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Posts posted by sharkfinsix

  1. I wish ppl would stop calling it F2P and call it what it really is P2W (pay 2 win). Nothing in life is free, you pay for everything one way or another.


    Ive found P2P are just better, 'normally' better customer service, constant growth in game content (without paying more for it).


    there is nothing to "pay to win" about DDO's system. you unlock char slots, consumables, social items and zones. There is no PVP really in DDO either tho, no DPS meters, no DMB....no wonder people didnt like it :p


    the only win in the Free to play DDO is....did we complete the quest/dungeon/raid? yes? win, no? try again.

  2. The only mmo i've seen doing f2p right is DDO


    ^^ i agree with this, however i paid monthly for DDO, but i was very tempted to go F2P, all my friends were F2P and i would send them content buddy passes so we could do the locked stuff together


    (on a side note, DDO was truly a different approach to MMO's it was great fun, just never took hold, it went F2P to have people give it a chance and actually started to grow again, if my friends would still play it with me, i'd still be playing it. Funny things these MMO's....people crucify you if you copy WoW then refuse to play you if you don't)

  3. Yes there is, I have looked it up on WoW. They tell you use ability X, then Y, then Z, back at X when cooldown is done, and so on....


    They usually list it as Death Knight Blood Spec Damage Guide or something.


    once addons and macros are added, the priority proccing abilities get rolled into a main skill / proc skill 1 button and let the rotations begin.

  4. I would think the scoreboard idea some people are touting for after flash points and ops is a good compromise between both camps. Also i see no reasont o not add a meter / target dummy inside the guild capital ships or your personal ship, make it something you buy for ship as an addon.


    I personally don't care either way. I do prefer not to have to add 3rd party crap to my system that breaks every patch, i wanna play after patches, not update addons ...so my only thing is if damage parsers / meters are added, please make it part of the actual ingame UI straight from bioware.

  5. For the leveling up experience, i am quite enjoying the story driven theme park experience. I would think max lvl content introduced would need to be more a mix of continuing the story driven stuff to stay true to the original game concept, but more sandbox elements to add more max level longevity to the cycle. I am a big fan non linear progression at end game. Let people find different ways to contribute besides just ops for better gear at max lvl.
  6. to the OP, I'd suggest making an Alt on the server you want to be on, with the hopes that player transfers are coming sooner than later, then you can move your main over.


    I wouldn't wait on BW, though.


    This is what i did, droped my Vanguard at 37 on a dead server and made my Commando where friends confirmed was a busier server. I am hoping to Xfer the Vanguard as it is my absolute fav class so far, but until then, i will keep playing my million other chars.

  7. i have both. I have used the Nostromo n52 for more years than i can remember (i think i started using it at Lineage 2 release) Now I use the G13.


    I have large hands, so the n52te fits my hands better with less keys and i was hesitant to switch, however...i was finiding i wanted the extra keys when i was playing Warhammer online.


    After some time getting used to the G13, the smaller key size no longer becomes an issue. The thumb stick is much much better on the G13, so now i have the thumb stick programed to WASD plus strafe, freeing up more keys on the actual keypad for the key binds.


    Since i have done this new set up , i won't look back to the n52e.


    If you have no desire to use the thumb stick for movement, then I'd really say they are a toss up...but once you get used to moving with the thumb, I'd never go back :)

  8. I dont use all the buttons on my naga, just programmed 4 of them....tab, C, I and M.


    So i'd still recommend Naga even if it is overkill...it's is not wireless (i have had wireless mouse go dead in the middle of a raid so i know where you are coming from) and as you get better at the thumb buttons you always have room to expand should you choose.

  9. Excuse my ignorance, but what is in this special VIP area? Better npc sales ppl?


    from what i can tell...nothing as a digital upgraded edition does allow me access to the VIP room, but does not grant the ability to buy from the vendor lol...or at least last i checked. maybe that's a bug that got sorted?

  10. My Rift Jusiticar facerolled all PVE questing content with 2 buttons because almost every skill was put into 2macros.


    run into middle of pack of mobs....press 2 buttons over and over while eating a burrito and watching GI Joe cartoons, rinse repeat.


    Not every class could be stripped down to mindless, my Bard was far more challenging and rewarding, but even still...i had ranged and melee attacks macroed to 1 button so no matter what range the mob was at, my toon always used the proper weapon on it....just to bloody easy


    In WoW I used to joke my hunter could top DPS charts on our raids with 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 7...i literally would watch movies and press a rotation and wait for DBM to tell me to move while we raided. And before you call that terribad, we cleared the content and i was always top 3 DPS...



    ^^ that's why a lot of people are against mods/macros.


    I have a G13 and a G15..i have never programmed a macro to them, games are already way to easy now.

  11. Right, let's design the MMO for the 'instant gratification' generation:


    You log in, you are in your ship's airlock, a holo comes up with a quests on offer to you, if you don't like it, you just click that little button saying 'Next planet' and get a new list.

    You select your quest, you auto-spawn in the quest area (note: in 'Preferences' you can set whether you want to use content including pre-boss encounters or not, so yeah, you may spawn 10 steps away from the boss monster, past all mobs waiting on the way), you complete quest, you auto-spawn back in ship's airlock, holo pops up, gives you reward.

    Another holo comes up offering you the option to buy/sell stuff (again, in 'Preferences' you have the option to auto-sell all grey-level stuff).


    Rinse, repeat...


    I think we have a winner right there, don't you agree? :rolleyes:


    you forgot to mention that after this magical MMO is released they will all whine there is no content 1 day later :p

  12. I will not compare it to Rift.


    Rift had a good launch.


    This game has the worse launch in MMO history.


    Only people who hail it as a good launch either got in on the first day (people that preorder instantly), never logged off or are just Biodrones.


    Anarchy online would like it's title back please. TOR was hardly the worst launch in history.


    Rift had a good stable launch with massive ques...which lead to people posting it was the worst launch in MMO history too lol..


    TOR i got the 1st day of official release (dec 20th) and never once had a single problem with ques or stability. I can't speak for early launch people, but if the game was actually unplayable for lagged completely out when it wasn't hardcrashing to desktop and constant server rubberbanding like AO was the first month....then you may have a case.

  13. Lets see....rough calc


    I am probably playing an average of 2-4 hours per week day and 3-6 per weekend day, so ..... lets say ... 25 hours per week.


    4 weeks per billing cycle = 100 hrs


    $15 / month means i am paying something like. $0.15 a hour to enjoy this game


    On the flip side i am going to see Chronicle at the movie theatre tonight for the same price and it only gives me 2 hours of entertainment....so about $7.50 per hour for entertainment.


    And when i go to the pub i am paying $8 per pint , 2 pints an hour...so $16 an hour for entertainment.


    so yes....I am getting great value for my money and will continue to subscribe.

  14. Just curious to how many players came from WoW and have returned or how many are still playing ToR?


    I myself am playing both games, I know it's crazy but I think it's ok to enjoy more than one game at a time :D


    I think the order of games i have played over the years has been something like....


    Eq1 -> DAOC -> Anarchy online -> Back to Eq1 -> Wow -> Warhammer online -> back to Wow -> back to Warhammer online -> Rift -> MMO burnout so nothing but PS3 and Xbox for now TOR...


    and i am loving TOR! I can only play one game at a time! i get too into them, and try to balance gaming with a real life, so my PlayStation and xbox havent been touched since Dec20th.


    p.s. i have no intention of ever returning to Wow, i lost all interest after lich king. I'd rather just Ps3 game now if i lose interest in TOR...or Mechwarrior Online is coming too!

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