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Posts posted by RayGonJinn

  1. So I'm re-installing the game and when I uninstall the game I have 41 gigs of free space. But the install is exceeding my 41 gigs and won't complete. I'm confused because it says I only need 25 gigs minimum available and after doing research on how big the game really is I've found that people's games should be around 32 gigs by final install. So why is my game install exceeding my 41 gigs of free space, preventing it from completing? Also, public test server is NOT enabled.


    Thanks in advance

  2. My first night of trying out Youtube's new streaming platform I had a duel with a carnage mara on Begeren Colony server, who I concider decent, he's definately above most of the sent/maras in PvP on that server and performs at a high level. We end up dueling eachother very often in WZs. Results of 1v1s in WZs is often unreliable because you can run into a player who has all of their DCD's on CD, meaning they don't have their entire arsenal for a fair 1v1. In https://youtu.be/LvTk6ABzhM8?t=1h14m we dueled eachother but luckily we both had our entire arsenal ready when we needed it and the outcome once again proved to me that Watchmen/Anni is the dueling spec for sent/maras.
  3. Fury: This should be the only spec you ever do ANY PvP with. Your burst damage is through the roof, and you have 6s of CC immunity after every other Force Crush, if a duel lasts long enough for 3 Force Crushes... If you have Full Dark Reaver and it's fully augged (Power Augments only Strength is useless because you have tons of Auto Crits) You should wreck house, BUT you can also be a red stain on the ground if you don't cooldown cycle properly.


    Carnage: 2nd best choice, but without the 6s CC immunity, you are pretty much left in the dust.


    Anni: Don't even think of dueling with Anni... Just don't...


    Please tell me what server you're on because I'd love to duel you on my Anni Mara just to give you a good dose of truth. I've yet to meet a carnage and/or fury mara that could successfully solo my anni mara (decisively) and I've dueled some great players of those specs, I also play across 3 US servers. Every actually good pvp sent/mara (the ones that stay away from the forums) KNOW that if you're going to duel, you go Watchmen/Annihilation. I'm not willing to go back and forth with you about it here because I can show you better than I can tell you. I'm willing to use 90 CCs to transfer to your server, to deliver truth to you about what Anni can do in it's "Gimped" state. Just tell me the server name and your character name.

  4. Its stupid not to take it. The other utilities aside from defensive roll are complete toss ups and you're wasting your zen on trans by leaving it on the centering system, especially in your video as watchman, you're losing your crit on dots. By all means, keep wasting your stacks though. But hey its regs, who cares no ones good in regs.


    Wasting my Zen huh? Tell me that whenever you run into me. In my vid I didn't miss out on my DoT crits by not activating Zen, yet I out performed all the sent/maras in that match who weren't watchmen. The situation @ 2:15 didn't call for either Trans or Zen but I chose one to spend my centering on trans and I chose the right ability to activate. Chosing ardor/relentless takes away that situational choice but I don't expect you to understand that. The blind leading the blind on this one :p I'm glad you're telling all the sent/maras to pickup ardor/relentless. It's not useful in regs or ranked but you'd know right? You main a high performing sent/mara right? Yeah I thought you did :rolleyes: I'll just keep doing me and out performing all the other sent/maras who do pick up the utility.

  5. Its not a terrible thing to do...The other masterful utilities are complete tossups. There's literally no reason not to be taking the utility to gives pred a CD. Yes "technically" you can do pred every 22s on the fury system but you're giving up berserk to do so. There is practically no reason not to take the utility as your uptime for pred will be way better because you don't have to choose between pred and berserk. Its stupid NOT to take that utility, especially since a heroic utility gives it a root break which mara's need desperately.


    You seriously need to stop promoting ardor/relentless. At the 2:15 mark of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgeqPqYJ8X0 I popped trans/pred and was able to get another full stack centering/fury for another trans/pred or zen/berserk in 10 seconds. Where did you get that you can do trans/pred every 22 seconds on the centering/fury system? It's stupid to take the ardor/relentless. I have a sent/mara on BC & Shadowlands whenever you wish to test your sent/mara knowledge.

  6. I find, when playing against maras -- even in 1v1 -- that those who keep predation up are the ones who give me difficulty.


    but while playing on the mara, I feel as if berserk is written into the rotational meta. not using it (in lieu of pred) feels like not using priming shot with arsenal or retractable blades with AP.


    Just quoting, not really replying directly but generally.


