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Everything posted by durhame

  1. That is good stuff. Thanks for the info. I was focus up until lvl. 78 then swapped to vigi. I enjoy vigi more lately. It is a really good spec. Though, focus has its perks bombing peeps and they are like *** lol....
  2. Stats: STR: 1676 End: 1680 Expertise: 1304 Crit 35.76 Crit Mult 75% Accuracy 100.25 These stats are with all class buffs, biochem, and all nodes found. Gear is all WH aug'd Minus chet ear and two implants. Relics are the WH power relics aug'd. Vindi gear and focus Mostly might but a few fortitude in there for extra HP. I only have 19492 HP but working at it. lvl 82. I find that vindi is great is great in a PUG wz against solo guys. Against another healer in WH gear is not so much. It is almost like you harrassing the healer. as they run around but can't seem to break through any substantial health. I find this build i use most since lvl 78 as i used to be focus and loved that a long time but just died way too damn fast. here is the build i use for vigi. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500MMZMZfRroruddGR.2 Now i hit 479k once with this build. I'm very impressed with it but that is pre 1.3. Focus, I find fun but you get knocked back to hell and back and have a hard time playing catch up to the target. unless your in the middle of things. This spec hurts... well me. PUGs imho are horrible for focus as most often then not. you hardly get healers and when you do, they suck. so as focus you die quickly for some reason. put up some numbers yes, but you also die alot more. here is the focus spec:..... http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500MMZGrobdfRbfzZf0o.2 I am sort of sticking with vigi atm cause i can live longer and dispatch and master strike when they do hit are really good damage.... if the target is stupid enough to just stand there that is. I guess i'm missing where folks say they steamroll people. WH gear'd guys are tough to kill still. Where are all of these 7k bomb hits at? Those must be critting on newbs right? Vigi was almost absolutely useless in RWZ.. well, the enemy team had 5 healers and 3 dps so no one could touch anyone. It was actually funny. 419k total damage, 4 kills 0 deaths. just dumfounded. I guess lastly. What stats up above do I need to adjust more on? In other words, do i have too much crit chance and need to aug some place else? Things like that. I hate imps. Just help me kill them better please. Thanks for reading
  3. The OP must be a sent/mara, assn/sdw or a pyrotank. One thing i do agree with is this, it will help identify op classes. not that folks can't be good but still, you'd loose some things like who wants to go up against a healer? Or who wants to go up against a mara/senti? BW can look at the stats of win, loose but i think more importantly they need look at gear. can't say it is a really fair fight with recruit gear and wh gear in the arena. I think you should be able to decide which tier you go in of the 3. Otherwise, you will have people camping out in the arena. In all honesty, this the is really the best opportunity to learn how to fight another class of similar gear. You can really fine tune your skills on one v.s. one. As we already get enough practice in group pvp.
  4. lol oops forgot those guys too :-) though i never really had an issue with them as a vigi :-)
  5. i think i'm fighting more for when it DOES BECOME white you are immune until you die or fight trigger ends. makes it more interesting to actually be able to pvp and do things vs just stand there and die. not just for me but obviously for all. i mean really , who likes to stand there perma stunned?
  6. this post MUST be from an OP assn or mara/senti. Hope i just filled your ego a little you JA.
  7. I completely disagree. say your waiting for a raid or instance or whatever. why not pvp while you wait. yes,, pvp gear should have some advantage in pvp.. but i don't think it should hurt that much in pve. seriously,, this was a game killer in EQ2. once pvp gear started being null in pve, peeps stopped pvping. i think if you want to draw masses in pvp, make the gear work at least 90% as good in pve. man you will have WAY more folks pvping then. cause it fills the gap of time laps when nothing is really going on. At present, a lot of raiders are saying no way to pvp cause they may be really good equiped but they get their buts handed to them in pvp. well, why even consider even the ridiculous grind it takes to get any gear worth being viable in pvp. all i'm saying is blend it more. give pvp gear a 20ft edge, just not a fargen cliff. cause then you will find more folks like me who like to do 95% pvp doing pve cause there are no pvp wz's to be found. it really does open up the best of both worlds to all.
