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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by RayGonJinn

  1. I wanted SWTOR to be a game I would never have to stop playing. One thing that I began to really wanted in this game was a chance to one day become UNIQUE. Not like the next vigilance guardian. It’s time for SWTOR to implement a new skill tree for each class (There's still a handful of Lightsaber forms not yet in the game & It’s only 8 classes, is my $15 dollars worth it or not?) Along with the 4th skill tree SWTOR should give a passive skill point with the finding of datacrons. Yes, that would mean that players would have more skill points than they have levels, this isn't new to video games. Enable players to input a passive skill point into passive abilities from available class skill trees. Have that mechanic just like it is right now where you have to input enough passive points into 1 tier before the next tier opens up and grey out abilities if they don't thave the skill points for abilities. It gives each player a chance to be unique with their characters, instead of all Guardians being the same, or all Sorcs being the same. SWTOR has basically told me I can only be 1 of three things as a guardian, and I’m not unique player at all. When things get predictable things get boring.


    It’s time for new species, SWTOR should have added at least 5 more species (Cathar, Togruta, Rodian, Devaronian, Kaleesh, Nautolan, Trandoshan) since launch (that's more than 2 1/2 yrs ago, 1 new species every 3-6 months) and I believe that’s very reasonable. It’s time to implement more planets (For example: Kashyyyk, Manaan, Dantooine, etc). They can just be 50-55 daily planets in the beginning for all I care, add more content to them later, at least they are there. Every 6 months I should be able to anticipate a new planet. Is my $15 a month not worth it? It’s also time to give Mandalorians the rank they deserve in the game. They went from beating the Republic into retreat to a fly being swatted in SWTOR.


    Create an Operation to battle Mandalore and the mandalorians. Also create an endurance type operation. This isn’t the usual “Tank & Spank” or wacked out mechanics fight. For example, Mandalore is back and his ships have surrounded a lone Republic or Imperial battle ship. In the bombardment the Republic or Imp cruiser was ensnared by an enemy ship and can’t make the jump to hyper speed. The ops group must defend the ship by holding back strong waves of various Mandalorian battle soldiers. Then make their way to the Mandalorian ship where they have to find the ensnaring device and disable it. Mobs can be defeated but Boss’s cannot be defeated (like an ops dummy that fights back and hurt a lot.) after the ops endures the boss for about 7-10 mins they escape to another part of the ship where they get their boss reward and continue to the next part of the operation. Continue with various endurance mechanics 2-3 more times until it’s time for the ship to escape and make jump to hyperspace.


    Implement PVE Boss's into PvP. For Example, When Warlord gear, Explosive Conflict operations, the planet Denova, & Kephess arrived. PvE players shouldn't have had to be the only one to experience Kephess and PvP players shouldn't have had to go into a raid to experience Kephess. Kephess should have also made an appearance in Novare Coast. He could be at South cap point in the beginning of the game and his mechaninc should attack both Republic & Impire Players, switching to a different player between the factions every 10 seconds until he retreats @ 50% giving the imps & Pubs a chance to fight for the cap point. After South or whatever is captured, Kephess returns and and can be defeated. The player with the killing blow on Kephess could get evtra commendations or something. THIS IS STAR WARS! c'mon


    The splash screens should also rotate. The Galactic Starfighter Screen is getting on my nerves. I don't even like GSF. I love the original splash screen. If I can't have the first splash screen, make them rotate, or give me no splash screen. Let me know if I shouldn't expect such changes so I can go enjoy another game. I'm not trying to because I want to enjoy SWTOR, but your gonna force me to go.

  2. Can you imagine how many deaths Zu is going to have because of this?


    Jedi Guardian



    Debilitation has been added to the Vigilance skill tree and provides a 50/100% chance to immobilize the target for the duration of Master Strike.


    PvP records get ready :)

  3. best trick: level toons on the imp side. Did my weekly on my sorc in one day for past two weeks. Took the whole week to do it on my commando and gunslinger.


    But sad reality aside, good initiative Ray, hope this helps some people. Might I suggest proposing mentors for each tree. The community can vote: Most suitable Mentor for Focus Guardian/Rage Jugg: Epsilon (for example) then we pamper, bribe or threaten these mentors to write guides, host events or make videos that can help new players. Note, I said best suitable mentor not best player. An egomaniac can be a really good player but he/she will make an awful mentor.


    Best of luck.