    No way am I a master sent/mara, it took me 3 yrs to finally level one. I always mained a guardian/jugg in PvP but recently switched to maining a sent/mara. Here's my take on trans/pred vs zen/berserk. At first I did take the utility ardor/relentless that puts trans/pred on 30 second CD but as I did solo ranked I found that waiting 20 seconds was too long for another speed boost, especially with all the sorcs in solo ranked. ardor/relentless restricts my performance, especially while spec'd Watchmen/Annihilation as it's intended to be very versatile, situational spec. I want to be able to use trans/pred whenever I want and use zen/berserk when I need it, like every sent/mara should.


    Always activate rebuke/cloak of Pain and trans/pred before initiating combat with any class, only a fool doesn't for it has to many situational benefits not to. When you leap onto a ranged target, what do they do? Knockback, so already having trans/pred up allows you to close the gap guickly. Unlike Zen/Berserk that hinder your centering/fury building until you consume all the charges, you go back to building centering/fury as soon as you utilize trans/pred. I pred 3Xs as much as the average sent/mara who has the ardor/relentless utility. After being knockback, because you have Stoic/Brazen (like you should) all the damage the ranged does (including their DoTs) have been building your centering/fury for zen/berserk while trans/pred is still up. Now that you've closed the gap and they've used their knockback, THEN use zen/berserk. You know they have about 20 more secs until they can use their knockback again. I usually burn my all my zen/bersek charges and almost have the centering/fury built by the time they can use their knock-back again, even if the ranged spec'd into a utility where direct damage lowers their knock-back's CD, all in 20 seconds instead of 30 seconds. Nothing sucks worse than being knocked back with a full stack of centering/fury, everything's lit up on your quickbar, and you can't trans/pred because it still has 15-20 seconds left on it's CD :p


    When it comes to dealing with guardian/juggs & VG/PT when they pop their defensives, don't try to burn through them, when you see they've activated them, just stealth out and LoS until it wears off (If possible) they leap back in. This is what works for me while strictly being spec'd Watchmen/Annihilation and I consistently out-perform the other 2 sent/mara specs and even all the other classes. (scoundrel/operative, sage/sorc, shadow/assassins, & FOTMs included)


    P.S Leg Slash/Crippling slash is a sent/mara's friend (especially when burning down healer's and building centering/fury)



  7. And here I am trading in my Guardian/Jugg to play a Watchmen/Annihilation Sent/Mara... I do want to thank all of you for these types of threads though because it's motivation to go into PvP and take out the FOTMs, the ranged (which is all to easy with trans/pred, FOTMs included) and the Carnage/Combat & Conc/Rage Sent/Maras; all while playing objectively :D Again thank all of you who contribute to threads like these and pretty please keep them coming for they drive me to push the class as far as it can go in it's "Terrible", "Squishy", "Gimped" state :p
  8. In short, I am looking for a simple list of marauder and sentinel AoE abilities/attacks. Guides gives rotations, but my needs are a bit different.


    I have a friend, a relatively new player, who loves these 2 AC's. I don't play them (warrior/knight just does not appeal to me), and do not know all of the individual skill names.


    Here is the issue; she breaks CC constantly and asking her not to use AoE skills isn't helping. So, I'd like to know what they are called, so at least I can tell her exactly what not use when I've CC'd something. Yes, I tell her how to read tool tips and all, but as of yet it has not helped.


    Thanks in advance for any help, I appreciate it. Guides give me some idea, but they focus more on rotations , etc., and leave me feeling that I really do not know exactly what I need.


    Dual Saber Throw hit's multiple targets so she may want to avoid using it around CC'd enemies for now until she gets the hang of using it. Force Sweep/Smash is a main AoE and Cyclone Slash is a secondary AoE ability. So tell her to stay clear of using those around CC'd enemies and she should be good to go :)

  9. Sadly the system doesn't recognize classes, only the role they are in. Also sadly it will pair high rated players together first then put them against a low rated team instead of mixing the ratings.


    So players get screwed double... not only do they get lower ratings from getting put with same ACs on different teams... as you continue to lose due to this match making system, it goes on to build a bias against you for losing because of the bad hands it dealt out initially...

  10. I understand that alot of people play FOTM classes, I understand a lot FOTM players Queue those classes in ranked, but the match making system could at least try to divide the FOTM classes as equally as possible on the opposing teams... Having 4 sorcs on 1 team and 4 PTs on the other is just poor match making. It's not just with FOTM classes it's with all classes, just because there's 4 of any AC in Queue doesn't mean they should all be on the same team. If it's going to be AC vs AC in solo ranked just make it ranked 1v1 because that basically what the solo ranked matchmaking system is already doing putting all of the same ACs on a single team. Everyone doing solo ranked right now is NOT getting a fair rating because of this.
  11. The one thing I hope never, EVER happens in this game is any sort of a lower cooldown on ENet. I would absolutely give up on this game if that happened. It is the most frustrating ability in the game, and forces multiple longer cooldown counters to be used to only negate one ability. For how amazing ENet is, 90s is already pushing it as it is.


