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Everything posted by Tythos

  1. How are you guys gearing to reach that 5%? Is it solely through enhancements or are you using alacrity augments as well?
  2. That's where having multiple sets of gear can come in. I actually have three sets of gear sitting in my inventory or my cargo bay. One for when I DPS, one for when I tank and one for when I PvP.
  3. The /flux or /shepard. You know what I'm talking about Bioware!
  4. Bads will be bad. Regardless of what class. If Juggernauts are nerfed, they'll move onto another class and we'll all be complaining about how that class is ruining the game this time.
  5. The Guardian running animation makes perfect sense for a 2 handed fighter. I understand why some people don't think it looks as cool as the Juggernaut's but I'm fine with it since the Guardian is a 2 handed swordsman. If he ran like the Juggernaut, it would actually look silly since it would not be good "economy in motion."
  6. This guide along with the older Vigilance guides have been an extremely big help for me in the past 6 months having played this game and I have to give a big thanks. I have 2 questions though that I'm not sure have been covered yet so I figured I'd ask them. The first is actually a 2 part question and it's about set bonuses. I have really bad luck when it comes to rolling for set bonus gear to the point that most of my armor pieces are 180 yet my set bonuses are at 162. I know that as a rule of thumb, it's more beneficial to have a set bonus as opposed to a slightly higher armor piece but at what point should I go with the higher armor piece? Would it be better for me to go with a 162 with a set bonus or a 180? For the second part of the question, if I had to choose one out of the two ideal Vigilance set bonuses (the 2pc Weaponmaster and 2pc Vindicator), which should I prioritize until I end getting both? The other question I had is about Dispatch's use during the final 30% phase (or I believe you call it the execute phase?). This was slightly covered a few posts back in that you still want your three Dots up no matter what. However I'm wondering about Master Strike. During this phase, if I end up using Dispatch whenever the three Dots are up and spend the rest of the time building focus for the high focus demand of this phase, I found that I end up pretty much not using Master Strike during this phase because there's not enough time in-between the Dots and Dispatch. I guess what I'm asking is would it be more beneficial during the final 30% phase in-between Dots to get as many Dispatches out as possible and build the necessary focus or should I stick to the Dot and Master Strike routine and leave the rotation relatively unchanged from the rest of the boss fight?
  7. Point taken. When you have to be choosey about who you bring with you, the character that dies in a second might not be the best choice.
  8. I've accepted long ago that Vigilance is a PVE spec while Focus is a PVP spec and I just respect according to what I feel like doing that day. Vigilance may have a few PVP talents but it's just easier to play with that mindset. It's not like it's hard to learn Focus on the side anyway.
  9. I understand that I'm basically asking for the SW's ending to be outright spoiled for me. I've been leveling up my Sith Warrior as of late and I was originally going to keep him Dark aligned. However, for a lot of moral decisions, I ended up making a lot of Light choices here and there whenever I found the Dark choices to be illogical or juvenile (mean for the sake of mean). Because of this, I've ended up with more Light side points than I'd planned on. One remedy I was considering was to go on a number of Dark aligned companion missions to build it back up. However, depending on where the story goes, I'm not sure yet. As far as the ending goes, what are the key differences between the Light and Dark side? For example, for the JK, a Light Knight becomes a Jedi Master whereas a Dark one gets rejected by Satele and instead becomes a Republic Military General. Depending on the differences between the two, I might not care too much about my alignment outside of achievements. Also, I already know the jist of the ending so any major spoilers won't bother me.
  10. Cool. Thanks for the reply. I'll definitely look into as soon as I can. I had one question though. On your website, it states that I need a sponsor for application. Is that what you would be considered since you approached me?
