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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by RayGonJinn

  1. apparently you do because you have not noticed... that there is a difference is stats at the end of a wz that last 7mins (a normal wz) vs a civil war that has an uncapped mid node lol you really really do. I take nothing away from Semah? was it? yea... Just like I take nothing away from good ole Xam with her mill heals in a civil war (a very prolonged wz with no mid capped) healing 6-4 tanks with an average of 2 defensives that last 10-15 secs a pop minus wz adrenal/medpacs & self healing abilities. Not at all. Luckly You got the SS for Semah. Give Helorn a long as uncapped mid civil war and see what those heals would really be. if he broke 90k heals in half that time Semah had then i have no doubt he would break that with all that time Semah had. If my math is correct that'd be 180k? oh wait. Plain and Simple... my boy is the best there is the best there was and the best there will ever will be. Good on you for the SS but not impressed... to be the man you gotta beat the man.
  2. O wait a second you can't kill anyone without your companions am i right? That's why you cry so much..


    LMAO you have no idea dude. I'm not QQ'n I'm simply defending those who you try to gank and then justify it. Ganking is for Cowards. You gank? You're a Coward. I don't get ganked. and Those stupid enough to try on my server found out why you don't. 1 I take advantage of my Full WH geared Companion 2 I never run flagged without my companion. I play on a RP server. This is my first mmo and didn't know the mechanics of PvP or a mmo when I first started playing months ago. But now I do. I'm not afraid to roll on a PvP server and I plan on moving my toon to Po5 when paid transfers come out if they ever do.. You should stop QQ'n about companions. If you can't stand the heat get the **** out the kitchen.

  3. That is why you pick the PvE and not PvP server. Seems like people are picking servers just to look cool or something.

    PvP is not only a WarZone. It is also the feeling of constantly being monitored. You think twice before using every ability because there might be a stealther that will pop out every second. Why would anyone be on PvP server and disagree with this, is beyond me.


    I absolutely do not understand your responce to what I wrote... I...I just... I I... I just don't understand...

  4. 1.Companions - they should be instantly dismissed when a player engage combat with another player, or we should have a skill to put the companions out of consciousness (cc) and heroic moment unavailable for the duration of the fight.


    I love this lol apparently people have not noticed... on the companion bar, there under the fist that tells the companion to attack there is a icon with crossed arms that puts the companion in a passive mode that makes them do nothing in reaction to your actions. That is the "or we should have a skill to put the companions out of consciousness (cc)" and for the Heroic moment... lol just don't click it lol you got the right to gank they got the right to a heroic moment... you got 1 too... use it. If you find its a cowards way out... don't fight cowards...

  5. No. They are saying PvP really shouldn't involve companions, just like World Bosses don't. Companions simply don't follow normal PvP rules atm.


    have you ever tried to 1v1 a world boss with your companion out? Your companion is rendered useless at the site of the world boss. Check that out sometime. If your in a full 4 man group let alone an op for a world boss... your companion is auto dismissed. and there are no PvP rules for Companions to follow atm so what are you talking about?



    Let me ask you... Why is there companions in the first place if they would just be auto dismissed when someone wants to gank you. and FYI If you pop out of stealth to attack someone full health or not That's Ganking. If you attack someone without warning them... lol that's ganking lol. There's no way around it lol. Yea if you can't handle being ganked then you chose the wrong server lol you are absolutely correct :D BUT! (don't forget the but) Just because your on a PvP server doesn't mean anything. This game revolves around a CLASS STORY and YOU GET COMPANIONS FOR THE CLASS STORY. Your on a PvP server which means just about every world is open world PvP. With your suggestions... that would mean your companions should only be used for crafting and would only appear when you walk through your green class story phase wll, which would mean you would only need them for your class missions, which would mean trash mobs around the planets need to be nerfed enough for you to survive taking them on by yourself, (by that time your health would be at about 25% because I'm at level with the trash mobs and they are actually suppose to kick my *** a little bit. & you said thats when you'd attack the enemy player, but apparently a player getting his *** kicked by a trash mob is his own problem.) In this case companions shouldn't be on PvP servers at all, which means there can't be class stories on PvP servers either.


    So what would be the purpose of all the planets and ships on a PvP server. Why not give PvP servers 1 planet to go to to Queue for WZs and kill eachother while waiting for a pop. Why even have a leveling system on PvP servers. Your proposal actually destroys the experience rather than helps it. I think your guys are Trolling because you all don't want to deal with companions when this innocent story running imp/pub runs by your outpost (because there's a crate they gotta blow up or something they gotta pick up) and you want to kill them. I think You guys need to stop QQ'n about companions and heroic moments. If you run into someone of the opposite faction while questing (which you will) if you chose to shot them or slap them with your saber then their companion has the right to help them put their foot in your ***. I'm just saying.