  8. rarely my ***.... mine is full white all the f'n time and what happens still,, perma stun.. lvl 79 vigi and it sucks.. i think all stuns in pvp are just horrible. IMHO here is how a stun should work. just like medpacs now,, you can only use one per fight. so here is my proposal,, if you get stunned longer then 5 seconds in a fight you a perma immune to all stuns for everyone until your are out of the fight. just like medpacs. being perma stunned chain chain chain chain chain dead is NO FUN. maybe you like just standing there getting ***** but for me,, i want at least a chance at survival.
  9. Same. This is more worth my time then my lvl 78 guard dpsr. my lvl 18 senti out plays people in WZ's already. Sad but true. When i was lvl 13 on my senti, i got accused of hacking cause i was MOWING people down. It wasn't even funny. Sad but i think BW just lost a high tank that took me since day one of game to make. I just hope he can collect social republic security being 78 and all. or does he have to be 80?
  10. all stuns should go away. all of them. if you want easy mode pvp, then just play pve and do your lifts. all stuns should go away in pvp. let the blood bath begin.
  11. durhame

    Stun Locking

    just like in each fight, you can only use your stim once to heal. so should your ability to be stunned longer then 4 seconds. if you are stunned longer then that, you are immune for the rest of your fight or fight triggers. Stuns completely ruin pvp here. what fun is it to just stand there. and stand, and stand, and stand, and stand, and stand, and stand, and stand, and dead. resolve never doing anything for you. and then stand, and stand, and stand, and stand,, dead again. wow,, gee.. let me log in to a game so i can play that game.. that is what i want to do.. wont that be fun!! pay a monthly sub to just stand there perma stunned. sign me up.
  12. no macros please. one button to do multiple things = easy mode. the game is just fine the way it is concerning macros. it isn't fine because mara/sents are ridiculously OP but that is another thread. i love it how they stand in the fire pit and never take any damage. WTG BW.
  13. i could agree with you on maybe a location but but it happened twice on two separate locations and multiple in my guild saw it. are there any hacks out there that could prevent bloody damage in a fire?
  14. ok, am i missing something here. a marauder today, twice, was held in the fire in the pit. both times from the start of the fire, to the end of the fire. and walked away without a scratch. also, they go from like almost dead to half hit points and if you touch them after they go to half,, they regen to full health. am i missing something here? i forgot to mention that folks were damaging this guy while he was in the bloody fire. second note. my server, baccah's blade is now getting overloaded with senti's marauders. in pvp. soon,, those will be almost the only folks who will play pvp. it really is just almost giving all up and just rolling one. i'm lvl 78 valor so i have done some grinding and have all class buffs. please tell me, what am i missing. there is no other class that can just stand there, twice and just go through the whole fire bit untouched.
  15. all cc in this game should be a maximum of 2 seconds.. maybe not snares but all mezzs and stuns should only last 2 seconds. this pvp system really needs to get fixed. i've been perma stunned for better part of 11 seconds. dead... the game is no fun when you just stand there being able to do nothing and just take hits. makes you want to walk away from the keyboard.
  16. i aggree,, though i dont know why i keep doing it to myself. keep thinking that one day when i'm in full WH gear with augments that i might actually survive longer then two seconds in a 1v2 but who am i kidding.. my lvl 11 senti was MOWING down lvl 40s.. it was actually a LOL moment. if something doesn't happen in 1.3,, i'm afraid this guard will go the way of bret farve.