  11. TL : DR version: Looking for friendly laid back Cross Faction guild that doesn't care what spec I am (Guard Vigi) and just wants to enjoy all the game content with me (PVE/RP/PVP) Hey all. I'm fairly new as I've only been playing for a month and I figured it was now time to start looking around for guilds. Plus most of my friends have played and quit long before I started so I've mainly been going it alone. Here's my deal: Characters: Both of my characters are Guardian Vigilance specced (another reason I'm looking for a guild. More on that later). For Republic, as of this writing, I have a lvl 47 Guardian named Sondetsu Kang. I consider this to be my main. I'm also leveling a lvl 16 Juggernaut named Glasbre Kang in case I wish to play with any Empire friends. RP wise, I imagine that they're identical twins separated at birth (though they haven't met each other yet and possibly never will). Focus: I have an interest in all aspects of the game for various reasons, though I haven't done much with most of it yet. PVE: I've mostly been doing this for the time being since I'm still working through the story and that's where the majority of the game's content involves. Also, Flashpoints are probably the most fun part of the game to me. Multiplayer KOTOR? Sounds amazing. RP: Obviously, I have a lot of interest in RP. I did join Ebon Hawk after all. My interest is more casual though. I'm less about creating an original background and original storylines since I'm not creative enough to do that (though I'm more than open to it once I've played the game more). I've been more about just staying in character and immersing myself when I'm doing the regular quests. As far as I'm concerned, my character's still trying to take down the Emperor and I simply have a "don't ask, don't tell" mentality when I run into other Knights in Flashpoints and Heroics. Also, like I mentioned before, I treat my Jedi and Sith like they're twin brothers. PVP: I can probably count on my left hand the amount of warzones I've only played. That said, I do have interest in PVP as well. The main appeal of an MMO imo is player interaction and PVP is a part of that. PVP warzones are the most intense and action packed combat in the game to me and is when the game feels the most like a war (and ultimately Star Wars). However, I have no idea when I'd actually put more time in it since it was one of those things where I told myself I'd wait until I was ready. Only to find out later how messed up it gets at lvl 55. Plus, my character is currently PVE specced and I hear my class sucks in PVP anyway so :shrug: Previous MMO experience: Very little. I played SWG casually when it first launched for about a year and a half but I take nothing away from it. That's about it. Now for my story/sob story/QQ/rant on why I've been looking for a guild: When I started this game, I went Guardian for the same reason everyone does. Single blade lightsaber focused combat. When I heard that Guardian has a DPS spec, I jumped right on it since I suck at Tanking. Aesthetically, the spec was everything I wanted in a Star Wars RPG class (Plasma Brand and Overhead Slash looked cool. Shien's my favourite form and Master Strike/Ravage is the most satisfying move in the game). Once I started queuing up for Flashpoints as a sole DPS though, naturally I wasn't getting any groups. I could go literally all day without a pop and I'd end up becoming too high a level to do the flashpoint anymore. Once I started going on the forums more, I'd hear constant talk about how underpowered our class was. I could live with not being the best class so long as I'm still viable and I'm not a liability to the group. However, then I'd start hearing that the ultimate destiny of a Vigilance Guardian was being rejected and booted from groups and everyone presuming that I was a Tank. My biggest fear is that when I'd finally get a group after waiting all day (didn't happen), they'd see what I'm specced into and boot me or at the very least, groan and roll their eyes over it. Eventually, I decided that it was time to suck it up and go into the Tank role that my class was "meant" to play. I respecced into Defense, looked up all the great guides out there and started working on getting Tank gear. I'll admit, it was fun being the guy that was taking all the big bad bosses head on and clashing with them instead of just swinging at their butts all day. I did this for about 30 lvls. However, along came the hardships of being a Tank. No matter how much I practiced and and sought advice, I just wasn't naturally a Tank. Too much tunnel vision, not enough multitasking. I got tired of being blamed and yelled at real fast. Groups missions felt more stressful than intense and I'd gone from thinking Flashpoints were the most fun to dreading them. What I was told was one of the more open and friendly servers started to feel like anything but. The game in general was becoming less fun. Seeing as becoming a Tank was only something I did to conform and get queue'd. I decided that I had to be myself. I respecced once again as Vigilance, the spec that I ideally wanted to play and am now slowly working on replacing my Tank gear with DPS gear. Solo wise, I'm having more fun now. However, I'm back to never getting queue'd for Flashpoints and concerned about players wasting my time by booting me anyway. After reading on forums, I'm told that the best solution is to find a laid back guild. That way, they already know what you are and you're not standing in line with a thousand other DPS'ers for a Flashpoint. Plus, it's more fun when the people you're grouped up with in quests are friends rather than mercenaries.