  7. So what your saying is... If you and your buddy want to gank me while Questing... Not only should i not be able to pop my legacy defensive or my heroic moment... but my companion should also be dismissed. So what what your saying is You and your buddy should be able to 2v1 me (while im trying to mind my business questing for a little PvP break) and send me to the medbay with no contest... Look you may be an honorable Sith but the are 10 shameful Sith for every 1 of honorable Sith.
  8. So what you're saying is... If you and a buddy want to gank me while im questing (because I want to experience some story too) My companion should be auto dismissed so you and your buddy can butt rape me? is that what your saying?
  9. So what your saying is... If I'm questing atm and you decide you want to gank me... My companion should be dismissed so that not only can you start the fight on your own terms... like your going to do anyway since you want to gank me... you don't want my companion to turn the fight around to make your shameful ganking turn on its face? Is that what your telling me?
  10. Personally I think Tele Sages (with bubble stun) are pretty good. I run that spec on my lowbie sage (lvl 34) and I've taken out high level 40's 1v1 in warzones. I mean what's so hard about dropping a slow on a melee who just leap'd onto you, he's gonna pop your bubble and get stunned (if your a smart sage/sorc your always got you bubble up) then force speed away for distance. Drop your DoT (Weaken Mind) force armor bubble (with the stun lol) Star Dps'n while he slowly tries to close the gap, then he's gonna break the bubble again to get stunned get distance Dps some more. Then Knockback (also has root) then dps some more. by the then melee has his leap so he's gonna leap again and hopefully you got ur bubble up (like a smart player) or its 1 sec away from being off CD. Drop the slow again force speed for distance and dps some more. I do it all they time and It f''n works. But hey thats just lowbie PvP.


    and Dash you are talking about the fire pit kill @3:15 into the vid. I thought I was becoming stupid but yea... we're talking about 2 dif kills. @4:30 ACID BATH WRECKS! WOOO! on his back like a B**** :p

  11. I agree with Neo your best kill in that match was the reverse fire pit kill although he could have just finished you with a force leap which would have rooted you and hopped off the edge to leave you no target to to leap to. He was kind of foolish to give you a target and by walking over a pit himself nice job taking advantage of that.


    Your Wrecks kill you had a gunslinger and sage help and it was the sages stun that did him in you just started it.


    On Topic

    To the OP Sorc/Sages have had a useless spec since 1.2 it's any of our dps specs. If you don't believe me go look on the class forums and see the multiple 30+ page threads pleading for a buff and threatening to end membership over it. A lot of Sorc/Sages have simply rerolled or left the game since it's a very underpowered class and is soft like butter. We are the glass cannon without the cannon.


    If Sorc/Sages had a talent that reduced Death Field by 3 seconds and buffed it 20% to it's damage

    2 instant abilities that made our Death Field Auto Crit

    Change it to 5 targets instead of 3

    give us a stacking dot that up's Death Field Damage by 25% that stacks 4 times to 100%

    give us a self buff that up's our energy spells armor penetration by 30%

    give us an instat ability that will give us 4 stacks of our 25% bonus damage stacking buff

    this would let use stack nothing but power and surge

    then leave us that way for 8+ months.


    People would cry nerf!


    Now put the shoe on the other foot for warriors/knights insted of a reduction in cooldown in rage type spec on smash and an increase in damage 20% lets just give them 2% bonus to strength.

    Instead of 2 instant auto crit abilities for smash lets just give them15% reduction to periodic effects

    Instead of a stacking buff that gives them 25% damage per stack x4 lets make their force crush last 2 seconds longer. Whoopie!

    instead of 30% armor penetration lets give them a whole 1% healing on their dot damage for 2 talent points. Yeay win!

    and finally instead of a instant buff of 100% bonus to your next smash they get a 60% bonus crit on their next two abilities on a 90 second cooldown.


    That would be the most "Useless" warrior spec ever....oh wait.

    To all of the Republic Sages and Imperial Sorcs playing at a high level I give you Kudos because you need to have a high skill set to play this class well.


    I DONT CARE WHAT YOU SAY DASH! even tho I love your line of sighting *** I LOVE MY ACID PIT WRECKS KILL! and @4:30 into the vid idk what sage you saw I only see gunslinger shots and i didnt say i got a 1v1 kill on the guy I just love the way he died lmao



  12. Ooh first hand glimpse at how the rescue brigade is formed. Thanks for the info. :rak_01:


    Dang that had me rollin lmao. I like this thread... Its funny how you guys tell the guy to group with really good players (if you don't know who they are there is this thread stating all the best players of all the classes called the PvP Heroes & Villains thread... you know the thread where Deyvon egotistically includes himself as a top Jugg/Guardian on the server) and no one knows who he is which gives the good players a reason to not group with him. and then you say Join a PvP guild. If no one knows who he is then How would he get accepted into a "Good PvP" Guild. I don't have anything important to say I just found this thread a little funny. :)

  13. Best opener... Poppoing Combat Focus (to get 4 stacks of Singularity) then leaping into battle and dropping a MONSTER FORCE SWEEP! lol no im just kidding... Best opener Leaping to my target with unremitting and Giving them a Master Strike with 10% bonus damage. LOVES IT! Merry Christmas!
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