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Everything posted by _Miranda_

  1. This is what I was expecting from Coru/NS, a series of vertical towers with aerial walkways connecting them, sort of like Feros from ME1. Instead, it was all flat hallways and warehouses separated by elevators, like every other planet.
  2. It should still be a toggle, but it should not deactivate on death. That way you'd still be able to turn it off for holos (which really does help) but you don't have to keep hitting it every death in PvP. PvP deaths shouldn't kill buffs either. A lot of games don't drop your buffs if you die in PvP, this is something this game needs.
  3. Yeah, I think this every time I see someone in non-moddable raid or pvp gear. I went through the vendors earlier, and didn't see a single set of 50 raid or pvp gear that didn't look absurd. Wouldn't that be the same thing as an appearance tab, only needlessly more complicated?
  4. I will be keeping my lvl 10 mod gear, and will likely never change it. I've gotten used to how my character looks. Why would I pass up looking nice in favor of some stupid big shoulders raid gear? It's easy to tell what class someone is if you're PvE grouped with them. Just mouse over, it takes 5 seconds. Mousing over their character portrait is much easier than trying to memorize thousands of armor sets, many of which look like they belong to a different class.
  5. I find it interesting that you can change your companions hair styles, but not your character's.
  6. That happened to me, and I went and bought a low level crystal on the auction house. They are pretty cheap, the ones on my server went for 500 each.
  7. I wish they were more useless. I hate pets.
  8. I was so upset when that game turned out to be bad.
  9. So would you be fine if I needed on gear that I planned to vendor? I need that hundred credits. Those jukebox songs are not going to change themselves!
  10. I entered prepared to disagree with this thread, but after reading this I have to say Darth Klamydia is an appropriate Sith name. It just doesn't seem that way at first because it would be inappropriate to an RP server in any other game. Next time someone says WoW and TOR are clones, here's one difference we can point to.
  11. I already see enough Edwardcullens running around, we don't need sparkly skin. There's nothing in lore to support light side having any sort of visual effect. Obi Wan looked like just another old guy, and Yoda looked like any other frog.
  12. I like seeing the story a few times, since there are slight changes depending on who gets the roll and what choice they make. But I suppose if someone has done a flashpoint 20 times it's understandable to want to space through it.
  13. Bah, I'm a Twi'lek. I see no need for silly haircuts! But it would be nice for other players to have. It's shocking how such a basic thing as a barber shop wasn't in at release.
  14. Except these things are almost always mutually exclusive. Hence the need for looks to be divorced from stats. I find I am far more interested in the game when my character looks nice than when it doesn't. If my armor is bad, I tend to become detached from the character.
  15. We want the gameplay areas larger, and the empty pointless hallways shorter or non-existent. Stop trolling, you know what we are asking for.
  16. I wish I had thought of this before I made my legacy name. Wow, a good post on these forums, who would have thought?
  17. One would think an obvious troll would be obvious. Apparently not.
  18. The only problem I foresee with Wookiee players is the voiced story dialogue. Having a normal voice wouldn't work, but would anyone want to listen to hundreds of hours of NERRAAAGGHH AAAGGGHHHHAAAGGGG? Well... maybe.... it does has a certain charm to it. They should add them anyway. The more choice, the better.
  19. Once I hit 50 and complete the story, what is the draw to keep playing?
  20. I don't think Bioware ever advertised "no sitting in chairs, no roleplay tools, almost no emotes." I do however recall them talking about how awesome cantina socializing would be, complete with gambling minigames. Where is all that?
  21. What Bioware should have done is given us lots of roleplaying tools, and a world designed around character building. What did they do instead? We didn't even get /roll and we can't sit in chairs. These are BASICS, it's as though they don't understand (or more likely, don't give a **** about) roleplaying at all. Further evidence: all characters must share a surname. *sigh*
  22. I'm a roleplayer and I've never really cared about the PvE story in any game. I like to build a story for myself, and play that out with others. The PvE story, if it has any entertainment value, is the same sort of entertainment I'd get from a single player story-based game like New Vegas or Mass Effect. Specifically, it's entertaining to run through one time, and then maybe once again a year later. It's not something I look for in MMOs that I plan to play for months at a time. Once my character hits 50, what use is story to me? Even if I make alts, 90% of quests are identical with slightly different dialogue. I'm not the type to play Mass Effect twice with a different class / origin story, and I'm not the type to play the MMO leveling game twice either, at least not for story purposes.
  23. What I loved about SWG is that I could progress without combat. I played for years and I never took a combat profession. I loved crafting and making items for others, and designing player homes for people. Sure the game had flaws and broken stuff, but it was loads of fun.
  24. Just add the following disclaimer: "This choice is permanent. If you complain later, the trolls will be merciless."
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