    BAREE! lol remember that night me you and legionne had that win streak lmao not even the top imp pvp guild could stop us ;) Thanx for the TIP! keep them coming people.

  4. Some of the larger pvp oriented guilds should probably host some sort of open training for new players. There is a huge gap right now between experianced players and newer pvpers. I was in a match yesterday where a player on the other side was almost crying and asking how to quit the zone. We had actually bottled them up in their start box and they couldn't get off the endzone platform alive. That's no fun for anyone after a bit.


    Republic side in particular needs help for showing the new pvpr's the ropes. Unless infamous is running the sub 55 brackets are only challenging in imp v imp at the moment. Theres some good players, but they don't play objectives.


    I can count on one hand the number of times Nova has been killed this week, if that keeps up vets will get bord and new players frustrated and pvp will get less and less frequent for matches.


    I agree but People like Zuhara up there don't under****instand that. I can only train and give advice on the classes & specs I've played. That another point of this thread. To get the Vets to give tips and lead the new pvp'er to these tips and advise. Some people like Zuhara like how messed up things are. Good Gear at less effort. He like to see the world burn but I got something for his *** if he accepts my duel challenge. Trying to stay on track here, ADVICE! people ADVICE! lol POST THEM!

  5. In case you didn't realize, the community of PvPers in the forums are the ones who don't need your little guide for getting better. The players who are either the best or decent enough to know how to play are the only ones who see this thread.


    Go whisper some noobs and take it elsewhere.


    you are a true sith you know that? so angry lol you should really stop listening to that rock music man it's bad for you lol and fyi the only people that come to the forums are the same old players that cheer for the same people they've been cheer leading for since the game launched (with that said, you forgot your pom poms:D) This is one thread where favortism will not be found, no dick riding here man so your at the wrong amusement park. I'm trying to help others who need it, if you don't need it Zuhara... plain and simple Get the ****! off my thread.

  6. So I did some PvP tonight on Begeren Colony to see how it is going. Wow I lost every single Warzone lmao. Now before the bashing sharks smell the blood in the water and attack, I am a firm believer that in Warzones, a player is only as good as his team. 1 player can't carry 7 others to victory. I seen a very huge lack of common sense tonight. So I want this thread to be a thread that both Veterans and New PvPers alike can come to for good wholesome PvP tips and Info.


    Lets talk the different play styles for a minute. Dps (Damage dealer), Tank (Protector), & Healer (if you don't know what that word means...) If you're going to be a damage dealer in PvP Warzones, learn your preferred Skill Tree abilities. I Play a Vigilance Guardian. If done correctly, you should be a unstoppable damage machine. Unstoppable you say? yes Unremitting grants 4 secs of immunity to Stuns after Force Leap. Saber Throw, Force leap, do some damage then get out of the mess by Guardian Leaping to your Healers who should not be in the middle of a damage mess. Leap back in and do more damage. The more Leaps you do granting unremitting the less stuns you have to deal with (Which means no more complaining about getting stun locked) All in all, learn your class. If you need help ask the best damn Damage Dealer of you class if they can give you any pointers, ask them for the Tree build (if it makes sense then use it) Inspect their gear and see where you can tweak things in your own (that's what inspect player is for) Last but not least. Utilize your damage in the best way possible for the win. That means don't just say "Hey! I think I want to shoot this person." *Pew Pew* If you watch my PvP videos, sometimes you may see me stop and mark someone before I enter battle. Why did I mark them with the Blaster (or whatever mark that I marked them with)? Because If that player is left alive then our team won't overcome the opposing team (as easy or as smooth as it can go). Usually this Marked person is a healer. In Warzones, NEVER FIGHT A PLAYER THAT HAS NO HEALING ABILITIES WHILE THEIR HEALTH IS GOING BACK UP! Lets say your trying to cut down a tree. You get the AX and you start chopping away. For every 2 chops you hack at the tree the tree starts to recover some of what you just hacked off. It would drive you nuts trying to chop down the regenerating tree, Hell the tree might even chop you down before you chop it down. Makes no sense right? But that's what I see a lot of Damage Dealers doing, fighting someone and the healer is behind their target healing away (in plain sight). You're not going to dps through those heals man, I'm sorry. Really the target you were hitting didn't defeat you, you defeated your self.