    Let's be real, there's a lot more thing's the devs could implement into PvP that would and should be a game breaker for you. If this subtle suggestion get's your panties in a bunch then you should probably steer clear of PvP. I have a commando and I can tell you that I only use Hammer Shot when my ammo is low. Hammer shot used to reduce the cooldown on Reserve Powercell but now it barely serves a purpose in PvP other than being able to shoot while on the move. I also barely use explosive round, even if the icon is lit up, encouraging me to use it. It uses to much ammo, for an ability outside of me rotation. Hammer Shot and Explosive Round are the only two abilities I suggested should reduce the cooldown on E-net and I barely use the two abilities.


    As a sentinel, Rebuke keeps me alive, it's my main defensive that I rely on. It gives me 20% damage reduction and does 400-500 damage to my attackers every couple of seconds. I have 3 abilities that I can use to lower this Rebuke's cooldown by 3 seconds EACH! And I use all three. Rebuke initially has a 60 second cooldown and can last up to 30 seconds as long as I'm being attacked. By the time the 30 seconds is up for my Rebuke, it's going to be off cooldown in 10 seconds from the abilities lowering it's cooldown. So generally I can have Rebuke active for 85% of the time i'm in combat. Not only do I have Rebuke but I have saber ward, force camo, I can lower enemies accuracy by 80%, an on demand speedboost in Transcendence, self heals, shall I go on? How is that fair against a commando? I think it would be perfectly fair that Commandos should have a utility that allows certain abilities to lower the CD on E-net. Every Class has a slow or root that can be directly applied to an enemy BUT Commandos. Yeah Commandos have abilities that also have a 2-6 second slow applied to it, but so does Sages and they even have a slow outside of their abilities. Shadows and Scoundrels have slows and they'er stealth. There was a time when Commandos didn't even have an interrupt dude and you're trying to call a make it break it on E-net having abilities that could lower it's CD? No disrespect but GTFOH


    Yeah, I'm pretty sure every stealther in the game would /rage quit.


    After playing this game for all the years it's been out, I could care less about stealth classes. I mostly play none stealth classes and have gladly sent my share of opposing stealth to the medbay for trying to take my node. The fact that they get to start the fight on there own terms is already tipping the scale in their favor. The second fact is all the burst they do as soon as they pop out of stealth has always been unfair. Why should The stealth classes get to start the fights when they choose and have the burst to go with it? While non-stealth classes have to build up focus to do an attack that will mean anything or channel their first attack? I have no remorse for stealth classes, even while they don't give me any trouble.


    Lol, I'm sure every person ever focused down while enetted would /rage quit.


    E-net has never been a problem for me or any actually good PvP'er I've ever known, but I guess that's just me.

  12. enet is great for 1v1 defense/escape and to use offensively (usually on sorcs) to coincide with your team's burst. but as a survivability tool, it's very limited (being single target). putting on root on the aoe punt would be a more realistic dcd tweak that wouldn't threaten to make their offensive capabilities too crazy.


    I'm not gonna argue with ya :p you more than likely play the class more than me ;)

  13. It is actually pretty one sided, all they have to use is their ability to resist 99% damage, and then the ball is back in maras court pretty much 80 percent of the time, that is not a level playing field at all. Gunslinger is in a better place than commando, which is why it is on , I wouldnt say level ground, but it has a better chance than mando against all classes. And seriously, everyone acts like Enet is the end all win all ability for commandos. It is on a 1.5 minute cooldown, so sure, every 1.5 minutes they have a good attack, which most classes can completely negate now.


    In 3.3 They should give commandos a utility that allows hammer shot & explosive round to lower the cd of E-net by 3 seconds and the effect can't happen more than once every 1.5 secs


    They should also add a 12 charge 1% heal of maximum health when taking damage to Suit FOE utility

