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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by RayGonJinn

  1. First of all your post is COMPLETE gibberish, I can hardly make out a point that you are trying to make. I'm not sure how an operative being behind a commando/sage prevents the commando/sage from turning around and stunning them. As for your claim about having a point of view from every class, that's obviously a joke, you clearly know nothing about any class other then your own focus guardian to be making wild accusations like these.


    I have five different 50s so I'd say I have some knowledge of what classes can do. Next time you try to argue a point, make sure it isn't complete gibberish and actually gets a point across, because basing your arguments off of things "you've seen" is ridiculous. :rolleyes:


    Dude you sound like a person who doesnt know what their talking about so welcome to the club. How can the commando, sage whatever the class is turn around and stun the operative/scoundrel before they die from the dps? clearly yoou go against some stationary ops/scounds cause the one i go against... turn around isnt fast enough. The good players I have to go against is WZs are mobile... very mobile. 50% movement speed increase mobile so with that being said simply turning around (the solution you submitted) doesn't work. You guys do need to learn to play your class better instead of crying about force sweep crits. I wish we were on the same server to show you that no matter the spec I am whether Focus or Vigilance I'd beat you. Practice dps'n from range buddy. It sounds like thats all you got.

  2. lol Ignorance... I don't have a problem with any class I kill them all both with vigilance and focus spec. When an operative pops out of stealth on me i use awe (AoE stun) as soon as it can pop it. Yes as soon as i use awe I pop combat focus to gain my singularity. Yes I use zealous leap to get my auto crit and pop my sweep on that operative. Im not ignorant I just didnt mention all that because Im coming from an understanding of all the classes. I've seen Operatives/Scoundrels kill players in 3 hits in WZ's popping out of stealth. I never seen a sage stun someone who was behind them... I never seen a commando Cryo someone behind them... I never seen a sorc force wave someone behind them since they changed the force wave. You say I'm ignorant but You guys only thinking about 1 class when I'm coming from a point of view of all the classes. Point is... If focus gotta get cut in half... so does every other classes dps. If focus has to get cut in half the you shouldn't be able to attack someone while u run circles hopping around like a broke chicken. lol Ignorance...


    Force Stasis/Choke is a 3-4 second stun so who is hitting me while my Sweep is on cooldown? That dang Vanguard/Powertech you brought with you thats setting me ablaze and railshot/HiB my *** thats who.... oh and maybe that second operative you brought with you... you sit in your high and mighty chair throwing the ignorance word around like you innocent of tactics in warzones. Go 1v1 the best damn Focus spec guardian or juggy in private (outside of WZ) and give it all you got in that fight. Then you come on here talking about nerfs. oh and Ilmarinen pls don't be some recruit geared scrub going against a full optimized pvp geared augmented player and expect a good result. PvPers work hard for there gear... too hard for you half geared cry babies to come on here crying about nerfs


    and Hell YES! im glad its an AoE crit for 4-7k on up to 5 players... for you Premades "Grouping with my friends" (they wouldnt be your friend if they weren't good and you know it) where you got a healer thats hard to down and your protecting them... and then there's another healer next to ur super good healer and the pug isn't downing any of them... hell yes I give the healers work to do. either they die or their team dies which one? you guys can complain all you want... try solo Q'n and PvP'n with the people sometimes and you will see a dfference in WZ until then don't come on here talking about ignorance while your trying to farm pugs with your super 4man group. as long as pugs are as bad as they are I will be focus and give you healers something to do.

  3. Sorry but...lmfao a sweep derp player telling me to l2p just pure lol omg lol.


    Seriously you are one broken class, sweep damage needs to be cut in half you will still hit hard enough you just won't be able to go in around spamming away 40% of everyone's HP every few seconds.


    Sages need serious TLC stun bubble makes us viable sure but is it fun for me to run spending 70% of my time casting bubbles? Of course not I would much rather some better survivability and much higher DPS to match our incredible squishyness but since we don't have that bubble stun is better than being utterly useless. Take away bubble without a buff and you may as well ban sages from war zones because we will be utterly useless.


    Cut in half huh? Really? Let me enlighten you on how the spec works. The spec needs "singularity" (increases the damage of the automatic crit sweep). Sigularity is acquired by ticks from either force exaustion or force stasis. So While Focus guys are waiting four valuable seconds for the Singularity to stack. You other classes are trying to crit 2k-3k or 3k-4k on us in those 4 seconds, in a row. So that sweep evens the odds. So your saying or its ok for operatives to pop out of stealth on us (We're get knocked down) and as our characters are getting up our health is at 20%10% (if we let them do what they want to do) so that operative hit for 4k on his first attack then 2 more back stabs before we get to our feet. they got the first attack on us doing 10k+ damage over 3 seconds and u want our sweep to crit for 3k on them instead of 6k-7k on them to even the odds in that fight? you guys are nuts.