    Tanks in PvP If your on Guard Duty, of course call that you need a little help but most importantly, Endure. If you don't have to fight while waiting for back-up.... don't. You're job is to hold your ground, you can't do that if you're dead. Now If you are in battle, the only thing you should be thinking about is keeping people alive. You can switch your Guard during battle. If someone's health is dropping throw a guard on them to give the healers channeled heal that's taking forever to deliver time to get it delivered lol. Only do that swap action if the battle is going your way and won't put your healers in jeopardy if you drop the guard from them. Remember TAUNT TAUNT TAUNT! I can pop my Single Target Taunt TWICE in between my AOE Taunt, you can too. Probably a defining factor for a good Tank, SLOW! Guardians/Juggs in tank spec can spam AOE Slow UNLIMITED, I know Vanguard/Powertech has a slow too. You're teammate has a sent/mara dancing circles around him and he's going to die if he doesn't get this player to slowdown. SLOW THOSE LEGS! Yes Slow is universal for all class, spec, & situations. If you're not slowing people idk what your doing in PVP. If the opposing team is using speed against you, SLOW THOSE FEET! Set the flow of the Warzone where you want it to be, don't play their game, make them play yours. Operative/Scoundrel Healers can only roll so far while slowed and if the dps is doing what they are suppose to be doing, they will want to Scemper, and as soon as they do watch that energy level drop. Keep up the pressure and you'll them send them to the medbay. It takes patience and skill and AWARENESS of the situation. If you have AOE Slow, USE IT! help your team by making their target a little easier to kill (while helping to keep your own team alive). Protecting your team comes first Tanks, Slows come second. Tanks if there are 2 dps on the Healer your protecting. Stun 1, 1 at a time. While 1 is stunned taunt the other. Separate 1 by harpooning away from your healer or use your knockback (like force push) Protect the team Tanks.


    Healers. Just heal... of course stun your attacker and move around (don't just stand there and get beat on, that's just stupid) less Damage on you means less additional damage on your Tank that's guarding you. if the situation allows you to do a little dps, by all means do it. But if your dps'n and someone dies :eek: HELLO! that's no good. The damage dealers should be doing there job well enough that you shouldn't have to do any additional dps. Throough a DoT out there every once in a while if you have a little room in battle for that, if not, if people all around you are all at 50% and dropping you need to be healing the best you can. If Dps Does their job, and Tanks do theirs, and you just heal... Everyone does ALL that they can do... then at the end of the Warzone win or lose. you're going to be pleased with your performance. Healers heal, that's all you need to focus on.


    Lets keep this thread going on a Positive track for a more healthy PvP community. Later maybe we can get into specs (and who uses them) and gear (staying within the competition) I look forward to positive responses, with cool tips & advice.

  7. Would love to stay on BC because I was here from day 1 but the apacs have ruined my PvP experience here to where I hardly even play anymore. Thinking about transferring to POT5. Nothing's final yet tho.


    Let me tell you what you should do so you are certain. *Waves Hand* You want to transfer to PoT5. Let us continue our rivalry... You have your Pocket Healer :) I have mine:D

  8. I am the Prophecy the 5 read about, And I'm coming.


    I know what you mean Legionne, But my want for more competition in pvp outways my want to have a better community. Half my Characters will stay on BC but it's time to open my options in the game with new people in my swtor life. Being one of the best PvP'ers on a RP server means nothing to me, I live on east coast so thats my next destination and its a PVP server so I can really see if I'm one of the best. I'd rather put my skills to the test on a PvP server than stay on an RP server never knowing how good I really am or how much better I can become @ PvP.

  9. youre still alive? man i haven't seen you in a minute :D


    LMAO you know... Rhodium said "Back from the Dead?" when he saw me lol I resubbed Lastnight for Double XP weekends this month to level alts on the weekends on PoT5... then I'm gone again. Those imps were still trying to kill me :p

