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Everything posted by durhame

  1. Nah. The OP thinks forums are for hugs and smiley faces and everything is always awesome. BW is a perfect company that has always topped the charts putting out a quality product. Why in the world would any one ever need to post on a BW forum. Just nonsense. All neigh sayers are here by banned for having an opinion. It is clear that if you are to pvp, you will suck unless you wear light armor. Down with opinions you wretched lot. Kim Jung Bio says so.
  2. Well. On one hand I completely agree with you. However if that is going to happen, we need to be able to buy T1 pvp gear while leveling as to save it so when we walk into a wz at 60 we are not completely ****ed. That would also get a lot more people pvping at lower level tiers in my opinion.
  3. durhame

    *BUG* Jugg Utility

    I suppose. Just seems the verbiage immunity from movement impairment needs to be reworded then and or it is a bug. Comments from a dev here would be perfect to define exactly what means and or if in fact it is a bug. In theory it is a pretty good gap closer to hydrolics or force speed to try and stay somewhat in close proximity to your target
  4. durhame

    *BUG* Jugg Utility

    The last tier ability Through Pain is broken or not labeled correctly. Several times last night when pvping (having selected Through pain utility) the item did not work. It specifically says immunity to movement impairing effects. Several times in huttball and ahg while it was active I was harpooned into fire and or rooted to not be able to move. Please look into this. Thanks
  5. It is no use m8. The devs clearly wear pajamas to work as they do in game (meaning light armor) and therefore want the pajama wearing people of the world to own all.
  6. So AOE damage should do higher damage and be spread further and be nigh free cast. Is that what pvp abilities should be like. No wonder the state of pvp is where it is at. I've said it before and I'll say it again.... It is mostly only people who wear light armor as their main that are defending this patch.... Guess I need to break down and play mine so in stead of 6 Inq's per wz I can chalk it up to 7.
  7. It isn't about standing in it. Because it is almost free cast it follows you wherever you go. Free cast abilities should not do that much damage. Esp aoe
  8. I find it odd that most if not all of the people who are defending the current state of pvp in this game are people who's main character wears light armor. Enough said. /thread.
  9. This almost sounded like an alternate lifestyle thread at first.
  10. 10/10. /thread closed. You win hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!
  11. The business issue is that you will find loads of folks leaving other servers to come to US side. Which in of itself I see as fine. There are no real spawn issues that are on timelines so what is the issue? They know if they transfer for pvp they might encounter latency issues... big deal.... Recently I retired from the Army when I was stationed in Germany. I started playing the game there Euro side but moved back to the states after playing since launch..... Had to start completely over from scratch even though I had all crafters, max faction on with multiple enclaves, and lvl 50 legacy, and all class buffs with all companions at max.... Talk about a kick in the ballzzz... I still have not recovered from the loss of my crafters financially. Just hurts really bad. Years of work down the drain. Funny thing is, I would gladly pay double for cross region transfers even though it is the exact same thing and takes the exact same amount of time to transfer from within as it does without......
  12. Hahahahaha. +9. Only because I have a few pubs myself. But still. Loll lol. So I'm still guessing the devs are not saying anything about it. Lovely. ......cliff hanger cliff hanger....then thrown off the cliff.
  13. I remember something rather recent ... something about a Dev saying something better than cross server will be coming with the expansion?
  14. Try and make your action bars bigger OP so you can click easier.
  15. Honestly, I don't care about Eric's resume and no one here needs a history lesson on SWTOR pvp. We want solid answers on the future of swtor pvp about what to expect. Anything else is a waist of our time to listen to or read about.
  16. I think pve players are more jerks really. Ask about a raid or op tactic you don't get an invite. If you are under geared even after an invite you get booted. If you accidentally mess up a pve boss fight a time or two, you get booted. If you can't pass the raid leaders gear check, you get booted or not invited and ignored not even waiting time on you to try to help. Since I only play pvp and say I tried to do a hm FP and don't know the tactics, you guessed, I get booted. Yes pvprs are bit passionate about play time. And yes some times we give advice in an angry fashion, but at least we give it. All you pvers do is boot people. Mainly because you player base is larger and you can do that. For us, we are limited and want to win against other real life players not Pixal scripts. I wish being a WZs leader meant something, I'd boot you really idiot newb pvers just like you would to us pvprs in your realm.
  17. Will you DEVS please stop posting as regular customers and just say you suck?..............
  18. Stop being a clicker and take the time to learn to keybind. That will fix that problem.
  19. Hi, I started playing at launch on the Euro side and played there up until Sept last year. I used to play on ToFN and do loads of pvp with 8 toons and love pvp (mostly just rep side). I moved back to the states in Sept for retirement and started playing on the Covenant with an old army buddy. However, PVP there takes forever to do for quing and you will wait an hour + for ranked. So I moved here and am looking for a guild to pvp with. My toons I mostly play now are G'angnamstyle rep side scoundrel healer T'aco'Hunter rep side vanguard dps I'heart'pubs imp side vigi jugg I have all class buffs for pvp and all the buffs from companions. Just need a few fleet datacon runs to complete needed datacrons.
  20. Hey guys and guys. I've been playing since launch and recently retired from service from europe and moved back to the states. I was on TOFN but you can't transfer your toons from euro to us side. I"ve started over with a buddy of mine on Covenant but the pvp there seems pretty stale. Even to the degree waiting for ques, even for regulars takes longer then 10 minutes at time. So I thought about moving my toons over but is it one of those extreme environments that you get ROFL stomped if your a Pub 90% of the matches or is it pretty balanced? I just pretty much to pvp only. PVE bores the hell out of me. Thanks for the advice. Oh.. my guild used to do pvp but now they just log in on raid nights and log off. No one seems to be interested anymore on the Cov.
  21. Well this stinks. Please can this happen soon.. If not characters, at least my legacy and unlocks. To include buffs and companion achievements. I just retired from the US military and I was stationed in Germany for a few years. Just moved back to the states and now I'll have to start over from scratch. Don't think I want to do that.. Shame.. I've been playing since day one.
  22. Support. Just moved back to the states after being stationed in Germany (US Army) for 3 years. Would like to transfer all my toons over to the US side please.. or at least let me keep my legacy stuff. Any update would be great. Thanks again.
  23. You will be losing my sub. Unless you get the same amount of coms for a win and a loss, there is no way in hell I'm staying in that wz to be PugFrD..... Pug Face Rolled
  24. this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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