  4. Simple..now that there is no delay on the animation, it's far more effective and easier to stack 3+ jugs.

    With the immobilize from force leap, multiple juggs can leap one target after blowing their instant 4xsingularity generator and put out 12k~ easily and instantly. And that's just from 3...


    The only counter to juggs is to spread out. But bad players don't spread out.

    So you put one or two competent healers with a bubble sorc shielding every jugg...now you have an unstoppable force that ccs you even when you manage to break the bubble.


    It's not that its OP but everyone has jumped on the bandwagon and people would rather complain then adapt to adversity.


    I started playing this game in feb 2012, hit 50 and started pvp'n (as a Tank) March 2012, Switched to Focus Spec in April 2012 and Focus spec was my dps spec because at the time Vigilance was to go to spec for Guardians/Juggernauts. Then the spec got a little tweak in 1.5 and now every Guardian/Juggy on my server Focus. It forced me to learn Vigilance. I'm glad it did because I still get the job done. I never thought I'd be able to break 400k-500k In a WZ with Vigilance like everyone does in Focus spec but It's still very possible to be Devastating in Vigilace. I know of 2 players who make Vigilance work.

  5. So I've seen some nice tactics in PvP...


    In Voidstar I've seen Sniper/Gunslinger apply Plasma Probe/Incendiary Grenade on 1 door and check the other. And doing the same in Civil War to keep the other team from capping when their teams forces are getting low. Putting it on the turret controls when their health gets around 25%. The AoE keeps enemy players from being able to cap. & Capping in while in Cover. ! second away from capping and luckly that Sentinel/Marauder can't leap to you.


    In Huttball I've seen 1 Sentinel/Marauder pop their transcendence to get the tank to the ball while a Sage/Sorc & Sentinel/ Marauder took the upper ramps, The Sage/Sorc Pulled the tank (that he had pre-targeted in the beginning of the match because he knew what tank was getting the ball) to the upper ramps and their Sent/Mar used their Transcendence (2nd Transcendence) to rush the ball into the endzone. Happened twice. Poetry in Motion...


    For those solo guards who like to stand outside of the hut in Novare Coast at the Eastern & Western Emplacements. An Assassin/Shadow Force pulls another player to the edge and Force Waves the off the edge and the Assassin/Shadow Force speeds to cap.


    What neat/annoying tactics happen on your server?


    now Hold on let me get this straight... So Lowbie doesn't count because you guys don't consider it really PvP? really? so 4 optimized augmented Warhero geared players Q'n together for regular warzones where the "Casual" PvP'ers Q is concidereds real PvP? so Farming Pugs is concidered real PvP? Really? so you "Real" PvP'ers come on here and "Hey lookie what I did" and your criting on players not well geared as you and possibly in PvE gear. I tell you what crit 8k-9k on me and I won't say nothing else ever again. Regular WZ isn't real PvP and you all know it. Go do you super teams in Ranked and then come on here and show off what you did against players as good as you. Then you will truly have the right to post anything. 28.4k objective Good job man Let these real PvP'ers know what time it is and stop frontin.

  7. It's been a while since the controversial Raygon posted something in the forums. Topic of the moment is GG :p for those who don't know what GG is, it mean Good Game. As in wow that was a dream match, or Damn that was a close match. I wanna know since when was skunk matches "Good Games"?!? 6-0 in The Pit is not a f'n GG. 600-0 is not a GG in Civil War. 100%-0% in Novare Coast is not a GG. I'm not even going to say anything about Voidstar. Bottom line I'm sick of idiots being quick to call out GG when clearly it wasn't? Who the hell was it a GG for? The winning team yeah and it's just dreadful for the other team. Stop being full of it and saying GG at the end of games that weren't good games at all.


    Hey it's everyone's right to Queue 4 man groups in warzones. Why wouldn't the best players group with the best and to go have a very good performance in Warzones. Yeah yeah you can say i'm crying but clearly you never found out that I never give a D*** about what someone says or thinks of me. I'm not crying because I don't get my tush handed to me in Warzones but my team does and a player in warzones is only as good as his team. You guys can say I suck all you want but just know that every time you engage me in combat you're facing someone playing on a Macbook Pro and uses the track pad for the mouse, and still hangs with the so called "Best".


    And 1 last thing I love how people accuse me of becoming a monster in a bad way :p I mean... its not like weeks ago when i felt bad about how the pubs were pounding imps and pubs would go for 3 caps and the imps clearly couldn't gain anything from fighting, and when I'd see some lone imp i can beat or hold for backup incoming I'd just tell the imp in say chat to just take the point. Yes Raygon actually does that... when we clearly had Warzone's won and I felt bad i'd sit there and let that stealthy think they got a cap on me. I'd emote them while they were capping to let them know who gave it to them. Call me a rager/monster/noob/ whatever it is your guys use to classify me but I'm not blind to what a Good Game really is. Reynega you really like to use GG a lot. You don't like or respect me and I don't like or respect you, just remember you may be my class equivalent but you'll never be me.


