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Everything posted by Tezeretz

  1. fixed... Sorry i'm at work and sometimes rush through post. I meant the patch that was planned for today. as i clearly mention within the post.
  2. While the patch was delayed...and i have obviously not tested any of the fixes.... I gotta say the fixes actually look good. I'm fast to ***** out all the problems and bugs. Especially how 2.0 busted pvp etc... But with the fixes documented...assuming they work, i'm actually impressed! This looks like a good patch! Job well done guys! Keep it up!
  3. what difference does it make? Expertise pre 55 actually makes you worse at pvp. using a pvp crystal actually gives you less expertise than not having one. better to get a crit crystal...
  4. 2.1 -Fixes random bugs that 99% of players dont see. -Ignores bugs that have been in game since beta -Adds more reskinned crap to the cartel market so you can spend more real money to look perdy -Breaks core PVP game play further -Ruins crafting viablity some more -new sale on reskinned cartel crap -Fixes any bugs, alerts, or display options that prevent you from buying stuff on cartel market. What wont be fixed. -PVP. Expertise gear pre 55 makes you WORSE at pvp still. so those 2-300k expertise crystals we all bought are still useless. thanks bolster... -PVP warzones glitch at the end. (happens at least once a week, but i pvp a lot) causing both teams to sit there as game never ends. problem since beta. -TTK is still bad. You can be stunned to death, because most classes can now crit for way too much. -People without a key generator still have to wait 30+ minutes to log into a game they PAY MONTHLY for because the one time password system is garbage. this list is actually huge and i'm stick of typing it....cause we all know the only things that get fixed with any speed...is cartel sales related bugs.
  5. Apparently you did not read what i have done then. I HAVE offered context and what i have done. specified steps taken on the CUSTOMER SERVICE boards in more then one threat. Created tickets, called support, etc. However, venting is also an option. There is an expression. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" Those who are most vocal, get what they want more often. May be annoying, but it is a fact. If you studied politics at all, you learn this on day one. Fact of the matter is...being vocal is the only way to bring on change.
  6. I however respect your opinions and expression of it. I have not responded as of yet because you are entitled to express it. Despite how much i feel like you telling me how i should spend my time is a waste of time, and off topic. Or how telling me what a good bf should do is subjective...and even more off topic. But if you're concern is valid, allow me to alleviate your concerns We have troubleshot it for many hours. contacted support on the forums, and in game using MY account. Vented on the forums to SHARE our experiences on the forum to bring awareness to issues. That way people who are too shy to comment on things or complain can see that they are NOT alone in experiencing the problem. Furthermore, i did work with her on finding ways to get logged in. Including letting her play/create a character on MY account because she DOES in fact enjoy the game. Its just a damn shame she can't log into her own account....
  7. It wasn't drama, it was personal feedback. Expressing frustration tends to rely on personal opinion. Otherwise no objective opinion could be formed. Simply stating you dont like something is considered childish whining. Stating you dont like something, and added a reason...is called expression. agreement or consensus is not mandatory for feedback to exist. As for your previous comment. my GF does indeed enjoy the game and on her days off will play it nonstop for 8-10 hours a day while i'm at work! But simple log in problems should be adressed ASAP. as a game company...i would assume having your players able to play the game in a timely fashion is kind of a big deal. If they do not get feedback stating that people have issue with it, how can they fix it or realize the scope it bothers the players who experience it? As i said...i enjoy the game. despite the issues i feel are hugely neglected. I willingly pay money to subscribe to the game, and logging in is the first thing i do when i get home. I choose to post the complaint because the "Help" feature that pops up for those who can't log into the game because it takes 30 mintues or more to get the one time email...and by then its timed out....get told to create a ticket within the game for customer support. in case you dont see the issue with that...it is impossible. She literally can NOT log into the game or website to vent this herself or get customer support online. So while i value your opinions on the matter. It clearly doesn't effect you as it does her. Thus i feel like you should perhaps make more of an effort to understand other peoples issues before you deem it necessary to criticize other peoples complaints.
  8. Its called feedback. I'm entitled to express it. With or without personal reasons. I opted to rationally explain my logic and concerns. You do not have to like it. But public forums are just that. Public forums. And by definition...it is a place to express ones concerns or opinions. Pity the concept is lost on you... These are my concerns. Regardless of if you feel they are valid or not, they are mine. and i expressed my dissatisfaction with something i pay to use. If you are satisfied...power to ya mate. But currently...i am not satisfied and i feel obliged... because i do overall enjoy the game...want to offer insight into things i do not enjoy.