  10. This is my fisr ever mmo. Never played one of these types of games. To tell you the truth my liking of Star Wars games came when I was about 15 when I bought KOTOR and really loved the game even tho I did not know what I was getting into when I purchased it. Went on to purchase KOTOR 2 and since those teen years I've fell in love with The Old Republic series of Star Wars. When I heard of this game I wanted it but didn't know how I was ever going to play it seeing how its a game for the computer which I didn't have at the time. Then I went to school and they game me a machine that could play it lol. Did /played on all my toons and I've spent 1/3 of a year on this game. Thats 3 full days a week. Amazing that I have a woman and school huh? lol and I cut hair (as a barber making people look good for money). I was the noobest player in the game when I started playing. Atleast I was smart enough to not stack the wrong stats on my toons lol. Was a loner leveling to level 50 even tho I ran the Knights of Tython guild name. got bored with Questing around level 45 and always wondered where my guildies were when I dropped the guild tag. They would always be in "The Pit" it seemed. Thought to myself it must be intense in there if its named "The Pit". I decided to Queue for Warzones. Didnt know what to expect. Didnt know anything about anything when it came to this game. Met a Dead on Arrival guy named Saladbar and we WZ'd together. Me Saladbar and Ogclutchbossman leveled to 50 through warzones and it was awesome hanging with them. That's when My quest to be one of Ieldis's pubside Pvp'ers started. Sev'row would pop out of stealth and kill me in 3 hits and take my node lol. Tyrosine would emote laugh when I'd go to his cap point. Azazzele would power house three guys and take a node These imps were op, Zenithsbane wouldn't die lol those were the times. I would chase Respute around because he wouls snipe everyone to death with no contest. He started the "You No Aza" taunt lol it didn't bother me because I was just me. I was a Tank back then. couldn't kill anyone if i tried lol. Went for a change in spec. Couldn't get the hang of Vigilance (Remember I'm a noob) so i chose to get the hang of Focus. I was in tank gear so i couldn't hurt anyone to bad but It was a nice change in abilities. Doesn't take much skill for Focus spec and skill was something I still didn't have so it worked better for me than Vigilance.


    Then came the Begeren Colony merge and Ranked Warzones. People sure made me feel welcome when I entered Warzones lol almost like a superstar. I remember in vent Og complained about some guy named Wrecks like he does every dps thats killing him lol (the first time I ever heard of the guy) the first time i ever ran into him it was in a ranked match and him and some tankassin came to west on Novare Caost and me and the KoT healer who came when I called for back-up (Didn't want to cost us the game) and we took those imps down fairly easy.

    People started leaving the game. Rumors of Imp Legacy having a fallout went through the pub side air. Mr. Cauiss Ballad started making his monster sentinel. (Cauiss is one of the names of thos main Royal Vampires in Twilight right?) He gave me some pointers on Ilum during a couple duels to help me get the hang of it. Then the DPS Raygon was born. Would go on to master all three of the Guardian Specs (imo) then There was Daxos. Love my commando. When assault spec he sure could light it up. Then there was the Sage Jen-allel. There wasn't a stealthy that could drop her. Keep the melee slowed and at range and they're worthless. lol They leap, I DoT, force speed away, slow them and dps a little, Force wave DPS a little more, They leap, I bubble, The break it and get stunned, Dot and speed away again DPS rinse and repeat. Love the sage class very good class. Now i got my scoundrel and man is she a monster in both dps and heals, love that class too. http://imgur.com/jbtb6YX Thanks Tywind for screening that for me


    After 2.0 hit and changes to spec I decided to make Ray go back to his origins in Tank spec and stance. Dps'n leads to ego in PvP, and raging. Something I never want to embrace. Don't do it in Real Life not going to in a virtual world. When I first started PvP'n a guildy told me that PvP can kill a game experience and he was right. Immature People taunt you with laughs after they and another guy with much higher single target dps kills you and they emote laugh at you like they did all themselve "I demolished him" lmao its so hilarious how ego can blind people. 2vMe should i pop my defensive? eh I'll wait. I've beaten them all and I've won it all. (Undertaker/Triple H quote for you Rhodium lol) I'm on my Shawn Micheals/Triple H when you've done all I've done and PvP'ers like me as long as we've done it. Who cares about winning or losing. Neither affects me anymore. I know what I can do on all my characters because I've done it & Documented it via screen shot or video. 6 months of not caring whether or not I win or lose but always performed when the team needed it. I don't care if i lose duels shoot I screen shot them for all to see. Would never sabotage matches because I didnt care. You Pubs man you guys make me feel so awesome. I went back Tank because it's humbling. It's harder to give life than it is to take it. I enjoy giving my team the chance its needs to survive and win the day. I get Warm welcomes when I log in. When I enter Warzones and people are happy to see me (on a personal note not a skill note) We're gonna win and we're gonna fight and we're gonna have fun slapping imps with our lightsbagers and shooting them in the ***. To all you whether I like you or we've exchaged harsh words, You're much appreciated.


