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Everything posted by Tezeretz

  1. I'm not using ANYTHING with expertise. My expertise is capped at 2016 from bolster. Many of my lvl 50 armorings, and mods are the ones off the makeb vendor. they are meant for lvl 50, but are better then the crafted versions. So my gear is all great stats. Sadly i'm at work with no screenshots. But bolster is making my stats far worse then they would be if i was lvl 55.
  2. I was under the impression LOLBolster was intended to even the playing field by increasing your stats to be on par with lvl 55. Well here is my problem. My tank alt (jugg) just hit lvl 50. In prep for lvl 50 i had all my other alts craft him all lvl 50 purple mods and augments etc. He is perfectly geared with ALL of the best possible tank gear he can possibly have for lvl 50. with one exception. i'm still using lvl 40-ish endurance relics...WITH lvl 50 augments. i could have upgraded the relics themselves but didnt. Eitherway...i have top gear for his level. But when i get into a warzone...my stats actually decrease. HP goes up by about 900. everything else goes down by between 6-12% Defense, shield chance, absorption, damage, crit change, surge etc. How does bolster work? is gearing in pvp totally pointless now? If it bumps me up to 55...why is my lvl 50 gear outside of pvp better?
  3. perhaps a lame new title? Tezeretz "the appreciated"
  4. Is there a point to it? I mean really.... Its garbage compared to modded gear. Worst still...you get it WAY to often from the random purple planetary com loot boxes. 24 planetary comms for a POS item that you can't even sell. Either make them remotely useful, or remove them from the random drops boxes. IF for some reason someone wants them...let them buy the outright. Don't ruin random loot boxes for people. on my mid-low level alts, i trade comms in for the loot boxes and sell the loot for cash on the GTN. it can make enough money to keep my alts competitively geared. However...i bought 4 last night....3 of the 4 where legacy gear that is useless. 24coms x3 wasted.
  5. You mean you are not excited about being able to buy new reskinned armors and mounts with real money? for shame!
  6. Hey guys! please help! My gf and I play this game together daily. for the last 3 days she hasn't been able to play because the one time password doesn't send. We've logged countless help request etc. I can get in no problem. I have iphone app. She however is on a BB Z10 and cant get the app. physical ones are sold out. and franky...with all the bugs and being able not being able to log in...shes kinda *****y towards the game and refused to buy it. (id buy it for her if I had to, but its sold out) all that said...we've been waiting for 3 hours today alone. its kinda annoying especially since we have been looking forward to double xp. can anyone here suggest a work around or way to get this fixed? its obvious bioware doesn't give a crap if its paying players can log in or not! email, forums and phone support haven't helped. (I should mention that we tried to call too. long distance. only to wait on hold for a very expensive hour. only to have a person argue with me saying the email is likely in my junk filter etc. before telling me he'd look into it more and put me on hold. then hung up) So its clear they don't care if we cant play the game we pay for. so i'm begging the users...do you have suggestions? we really wanna play!!
  7. 1- PVP updates. (new warzones, bolster fixed, cross server qeues, and MANY more fixes and ideas.) 2-sandbox features. (space exploration, an open unexplored planet maybe. many others) 3-PVP updates. See above.
  8. I do very well on both. But i'm positive the numbers are higher on my sage. You mentioned empty slots...but its the sage that has empty slots and STILL doing more damage. to test it and get around the spec issue with more talents for the high level....i specced exactly what my sage could into the DPS tree. all other sorc talents went into the healing tree into skills that only effect heals etc. So yes...the sorc has more talents...but the DPS spec is identical so far. and its not just graphical because i do see the effects better on the sage. i still get higher numbers in a warzone on the sage. more testing is needed...but i know the sage is doing better then the sorc. something is not balanced right and i WILL find out lmao
  9. exact same spec. However due to the level difference...gear is slightly different. Both are wearing valiant jedi armor, with highest purple resolve armorings and mods. Bolster SHOULD balance them out if they are similar though. But my lower level sage still beats the sorc by a long shot. the only notable difference is the sorc has relics, where i do not yet have any on my sage. so those slots are still empty. I'm going to do a test tonight. warzone, with no gear on. just base bolster stats. and see if they are different. Though the mechanics are the same, they feel VERY different in damage output and my numbers are higher on the sage.
