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Posts posted by sharkfinsix

  1. I freaking hate this gear system.


    People hit 50 and 3 days later have full battlemaster. What's the sense in being equal to a fresh 50 when I've busted my *** getting valor lvl 75?


    I'd love to see 60 valor required for BM and 70 for war hero gear, seems fair to me.


    edit: just thought i'd put my thoughts out there, kthx.


    Well if you have skill as a PVPer why do you care if they have equal gear? unless you need the gear as a crutch to win.

  2. 4 players stand at 1 turret in Alderan Civil war the entire match while their other 2-3 team-mates (due to not fully populated WZ) throw them selves repeatedly at a guarded turret trying for an objective.


    Match ends in a lose. The 4 players who stood still and defended a turret have 12000 objective points rackign in basically AFK medals, the players trying to take an objective to actually win the game but are under manned thus have a hard time achieving any medals struggle to get any medals and objective points.


    Seen it happen, like last night for instance (but I was on the winning side) We had 6 players, repub had 6 but they instantly assumed they were outnumbered and 4 of their team sat at one turret the entire match while 2 poor saps tried to assault ours....if I could vote MVP for the other side, the guys who actually tried to take an objective from us, no matter how futile the effort was going to be, would have got mine.)


    Not saying objective points and medals are the problem but they are not the whole story....

  3. The problem is that even with no wipes the shortest flashpoints takes 40 minutes...


    Add in wipes, the longer flashpoints, etc., they all take way to long to complete.


    We did HM Black talon in 25-30 mins last night. We spacebar'd the conversations obviously. We had all previously seen them multiple times, so no big deal.


    There are some that are longer for sure, but there is the ability to pick a shorter one to meet your time requirements.

  4. The only way I can see less than 3 medals happening is if someone is thrown in a warzone with 1 or 2 minutes left (which should be fixed) or faced a very strong premade (which will not happen after ranked warzones).


    both of which happening right now. So AFTER they implement ranked warzones feel free to make your argument again.

  5. IYou're killing the game. (BTW, this really reminds me of the kind of idiocy I'd see at Warhammer. I really hope you don't have the BioWare-Mythic team working on your PvP enhancements.)


    All that adds up to a whole lot less PvPing from everyone. Is this really what you wanted?



    That's exactly what i started to think...the people behind all the warhammer pvp changes must have found a new job with TOR pvp :p

  6. Mixed feelings. I was really looking forward to it but here is my opinion


    PVP - Disappointed

    Recruit armor and the new stats effects on pvp - seems a recruit armour player vs a battlemaster is in for a harder time then a centurion was vs battlemaster. Or maybe just because you can get ranked WZ comms now all the "retired battlemasters are making premades to farm the fresh 50's either way... no longer fun. Sick of 4v8 matches. I do however quite enjoy the Denova Coast WZ when its a fair fight. Sticking to 10-49 bracket now though, at least i can be competitive there (my alts are under lvl 20 and i do just fine (before all the well you want to be lvl 49 and dominate lvls 10's chime in))


    PVE - happy

    Corriella daily's have some neat aspects, like the night vision goggles, and the herioc 4 was fun to duo.

    I havent had a chance to run the new FP and OP but more FPs and OPS is always a good thing.


    Crew skills - meh

    . The addition of the armouring and barrels for 8 daily coms killed my ability to sell cybertech armorings. Not a huge deal, i just sell raw mats from Scav and Underworld now.


    Legacy - meh

    I was actually looking forward to this part a lot, but I am disappointed, not because of the credit costs, but because it seems out of that entire list of things to unlock all i really want is the multi buffs from the classes and neutral GTN on my ship. I thought legacy would be a lot more like Everquests AA system with much more lateral advancement of your character (and alts). reducing your Quick travel by 3 mins is hardly worth the effort....by 15 mins hell yes.


    So overall i guess a disappointed, + happy and 2 meh's = 4/10 This is all stuff that should have been in the game at release. The free 30 days is them saying sorry for making you pay for beta, nothing else.