  12. Is the OP referring to Jugg/Guards that are DPS spec but queue as a tank? If so, it's messed up that people do that. But I guess that's what happens when a game does a mediocre job of educating new players. Or is he referring to Jugg/Guards that DPS in general? If so, it's messed up that there are people like him with that attitude. I haven't hit 55 yet but I recently respec'd from Defense to Vigilance and currently reworking my gear into DPS. Reason being is I was a subpar tank and I got tired of being yelled at. It was really ruining the game's fun and experience for me. Now I'm hearing that if I'm DPS, I'll be booted before it even starts? Playing the class I like in a bloody role-playing game seems to be more trouble than it's worth. Had I known that I'd be so universally hated just because I wanted to use a single lightsaber in a Star Wars game, I'd have seconds thoughts before I did it.
  13. While I definitely feel for the Tanks that are frustrated with trigger happy DPS-ers that like to think that it's a race and tend to blame anyone but themselves. As far as fun factor goes, nothing in the game makes me feel more awesome and heroic than seeing my Guardian clashing with the big Sith Lord, looking a 30ft creature in the eye or coming to a Healer's aid. If I went the DPS route, I would've spent a large amount of time swinging my lightsaber at a Rancor's butt and there's nothing cool about that.
  14. Why not. Winnipeg, Manitoba here. Some of my friends played this at launch but I couldn't run it at the time. So I missed the boat and am lone wolfing it right now on The Ebon Hawk. No worries as I'm having a great time. So far, this is everything I had hoped SWG would've been all those years ago. Speaking of SWG, I was on Corbantis for around the first year and a half (or was it two years, I can't remember).
  15. So I've been playing for a couple weeks. I was originally playing a Vigilance build but I was contemplating rerolling to a Defence build for a couple of reasons. A few of them being that it looks fun and I want to see what it's like, it's much easier to group up with and although Vigilance is still solid, it feels like Defense is what we were made to do given that Sentinels are pure DPS. However, I'm fairly inexperienced in tanking. I'm more than willing to learn something new but as I understand, there's definitely a right and wrong way to tank and I don't want to screw others over by making rookie mistakes. I'm aware that there's a number of guides on how to optimize a Defense Guardian's potential but is there some sort of dummy list of do's and don'ts out there for guys like me who are interested in learning the playstyle? [Edit: Perhaps I should look down a few pages before I ask questions. Turns out there's a number of great guides already posted here. Oh well. Thanks for reading anyway. ]
  16. Cool, thanks. I'm from Central Canada so East vs West doesn't make a huge difference for me.
  17. Hello, I'm a new player who finally got the chance to start playing this game since I couldn't run it in the past. I have basically a "which server do I pick" question. I've been playing the game for about a week now. When I was selecting a server, I clicked on Jung Ma since it listed itself as RP-PVP since those are my main interests. The fun of an MMO for me is immersion and player interaction so I'm of course a fan of RP and I enjoy a little amount of PVP as well since it's more immersive when the enemy characters are actual people. However, from what I'm constantly hearing now, the population on Jung Ma is very low comparatively and I can see it. I'm thinking of eventually forking over the dough and transferring my character that's more populated but still suits my interests. I keep hearing the name Ebon Hawk being thrown around for those who are into that. Would that be the best choice for me?
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