    Hey Guys I'm the Controversial Raygon! and I'm out :p

  8. So for 4th straight week Raygon-Jinn (that's me) has brought the pubs ranked warzones (glad that those who care about their rating didn't join :) I hate players with big *** egos) Your can check out the vid of the most recent RWZ on my youtube channel (MrNemesisgenesis) The special part about this RWZ is that... WE WERE NAKED! seems people had anger management issues about getting farmed and not having equal teams as we tried to get. So I took upon myself to make everyone going into this RWZ have only their main & off-hand.


    I'm starting to develop this dislike for pubs while doing this tho... People come on here (to the forums) and preach they want to do more RWZ's. They come up with these ideas for the teams to be full recruit geared and stuff like that and all you get is the same 6-7 people saying "I'm down for that!" but you never see it happen. But here's Raygon delivering as he always does. I have a 2nd complaint against pubs. See when the first match starts it seems that all you look for is are you getting farmed and are things 1 sided. I take great offense to that BTW:mad:. The reason for the first RWZ match is to test the balance of the teams people.So we can make the right adjustments to the teams so that everyone has a fair chance to farm RWZ comms. But how can we do that if the losing team rage quits after the first match? Stop complaining about Grim Determination kicking your butts if you can't take the time to get the top gear to even the odds. You pubs see that it's Grim D in a WZ and you guit the match because you know your out of your league but when you get invited to do ranked (i don't have to invite you btw) you cry about things being 1 sided and don't want to be farmed and rage quit that also without letting me adjust the teams for more rounds of RWZ. I remember those who fail all the other pubs. I remember the names, I remember the guild tags. While everyone else's PvP experience gets a little better you will be stuck in the same spot in gear for weeks this goes to my friends and guildmates too. I only go to players and if your not a player than I won't invite you, I don't care who you are. Deal with your warzone nightmare. It seems that you RWZ ragers seem to forget. While I'm doing these RWZ pug groups, 16 PvP workhorses that wins WZ's are with me and not Q'n in regular WZ to help you guys with your wins.

  9. So we all know there is a PvP Heroes/Villains. I'd like to say that I take nothing away from those plyers named best in their class. But seeing how this server only does Warzones and no real open world PvP events I'd like to say that if it weren't forn the work horses that Queue up and PvP those named on that other thread wouldnt be as awesome as you think. It takes a good team for them to as awesome as you think. Whats a god player on a bad team? He's nothing. So I'd like to take the time and address a lot of the underlooked players who I value very much.


    Guard/Jugg: Aikon, Rerkk, Yasmina, Otar

    Sentinels/Mar: Dlan, Maudin, Orazio, Hugob

    Sages/Sorc: Elvendra, Azuri, Harbaror, Akha, Liva & Rhodium

    Shadows/Assassins: Jedaro, Robaxis, Monster, Anoetica (however u spell it :p) Delere, En'ail, Rava-Lynn, Nyche, Varankavar

    Commandos: Harald, Daxos, Evonaut, & Baree

    Vanguard/Pyro: Voldash, Konstance, & Siricius

    Gunslingers: Arty & Mysfit

    scoundrels: Kira & Nahira


    & many more that impact WZ's greatly. It's my honnor to PvP with all of you who log in and play to win. This is your recognition because without you all WZ would suck and all those named in the other thread wouldn't look so great. They'd get stunlocked and ***** just like an average Joe without you all.



    The Controversial Raygon :p

  10. Konstance I absolutely agree with you about the stacking teams part. and since I am the controversial one on the Server... Source! stop trying to dominate everyone pls... If you and Grim Determination want to choose a night where you want to stomp eachother in the ground by having all guild members in your Q you should do that... Yesterday when we started RWZ groups overwhelming teams were not allowed. I was there to be a pain in the neck to let everyone have a fair chance at winning comms and i heard that the teams were dead even in a RWZ Voidstar with each teams having people in recruit and battlemaster gear. Konstance I greatly look forward to your input on how we should continue the RWZ on multiple nights on a weekly basis.
  11. imperialis exoriens... you know we came from the same server and we had to deal with them everyday but KoT (when we were in our prime) Q'd to challenge you guys and take WZ wins back to the pubs. Thos were the good ol days. I'm extremely happy that you ALL 70+ valor and under participated in RWZ. RWZ comms are very valuable and I'm glad you guys got to get a little boost in achieving them outside of dailies and weeklies... and when we got the Teams together we tried to make them as balanced (based on reputation :p and class) as possible. And I cant wait to do it again. Coming on here to try to convince people to do ranked don't work. So you gotta force it like we did by throwing out invites. And the outcome was great . Lets do it again guys
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