    I still love playing the game, and will continue to look forward to the next update. The legacy set up a "framework" now, i hope the use the potential for it in a positive way.


    oh and p.s. the change to orbital stations makes up for alot of the meh's :p

  7. If only there was a special bracket for well-geared individuals to fight eachother for better rewards...


    If only this bracket was specially desinged to create a challenging environment that even attracted the "hardcore" crowd who are in it for competition and not drops...



    If only there was some special way of recognizing good performances in this special bracket like a rating...



    We could call them Rated War Zones. Bioware, clearly this is a great idea, you should get on it.


    If rated WZs weren't ready for 1.2 they shouldn't have rolled out the PVP changes. I did better in my centurion armor vs Battlemasters then i do in recruit armor now. And at least before the teams were even.


    Ya my server can be dead, I just did 3 matches against the same exact 8 republic while we struggled to get 6 into the WZ and then i gave up.


    Hadrcores can think i am whining all they want, but we all know hardcores won't get their gear of the casuals quit PVPing. I am not asking for free gear, i am asking for a fair fight. 8v4 is not fair even without the gear gap.

  8. just venting, ranting whatever, i am done with PVP in this game since 1.2 its just one big steam rolling melee DPS train no match is close or even fair amount players per team now.



    I love being down 3-0 in huttball before we even have 6 players... really thats why i play..so 8 Battlemasters can dominate 4 recruits in every match /sarcasim


    my server used to have even matches where both sides won about 50/50. alot of matches went down to the wire, now its just a dominating one sided victory. All the normal PVPers on my server have seemingly stopped so its all fresh recruits give up free wins to the other side.


    1.2 killed my desire to pvp. i know none of you care, i just needed to vent. so fustrated.


    In some respects I agree with you. It really depends on the specific "rewards" doled out. I think it is patently absurd to place the best players at an advantage over the worst players. Again, no one wants to see a paraplegic play 18 holes with Tiger Woods - except maybe a sadist.


    PvP should be a competition - not class warfare. P


    That said - legitimate victory and talent deserve recognition and reward! I don't think the reward should be of a character that places the better players at an additional advantage over weaker players, but a reward is called for: cooler looking gear, credit bonuses, valor spikes, unlocks for exclusive puchases that don't provide stat buffs, etc.


    No one should want to see Michael Jordan get a 20-point headstart in a basketball game against a blind midget, but MJ deserves a recognition for his skill and achievements. On the other hand, if all Michael ever did was win games in which he had been given an advance advantage, then there would be no need to recognize him - he didn't accomplish anything.


    When you shoot an unarmed man, you have not proven that you are stronger than he is. Similarly, when a player decked out in War Hero armor kills someone wearing recruit armor, he doesn't deserve anything. When someone wearing recruit armor beats someone wearing War Hero, however, that is a different story.


    The bottom line: only in a level playing field does skill decide the contest. Don't be too quick to clamor for an edge in PvP or you will rob yourself of any real/meaningful victory. That doesn't mean we shouldn't be handing out trophies to the winners, though.



    You sir, win best post of the day. Here is your Trophy :) New players should start with War Hero and earn your way down to Recruit, because if you truly are the best, you need less to win right? :)

  10. well put Dralen.. the reason <50 pvp is more fun? 0 consideration for gear. give level 50s a bolster buff and award vanity items for valor ranks.


    anyone that disagrees with this is playing for gear, not competition.




    oh and implement server transfers ASAP.


    This is why I have been playing an army of alts lately in the 10-49 (my lvl 12 operative was a blast in that bracket on the weekend, even tho he is missing key skills.) and not the 50 bracket. I play for fun not the gear, once the gear disparity takes the fun out of it I usually give up, roll an alt or go to a new game.

  11. I would like to add my observations from the weekends pvp in 1.2


    First off let me state, i am not a hardcore pvper, i am a pvp enthusist however. I feel i am middle of the pack.


