getting beaten on. The losing faction gains nothing and the winning faction gains all the War Heroes.
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