  10. Hey guys! Quick question. I've played mostly sith characters, and loved my sorc the best. I decided to roll jedi classes now and i finally rolled a sage. I've noticed the sage does WAY better DPS then my sorc. Same/similar gear too. Valiant armor, with highest lvl purples i can wear. sage is only 22 right now, but out dps my sorc. Telekenetic throw does 1500-2500 per tick for me. While force lightning only does 800-1500 per tick for example. Overall...all my sage abilites seem...better in every way lol. So my question is...if they is a mirrored class, why the huge difference? i'm not complaining, i'm just wondering what the differences are? i assume there is a trade off some where? maybe sage does better burst? sorc does better DOT? anyone?
  11. OP does actually have a point. If you were a coder/company that made this game, and 2 years later plagued by the same bugs and glitches people reported on since beta...would you be proud? I'm not flaming bioware or anything...but be realistic. I still play this game 6+ hours a day. so despite its flaws...i do enjoy the game. But as a person who developed it...would you really be proud of it? instead of fixing things...all there time and resources are dedicated to finding new things to reskin and sell. While i do enjoy the game, i can honestly say if i was someone on the dev team, i would not be proud of this. i would not brag that i'm part of bioware, or especially EA. EA being voted the worst company in the world. seriously...they hold that title. Think about that for a second. Companies like Monsanto....beat EA. just sayin
  12. Pistols is right. The OP has his answer... And what it comes down to Kilora...Is that we both acted out of line. You chimed in, and i took it as derogatory, unneeded and trolling. If the intent was not to be insulting, it wasn't taken that way. Eitherway...i responded no better. We are both at fault and could have acted differently, but opted not to. So, for my part in this...I apologize. I merely wanted to help the OP with a problem i personally faced and was burdened with until another person helped me. No hard feelings mate. We both clearly love the game, regardless of its faults. So lashing out was not needed. Cheers!
  13. Also... Just because a bug hasn't effected you or people you talk to. Or because you haven't personally seen threads about it...does not mean it is not a problem. That line of thinking is rather self involved. The world exists outside of what you see or experience. Not to mention that countless players that play on other servers, or don't come to the forums. If the game is boasting millions of subs...and the average forum day has a few thousand hits on threads. Do the math. Majority of player dont come to the forums. Although...i'm sure that simple math wasn't lost on you. Therefor you are in no position to suggest its a tiny problem effect a minority of people. What matter is...it is a problem for the OP. So unless you offered a solution...your presence here is unneeded and merely a troll.
  14. System info was pulled because it wasn't relevant to the argument. Fact is..my PC can easily handle this game. And anything i said would likely cause you to argue it even more because you like to argue. Initially i wasn't being an ***. I was trying to help a fellow player access a part of the game. A part of the game many people prefer to play. Many of my friends and guild members prefer PVP over PVE. As i am someone who spends a lot of time PVPing, i was familiar with the bug and how to fix it. Thus i offered my suggestions to remedy the situation. I also stated facts that this was a long standing bug that did effect many players, while adding why i did not think it was ever going to be fixed. This was not out of context or subject to debate. Again...i offered a fix to a fellow player...and stated MY concerns/views on why it wasn't fixed. No one forced you to chime in, or be condescending. But you choose to come in and be an ***. Therefore i have the right to respond as such. So get off your high horse and stop accusing me of being an ***, when you clearly started it by acting high and mighty. I was attempting to help someone...you were just being condescending. You asked for it. Now go troll elsewhere. PS: (in case its not obvious, i'm saying you're a troll because you're telling ME to grow up, because i responded to your immature, unneeded, condescending reply that contributed nothing to the conversation. Then *****ed about the condescending reply i gave you back. Ironic i know....but irony is often lost on the simple minded.) PSS: that does not imply you are simple minded. Perhaps you DID get the irony, but that further proves you were clearly trolling for the sake of being a troll.
  15. Kilora... Do you ever post anything helpful? I only ever see your commenting on people who have anything somewhat negative or unsupportive of bioware? Are you paid to S there D? You never have anything constructive or important to add. Just troll people who are not happy with something.