  17. it should be that if they stealther goes below 50% health, then he cannot stealth away in pvp. it is utterly insane and OP that they can just run off whenever they want. ... well, i'm dieing so i'll just leave...... to include, that op thing they do when they cc you and you just stand there shaking your head.. and no resolve is built. and you break it and they do it again,, even in stealth so you never see the guy, you just stand there frozen
  18. i started to play a sent.. it completely destroys guards a lvl 10. i have a lvl 76 focus guard. he is very very very squishy. i play him as a true dps class and dont jump in the middle of everything. 1 on 1 is kind of easy to kill folks. get 2 and i'm owned. shadow and sent. well, lets just say i've seen some as much as 5 people trying to take them down and it is just nuts. and just when the shadow is about to go down, he stealths away.. such bull ****... IMHO.. all incombat stealth and all stuns should go away in pvp.. or make them like 2 seconds. it really just sucks when your standing there perma stunned.. resolve bar is full white for 5 seconds and no break at all. you just die. i played focus before and after 1.2. give me my 9 second sweep back please.
  19. Hey M8, Great post. Couple of questions. 1. What is your expertise at? Do you use the pvp relics or is it the shard? 2. Did you swap out any mods on the WH gear? Also, what augmentations did you use. Fortitude or the overkill? Thanks for the info and gratz on the high damage.
  20. just get a g13 logitech extension.. that is THE single best thing you can do go improve ANY game. screw the keyboard. also, get the Razer naga or naga epic mouse with the thumb numbers. you will own these crust old guys,,, come in to the next gen gaming.....
  21. well, thanks for the info. i, as most do respond a a bit better to explanations then just "you suck" lol so thanks for that. DPS is a main part of success but not the only thing. I get and understand that. However,,,,,, i'm a dps spec guard so my "Focus" is on killing healers. That being said, i took on board what you guys said and here it is... http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500MMZcMzZGrobdfRbfz.1 I still cant justify wasting a point in solidified and dust storm for a one focus point reduction. i chose the 6% melee increase because sundering and strike are still affected by it along with master strike. It take 5 focus to go to the next level so i could only go one into perseverance but 3% is still better then no %. I still dont know why people keep telling me to put points into the speed buff after zealous leap. I have never ZL'd someone then had to chase after them. if i did i just used freezing force and spank so i decided to put them into the focused defense thingy. Gonna try this out tonight see how it goes.. thanks for the help all.
  22. And a bunch of medals. Here is the build. I still need helm, ear, and chest BM gear. I'm still placing pretty damned high on the dps lately. I don' use or need freezing that much so that is why i didn't spec to it. Any case.. Here you are. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500MMZfzZGrRrdfobcz.1
  23. Since 1.2 my dps has actually increased as a focus guard. just takes a few respecs to find your groove and knowing what button to press and when.
  24. Still focus, and i'm actually destroying through things more now. with the right build and play stile, you can't go wrong.. there are always tools at your disposal, i even hit 330k in void in sorsu and didn't even realize it until it was over, solo qued. just have to be a little better at timing and positioning before you drop the sweep bomb is all.
  25. Well, a couple of points here. Im pretty much a full spec vigi minus the stance. The rest is in defense with the passive defense buff in sor and force freeze. VERY important to note........ your hybrid lifestyle depends on gear too. I use vindicator gear with this build for pvp and swap to war leader gear for doing dailies or other non pvp stuff. i tried this build with defense gear and i just lacked punch and only mildly survived longer. i purchased all vindicator gear and now i can spank..... i guard the healer and can do some descent damage. so best of both worlds. i usually run min 6-7 medals no matter what Warzone i'm in but upwards of 7-8. still not trying really hard either. i'm going to try the strait vigi soon, i remember i tried strait force spec once and kept dying so fast it was insane. i'll edit in a sec and post my spec. i'm going for full vindi gear soon for pvp and swap out to war leader gear for off site group FP tanking. Defense build with vindi gear or warleader gear? what will work? here is my spec... it works pretty good.. i guess i'm too scared to full dps and get owned.. may as well just roll and senti. http://knotor.com/skills#AgIJHwCqusvaCSkyQklSWnN5gpKaobK609oA
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