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Posts posted by sharkfinsix

  1. the toons of premades work with each other to exploit builds and exploit the synergies that they produce. This makes it where you have to get a group, re-roll, re-spec.


    you ever run across the fire pits in Hutball, toons getting speed burst, pushed, pulled, grappled from mid to goaline in approx 6 secs flat?


    How about a couple toons at each turret with DEF CD's/stealth that make it near impossible to kill both in enough time to cap a turret before the 1st one take the speeder back to interrupt cap?


    While yes...Pugs can do this too, they aren't organized by BUILDs and build synergy. As Healer am I guaranteed to have someone in my PUG group that will guard me....will a solo tank even que?


    That's why I said that I want to basically remove any and all build synergies. Just solo....take less dmg/deal less dmg...healing is sacrfice (HP Shift, not just endless reservoir)


    ^^ This....my sub has 107 days left and is currently set to not renew. BW get it together, I would happily re-sub if i am having fun.

  2. Maybe you are on to something. What if as you raised in valor rank you actually lost stats? This way those with more experiance actually had weaker toons teh more they played. This would definantly give new players a chance. :)


    This is what should happen but never will....


    I know when i play Street fighter on the PS3 vs my friends, I handicap myself to 25% health....if i don't they stop playing, none of them are hard core street fighter fans, so they will only play as long as they are having fun and being stomped non stop isn't fun....same thing happens to MMO gear based pvp...you get most of the people stop PVPing once the gear gap is to large and the top dogs feed off fresh meat and tell them to L2P

  3. Cross healing is only a problem in the deathmatch WZs.

    Wait, what's that? There are no deathmatch WZs?

    Well, if cross healing is only a problem in deathmatch WZs and there are no deathmatch WZs then it stands to reason that cross healing is not a problem.


    Learn to Objective!


    Can't take an objective if you can't kill the people to take it and they can just sit there interrupting you non stop.

  4. Lvl 50 Arsenal Merc Valor 39 here. Yes i know my spec is not an optimal pvp spec and i temper my expectations accordingly. I need the PVE spec for my guilds daily activities and from everything i am reading it seems pyro Merc isn't really going to solve my issues anyway.


    Pre 1.2

    -Queues were fairly quick (instant to 10 mins),

    -I was in Centurion armour. And doing ok.

    -PUGing 100%

    -Matches were almost always 8v8

    -Winning about 40-50% Avergae matches

    -Probably the 12-15 min range.


    Some days you won a majority, other days you lost alot, seemed fairly balanced and competitive matches overall. I was satisfied with the experience.


    Post 1.2

    -Queues are super long if they pop at all (most days i log off and the que hasn't popped for 30 mins or more....)

    -when they do pop its vs the same premade everytime who spawn camp us.

    -matches in general leave us shorthanded most of the time now, average match is 8v6 for first 2-3 mins.

    -Full recruit + 3 battlemaster and can't hurt anything now.

    -PUG 100%, win rate 0% this week..yes my daily win 3 matches quests has been at 0 since last Tuesday....about 10% last week. (won 4 total matches the week before all in a row, because the super premade took a day off!)

    -Huttball lasts about 6-7 mins before they 6-0 mercy you

    -Voidstar rarely goes the duration, usually we get spawn camped and then on their turn they plant the 1st bomb within 2 minutes.

    -Alderaan usually lasts the full 2 vs 1 turret length,. They usually take 2 turrets ignore the 3rd and spawn camp the ledge down. Occasionally they camp the tunnel underneath from Snow to grass as well in case people try to jump the opposite off the ledge. to avoid the camping.

    -Denova lasts the full 2 vs 1 most of the time, but lately they have been doing alot of 3 caps, or alot of everytime we take a node, they back cap behind us.

    PvP is now just frustration, there is never a "good" match. its just PUG vs the exact same premade over and over. Obviously our server is having population issues cause even as a PUG player i end up with the exact same team every time i que too :p


    I'd say the biggest problem we have now is after 1.2 almost all the dedicated Pvpers on our side unsubbed. Leaving only recruit geared PUGs vs a BM/WH geared Premade (but also highly skilled and organized, I reconginize they have great tactics and you can tell they are very good beyond just superior gear) which smash everyone and spawn camp, causing people to quit the WZ or just stop queuing completely . Feels like Warhammer online all over again, fresh 50's are just supposed to get smashed for the top guys to keep exponentially gearing up while you struggle to even get 1 piece.


    However our 10-49 bracket is lively and very competitive. queue pop all the time so i spend most of my time there now on various lvl 19-25 alts. I seem to do very well as well in this bracket even with chars in the teens vs lvl 40 chars.

  5. most of the regular pvpers from before 1.2 unsubbed. Leaving our imp side with a bunch of recruit geared players (myself included) to fight repub premade warheroes. Pretty hard to gear up when we do get a match its 8 on 6 and it takes 5 of us to focus down one of their healers...every match that goes by, our opponents just get stronger, and more people from our side just give up.