    Thank You from Raygon :D

  11. I wouldnt go bragging about a "1v1" in a warzone, half the time the people you fight do not have all their cooldowns like in a real duel...but to each their own I guess...


    oh Myrm tsk tsk tsk baby C'mon you should know Ray Bay Bay better than that... I can assure you when I 1v1 (who shalt not be named) He always has his cooldowns. I'd never claim any achievement against any player if i didnt see him pop it myself. You and your brother should both know I wouldn't claim something if i won it half assed, you insult my code sir. I came on here and gave u guys the screen shot of me lossing duels for f's sake. That alone should tell you what kind of guy I am. and No one on this game has tougher skin than me. I go looking to adversity because I can handle it. "If you can stand the heat get out the kitchen." **** I'm at the stove with my hand on the knob. Focus spec was fun broke 600k with it now im done with it. Vigilance was fun, Broke 500k with it now im done with it, Im now back to my Ieldis days, trying to endure and save lives in pvp because taking them doesnt excite me anymore. I tell you what tho. Over the course of whats left of my sub for this month which is 2 weeks i believe. If you or Stelios or Voldemort.... ooops i mean he whos name shalt not be mentioned, run into me and we both have full CD's ready. If you run to my guard point in a WZ or whatver. If I hit the medbay from the 1v1 with no interference. Raygon-Jinn will never enter another Warzone on the begeren colony server again. All you have to do is say "I Accept".

  12. I'M THE CONTROVERSIAL RAYGON! lol have you forgoten? I CALL OUT THE BEST! I TROLL THE BEST! AND I INSULT THE BEST! When in WZ's I go after the "Big Fishies" Not one of you can say I go after the little PvP'ers who don't know how to wipe their *** after getting off the toilet. If I 1v1 someone I'm going to feel EXTREMELY GOOD about it why? Because I'm a macbook pro cripple :) I don't have the pleasures of an external mouse, I dont have to pleasure of alt keys or f1-f10 keys, I BACK PEDAL! If you die to me its bad lol because I'm a sorry troll scrub sorry PvPer. So its the greatest insult I could give someone. Been playing this game since last march and I've seen It all, Exploits, Insults, Egos (Atleast I never came up here to list myself as one of the top Guardians on the server) Forum Thread Deletes.


    And man Rinzler ever since I told Scyn not to put me in the same category as you and that your not a friend of mine you sure have changed lol I hope I didnt hurt you. Just Doesn't make sense to call someone I've never met or hardly play with a friend (which logically makes sense) for all its worth I am Sorry. Out of all the things I've done and said to people you are the 2nd person I've ever apologized to on this game. Take my Respect how ever you pls.

    BUT! If I want to brag about Slaying the EGO Beast Deyvon I will and am and no one can take that away from me. Stelios and Azzazele will always be the greatest DPS Juggs Imp Side to me because there is legacy. Let Deyvon fool you guys if you want to He won't mention How I intercepted him going to grass at CW and got his *** beat. My Nemesis is Tyrosine (because once again there is history) But Deyvon (Who won't admit that have more 1v1 victories over him than he does me) this is for you http://youtu.be/OjAuFYh2WNI. I love that song. I could say that about another **** boy on pub side won't say no names (Danika). I get Controversial when I'm crossed. I will always be there in your face because I am who? Btw you dps guys. You can have your Focus and Vigilance because I have discovered something else for Raygon. For now I did you farewll and happy controversialness :D

  13. That's how it is in the new "lowbies" as well. TTK went down with the different buffs given to each class. Carnage/Combat was always capable of 2 shotting people, but its even worse now for people on the receiving end with slaughter. How you liking Vig btw? I haven't had a chance to try it yet.


    Well I'll say that I encountered Deyvon (lvl55) at his guard point of East on Novare (Smashing as usual) He got the first leap on me (Im Vigilance) and he made a brief visit to the medbay. So i say I love it (Still). You should ask him how it felt to be so close to the medpack (in arms reach) just to not get it and die at the hands of the macbook pro cripple who sucks :D

  14. Uh... I wasted a cooldown when i force pushed my opponent t and they did go where the animation said they did. I wasted a force push. If you haven't noticed, 80% of the times you got force pushed you got leaped on right after. So I force push to leap and finish my attack. If they didn't go anywhere after being pushed, I wasted a cooldown.
  15. Because I want to flood PvP with people who want to endure it for crafting purposes and not win. RE War Hero mods from Boots or gloves (cybertech) RE Armoring & Mod for your Molecular Stab and maybe a Matrix. Oh and Hey why not send that enhancement over to that artificer in legacy gear so he can RE it for the Stab too :p
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