  14. I disagree with all of this. I feel the game is easy enough as it is. I have all the legacy attacks and barely find myself in a situation to ever use them, even when attacked by a flagged player during questing. If they even would concider tweaking anything about heroic moments and legacy abilities, they should remove the 10 minute cooldown on the abilities (because it makes no sense for them to even have a cooldown when the heroic moment itself has a cooldown of 15 mins and they can't be used outside of heroic moment) and give the heroic moment Global Unlocks that lowers the heroic moment's cooldown to 5 mins when all unlocks have been purchased. Currently, maxed out companions already increase Heroic Moment's duration so a player can have a long duration of heroic moment (around 3-4 mins of it) if they did the easy work of maxing them out. With a 3-4 min duration, a player can spread out the 8 legacy abilities throughout an entire mission using. Questing in the game is already like cutting a hot knife through butter, using heroic moment through the whole thing would be... overkill, but it seems that is what you want.
  15. Honestly, it's 12x xp, there shouldn't be anyone under lvl20 in the 10-29 bracket and there shouldn't be anyone under 50 in the 30-59 bracket. If a player chooses not to level and rely on their pvp skill alone, knowing that they are going to be facing players 10-15 level above them with more class abilities available, then that's all on them. They really have no choice but to accept the **** talk from higher level players. It shouldn't be a big deal, those same players will meet their match when they hit 60, like graduating middle school into high school, if they're brave enough to continue Queueing.
  16. To those of you who main a marauder / sentinel, you have my respect and sympathy. Compared to basically any class, apart from snipers perhaps, they are truly bottom-tire and mostly just cannon fodder. Especially against any ranged class worth their salt - sorcerers in particular.


    I feel far more vulnerably compared to my operative out in the open, and I mostly rely on hit and run tactics just to survive. Don't get me wrong, the class can do some damage and be annoying for the enemy, but I can do the same stuff at a x1.5 rate on my operative, power tech, sorcerer, assassin, juggernaut and even mercenary.


    Everytime I check the forums all I here is how bad Sent/Mara has become and how unviable they are whether it's hm ops or ranked. Despite all this criticism, I look forward to logging into my sentinel , who isn't my main, everytime I'm about to pvp. My prefered spec is Watchmen and I think it does very well against all classes. While on guard duty, I sit with 30 stacks of Zen and Rebuke ready, with anticipation that a stealth will try to gank me for my node, or if I see an enemy incoming, I call inc like a good teammate, but wait with anticipation to see if it's a worthy enemy capable of successfully solo'n me and winning before reinforcements hopefully arrive (for the sake of the node). But I guess this is just me. I also don't partake in Ranked. I'm turned off from it from all the forum discussions on win trading, que syncing, and whatever else thing cheaters can think of to boost their rating unjustly. Can't bring myself to participate in the lie known as Ranked Arena. So I have nothing to say about Sent play in Ranked.


    maras are in a bad way, but in the hands of a skilled player, they are not easy kills. I suppose if you have unlimited roots they are easy kills. but I can tell you that even now, a combat or rage mara who uses the buffed predation as a closer on cd (i.e., even now when it consumes fury) is an extremely dangerous opponent. in my experience, most maras don't use predation as a closer. they tend to see it more as a grp utility (which it is in WZs moreso than arenas). but in 1v1 they tend to forget about it. putting it on the same cd as HO is going to turn mercs/mandos into mara fodder (they lack the rooting capabilities of other ranged).


    iunno. that's what I've observed, mostly in regs and obviously from the merc perspective with some veng jugg occasionally thrown in.


    Centering is a big part of my Sent/Mara efficiency. I usually don't engage against ranged without initially activating Transcendence, as a watchmen sentinel, since Ranged like to use their knockback as I land on them from force leap. The speedboost, buffed or not, is still a great closer when force leap in on CD. Not to mention that when I am charging back in with Transcendence, I'm recieving the 10% melee and ranged defense buff from Trans along with the 20% damage reduction from Rebuke on top of that, so all the ranged damage they're doing as I'm closing back in isn't melting me as it would be if I just didn't use Trans and Rebuke.


    Yea, as a watchmen it's nice to have the 100% crit on burns with the conversion of 30 stacks of centering, but it won't mean anything if I can't get the burns on the enemy. Plus, I can usually generate another 30 stacks pretty quickly, because of defensive forms untility, after converting 30 Stacks into Trans. Unlike converting 30 stacks into 100% burn crits, which doesn't allow me to generate Zen until all of charges of the buff is used, Trans allows me to generate centering as soon as Trans is used. I use the next converted stack on centering on my 100% burn crit buff after I closed range while their knockback is on CD, by then leap is off CD if they try to regain range. Transcendence is an awesome counter against those who like to kite.

  17. You are one of the most ignorant people I've ever seen on these forums. You have both admitted that expertise is better (1% to every ability translates into hundreds or thousands of extra points of damage over the course of a long fight, not even counting the DR and healing boost), and you decide to "take your chances" with objectively inferior gear. I'd gladly queue with a troll in 198s, if it meant somebody like you wasn't on my team. I'd tell you to go play regs, but I don't want you ruining their fun either.


    Please unsub, uninstall, the usual.


    someone's mad :p Welp my job is done haha the people did choose Barabbas over Jesus *shrugs* go ahead and gladly Que with a troll in 198s in ranked over a player like me, as long as you no longer some on the forums and complain anymore, my job is indeed done :D see you in ranked in my 198s ;)

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