    Also I like to PUG Wzs sometimes and other times I like to play with my guild. We are a PVE server


    The issues i have seen pop up since 1.2 hit:


    1. There needs to be a deserter debuff on people quitting WZ's It needs to be long, like 15 minutes + new reque time. Currently what is happening alot on my server is as soon as one team is losing, 2-4 players quit leaving the rest of the team shorthanded and in farm mode the rest of the match. I do not quit a match, i fight to the bitter end in these games. But if this continues as it is, i would likely just move on from PVP in general in this game and do PVE only or move on to the next game completely (this is not a threat, just what happens when players lose interest in a current game)


    2. Matches need to end when outnumbered like they did previously to patch 1.2. Nothing worse than being stuck in a WZ 8 vs 4...my options at that point are to stand around and do nothing to prevent farming, or fight outnumbered and allow them to farm Warhero on me.


    3. Premades rule all now. As in all other games previous to this, premades destroy pugs. I actually really thought the 4 member max premade was a brilliant move previously. It allowed players to group up with freinds and que, but also added a random element to each WZ. Now it seems it is a steamroll fest. Yes the pro premade crowd is going to say "join a premade then" which i do at times, but sometimes, i just like to log in que for a couple WZ's then go about other business for the night too. I used to win about 40-50% of my matches as a PUG and about 80% as a 4 man premade....now I win about 10% pug. Premades are a fact of life in MMOs i guess i was just really enjoying the 4 man premade max before to make PUG wzs more fun and hoped this was not int he works to change.


    4. Lesser rewards and quest tracker not working. I am actually not to worried about only getting 40 coms now in a lose, cie la vie...but what does happen now is i am relying more than ever on the daily / weekly quests. I had never had a problem getting credit for my matches or wins previous to 1.2 but now half my WZ matches are not counting towards the quest. Like previously stated i am starting and finishing every WZ i enter and fighting on objectives getting my medals. Can you expelain on the Warzone daily yesterday why after 6 WZ matches my daily and weekly quest only gave me 9 points instead of 18?


    5. Recruit -> Warhero gap seems harder than fresh 50 -> Battlemaster did. Maybe its just me but i seem to be doing much much worse in my recruit armor + 1 BM and Champ piece then i did as a fresh 50 earning my Cent armor vs BM's



    Anyways, just my 2cents. I enjoy PVP in some games, other games i do not. I enjoyed PVP up till this patch in this game, and with some tweaks i think it can fall back in line.

  12. Well i am no hardcore PVPer but i can hold my own, i fight for objectives and generally even while i was Centurion geared with 1 Champ piece, i was able to help my team, cap objectives and even get my fair share of MVP votes. Mostly i was fighting BM geared people but having fun because i was contributing to my teams wins (or loses)


    Now i am in Recruit armor, with 1 champ and 1 BM piece, and just getting flattened. The WZs are rarely fair now, the second a 2 cap happens in Civil war or Denova coast, half the WZ people quit and you just get steamrolled the rest of the match for little to no reward. Which then just allows the enemy players to farm for their War hero set making it even harder. It's starting to feel like Warhammer all over again where skill does not trump gear.

  13. Other games (Like Rift) have this already in place already and with a game engine likes SWTOR's where it's virtually fully instanced and the population is so fragmented over these instances, i feel its worth a look at.


    Once you leave your starter planet you should be put into a global 10-19 chat, then have channels 20-29, 30-39, 40-49 and 50.


    This way people can communicate LFG for Flashpoints / Heroics regardless of whether they are on Tattooine at the moment or in their space ship doing missions or on the fleet.


    You can allow for some overlap...like when you hit lvl 17 you gain chat 20-29 to go along with 10-19. When you hit 23 chat 10-19 auto disables


    These channels should be simple enough to enable or disable in the preferences as well so those who do not find this useful can disable the channels as they auto turn on if they please.

  14. If you already have champ armor, does it still require the valor req after 1.2? l am valor 30, if i spend my comms on champ armor, will it be equipable come thursday?
  15. Actually you will find the OPs (normal mode EV) to be easier. I am sure if you can't get 8 there are many dps willing to do it for the weekly quest.


    Our guild is just getting to 8 lvl 50 toons right now and then the challenge of getting all 8 online at one time. Some people are going to have to respec DPS tho! only 2 DPS so far! lots of healers and a few tanks are 50 now or the verge of being 50. We definetly looking froward to trying OPS asap, but we are awaiting our fellow guildies 1st. Thanks for the tip tho

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