  16. This is one of many PVP bugs that has been around for ages that never gets addressed. Thankfully the vocal and supportive player base has found a work around while bioware is busy reskinning garbage we dont want or need for sale on the cartel market. To easily get around the constant crashing for PVP....load into another instance. (example: If your on fleet...zone on to your ship, then back to the fleet) After re-zoning...you should be fine. Sad work around for a game breaking problem. But since it doesn't effect sales of cartel items it wont get fixed any time soon. I'm not trying to be a whinner...but this bug was first noticed back in december. You'd think something that prevents players from being able to access core content would be a priority...but here we are....half a year later....
  17. Last night i witnessed a strange event at the end of the warzone. I still can not figure it out, so i thought i'd comment on it. This is by no means a rant towards biowares trend for breaking more then they seem to fix, because this bug helped me in the end. But none the less...i feel should be addressed in case it happens to others. Gf and i were in voidstar involved in a very heated battle. We started off as attackers, and after a large struggle, made it to the last area. Brought the fields down, but could not get past the last doors before the data core. As the defenders, we had one heck of a battle, and it seemed like we were gonna lose. enemy teams was wiping the floor with us because our team was too busy chasing randoms around the map and not watching doors. Enemy team managed to get to the last room with 1 min 40 seconds left, and downed the force field barrier with 1:29 left. However...as soon as they got the barrier down....the match ended. and we won. They still had 1:29 seconds left that they COULD have gotten further then us by planting the bomb. But the match ended. Initially i thought we lost the round because they got there faster then us...but my gf poined out how much time they still had left and how it seemed bugged. No one in chat could figure it out, but after all the ranting that happened prior due to the idiots not being objective...we all agreed not to complain cause we got the win lol Can anyone shed light to this? or was this a bug?
  18. BUAHAHAHAHAHAHA Is anyone surprised that biowares FIX to a problem made the problem worse? Dont expect anything in PVP to get fixed and you wont get disappointed.
  19. People all over the forums are talking about it. Complaining, or anticipating it etc. But i can't seem to find any actual info on it. Can anyone link me to where i can find out the details of it? or is it all speculation at the point? Thanks in advance.
  20. anything new for PVP would be a blast! Huttball and hypergates are the only fun warzones. I cry everytime i get stuck in voidstar. Furthmore...i'd also be greatful if we could turn off the cutscene animations or the long *** speeder bike ride before hand. i've seen it a million times...i hate seeing it. yes i can space bar the cutscenes...but why slow down my load times for **** i dont wanna see? just load me into the game. the speech at the beginning gives me all i need to know...
  21. Good read! Excellent points! EA/Bioware rips us off time and time again and hasn't bothered to do ANYTHING to keep its subsribers up. its solely depends on milking us with the cartel market. We dont get real game content added. we dont get many of the fixes we need. hell...i'm still frustrated to the point of logging out by bugs that have been in the game since beta. the fact that subscribers have to pay extra for new features is just pathetic. the excuse that we get free coins per month is invalid. we get 600 (assuming you have the bonus 100 from the key) cathar is 600+ plus 792 for changing race+ whatever custom options you need to change because your a new race now. we end up paying around 1500 or more CC. Thats almost $15. plus our $15 dollar subscription price. in one month we just paid 30 dollars for new content...thats not even new content. its legit...reskinned textures already present in the game. we just paid 30 bucks for **** that has been in the game since launch..but we can now switch to it. this is the biggest money scam ever... I wouldn't complain so much if subscribers got new benefits to keep us subscribed. or core game fixes are made, or new content etc. personally...i want SOMETHING fixed or added for pvp. its a joke. There is no reason for me to play this crap any longer. between my gf and I, i pay for 3 accounts. we're letting our subs run out and heading over to a new game. one that actually offers its subscribers a reason to stay. Clearly i'm not the only one who feels that way. And several members of my guild are considering the same. can't speak if they will follow through or not. but it seems likely. eitherway...if the next update doesn't have anything REAL added for subscribers...i'm not renewing. (i have 2 months left paid for) C'mon EA/bioware. I challenge you to add something to the game worth paying 15 a month for... I sincerely wanna enjoy the game, but its just a money sync with nothing fun left to do.
  22. i agree. quiters are ruining potentially good games. There needs to be a harsh debuff and prevention from rejoining another warzone if you leave a game early. 30 minute penalty for leaving. You can argue that it hampers your ability to grind your dailies. Tough. grow a pair and fight!
  23. thanks mate! had no idea where it was lol I generally just read it on the launcher via the direct link. never had to look for it from work
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