    1.2's biggest fail is implementing war hero gear an not the ranked matches.

  6. FYI: If you were able to ninja-cap like that, someone else was doing an incredible job of keeping the defenders occupied elsewhere.


    that was part of the sarcasm, also after the ninja caps and the datacore, we still had to defend to prevent the other team to do the same thing.


    MVP votes are meaningless, everyone from their point of view feels their role is the most valuable.

  7. My operative ninja's all 3 doors and planted the bombs, extended the bridge and grabbed the data core solo in voidstar the other day leading us to victory without receiving a single heal, yet the healer got MVP votes ***! gimme my MVP!


    true story, but I could care less about the MVP votes, i liked the comms better for winning then some MVP votes and in a lose.

  8. just increase the turret take time to 18 seconds, make it so multiple people can take it at once to shorten the limit and it saves your progress....oh wait...


    although in all seriousness, I like the Denova system

  9. I think anyone who plays a PVP match should also receive social points as well as the normal rewards. I think this would help all player build there social levels quicker. Anyone else agree or disagree?


    They are already implemented...Valor points.

  10. If the Dev's said that, it's further evidence they don't play their own game.


    I was levelling my Bounty Hunter - who only has one interrupt, which has a cooldown of about a minute - and was facing an Elite that could heal itself.


    The damned thing was spamming heals on itself and I couldn't DPS it down fast enough before it healed back up. Ended up having to just wipe and then fight it again, luckily where the mob did more attacks than self-heals this time so I could kill it in time.


    Electrodart --- Jet boost -- Rocket Punch (with talents to cause knock back)


    not perfect but worked for me to get thru all content 1-49..


    also Mako at higher levels stuns some regualrly

  11. I've taken a Vanguard to 37, a Commando to 50 and a Mercenary to 50.


    Bounty hunter has the betetr story by far, Trooper one is average act 1, meh act 2 and pretty good act 3.


    While both the Vanguard and commando are both fun to play, The Vanguard was my favorite, however Commando has the Healing option, so that's why i ended up with a merc and commando, guild needed healers so i changed from Vanguard to commando, already had leveled the merc.


    My consular is 27...story is very boring, game play is fun as a shadow, game play on my Sorc (Sage) seems way OP in solo pve so kinda boring cause way to easy. (my sorc is 19)


    hope that advice helps!


    PS Playing my commando darkside was far preferable to my light side yes sir, right away sir Vanguard as well.

  12. And that's to build a character only to stop at 50, rinse and repeat. Why on earth would anyone in their right mind look forward to leveling something to max (Which is the main goal in the first place). Only to stop and do the same thing all over again ?


    funny i thought the main goal is to have fun....and i am having fun, both doing endgame on my 50 merc, and running amok with 7 other alts. Mission accomplished!

  13. With all respect if you played a maurader, chances are you won't make it to 50 on a sniper


    But if you endevor to persevere, I have and always will be in favor of a pure MM, which you can find in several posts in this section.


    i would think that the fact Marauders are FOTM and he wants to wait to play his after they get nerfed would be points in his favour...I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt :)

  14. Hi all,


    My main is a level 22 merc (arsenal dps) and my gf plays a level 21 operative healer. My companion (forget her name) is kind of a weak healer but she does help, and my gf's "pet" Kaliyo is kind of a weak tank. Our gear is okay, mostly quest/commendation stuff and a few orange modifiable pieces from heroics we managed to do.


    We would like to try the (I think it's level 18) flashpoint Hammer station. Never done it before, but I thought I'd check with some of the more experienced player base first.


    Also, are there any more 2-man flash points for Sith aside from Black talon? We had a blast doing that, didn't die or anything, but the next two I see are 4-man.


    Thanks for any responses in advance.


    We did it way back at release with a 19 Vanguard (tank spec) and 22 Sage (heal spec) and had no difficulties. You should be fine, we also did Athiss with the same duo..and 3 manned the next 2 FPs (1 Vanguard 2 sages)..I didnt try the ones beyond that.


    Hope that helps!

  15. i am partial to this idea...


    Non-Ranked WZs go back to pre 1.2 queing (i.e. 4 man max premade) This gives you the chance to pvp with friends while still getting a more PUG feel to the battles.


    Ranked WZ 8 man premades allowed....you want to play for the best rankings, you gotta expect it to be vs premades. However these rankings should try to place you in a bracket vs similar ranked players....


    beating lower ranked players should yield lesser rewards, and beating higher ranked players should yield higher rewards.

  16. having just started hard modes ourselves a few weeks ago I can tell you this....you just need to learn the fights, once you know the fights the enrages are no longer an issue. The 1st time we did HM Blck Talon a few weeks ago it took us multiple wipes and about 2 hours....this week it took us 25 mins...our gear hasn't changed "that much" but our experience in hard modes has.


    Don't give up! you will get there.

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