  9. 1- I'm entitled to express how and why i feel a certain way. if you dont care...thats cool. i dont care that you dont care. But at least i have a reason behind my words. unlike random people who ***** for the sake of ************. and you are right...i dont expect BW to care about losing 2 subs. they obviously haven't cared about losing any subs because this game continues to lose subs. 2- I dont have a source. nor did i claim to. However...statistically speaking..this game does have less actual content/updates each year then ANY other game with a subscription plan. that includes patches and update fixes. Instead, we get new toys to buy and re-skined things we can spend real money on. 3- No. PVP is broken. they even admit it on the PVP forums. TTK is way too high. Stuns are broken and too op for all classes and the resolve system is broken. pvp lvl brackets are garbage. bolster is flawed. all things they admit to on the pvp forums. with no ETA. 4- derp. Recruit gear....nuff said. Go into a warzone with your blue lvl 50 recruit gear. or any gear that still has expertise. wearing it will actually LOWER your stats. this is a fact. you have better stats with gear that has no expertise. You get FREE expertise now. So all PVP gear is in fact worse off. the ONLY exception is now the high lvl EWH gear has that stat removed. So you get the good stats of the gear, AND the full bolstered expertise. Recruit gear makes you worse at pvp. 5- The point is that they are making it a forced option. it should be "added" security. Not forced. either that or make it freely available to all users. not just those with apple products. many people use BB or windows based phones now. Therfor making it a HUGE problem for anyone else. Get off your high horse and realize people are entitled to express what bothers them. just because you do not care, doesn't mean my concerns are not valid. if people are not allowed to inform them of there grievances...they can't better themselves as a company. So stop trolling.
  10. This is the worst idea to date. And coming from this games dev team...that says alot. (i'm looking at you guy who thought Bolster was a good idea) After a year i finally talked my long time GF into playing with me. She even went out and bought a new PC that runs better then mine!!! literally two weeks later she wants to quit because of the one time password. My account has the mobile key app because i have an iPhone. She uses Blackberry Z10 and can't get the app. Security key physical device is sold out, and she doesn't wanna have to pay more just to play the game she subscribes to anyway. And it takes 10-30 minutes for her just to log into the game now while she waits for the password. She told me if it doesn't get fixed soon, shes going back to WoW until Elder scrolls comes out. She doesn't wanna sit around for 30 minutes every time she wants to play. (longer technically...cause then she has to try again because it times out. I was playing for almost an hour the other day before she could even get on with her PC) Anyway...please fix this. If she quits...i quit to. I wanna play WITH my gf. So that will be two more subs you guys lose due to bad policy and decision making... -cartel market being a priority over content -poor customer service -Bolster ruining pvp -PVP gear we work hard for is now less effective at pvp then regular gear. -lack of cross server pvp qeues -unable to log in because you wanna squeeze more money out of your subscribers with a key that SHOULD be customer choice. not required.
  11. Are you fricking kidding me? You want us to do your testing for you on the live servers? You realized this was brought up on the PTS. There is NO excuse for this lolster system to go live and be this bad! Did ANYONE look at it and test it? or did you just assume that PVP prior to 2.0 was already so flipping bad that you couldn't possibly make it worse? Or is this part of your greedy/cheap budget plans....to get us to do your work for you in the testing department. Players should be compensated for this mess. Why the heck should we be paying 15 bucks a month to do your jobs for you....in a broken game. Where the only perks of subscribing are the ability to buy crappy new CM stuff. CM is not content...and it seems you break more then you fix. yet we pay you? wow...That a crime.... i'm sure you guys will eventually attempt to fix it. but for the love of all things holy... Do not just come up with another stupid fix off the seat of your pants. puts some actual thought into it! For instance...dont just buff everyone to an even playing field. not only does it ruin PVP balance and make it nothing more then a button mash fest...it kills the economy. No one has any need to buy gear pre 55...if you guys allow people to fight with no gear. I get that you wanted to play fair for those with nothing in empty slots. but the real solution should be for the to get off there asses and lvl up and get gear. Not make everyone else and there gear obsolete... i have never seen such a F up by a dev team in my life... This is bad. i've played every major MMO since Ultima online and evercrack. This seriously compares with how bad the NGE was in galaxies. No forsight was given at all.... I love the story and concept of this game..but you keep making it worse!!! i'm seriously hoping for a SWTOR-Emu now because i just dont trust your decision making abilites.
  12. **** troll.... Huttball is my favorite zone! i wanna see different arena styles and more games like huttball! love it!
  13. FEAR ME! For I am the Great Dread Pirate Roberts! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=37532445869&set=a.424966605869.212877.509790869&type=3&theater
  14. Ya...I need a haircut.... Wanna fight about it? lmao https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150458816985870&set=a.29653555869.51119.509790869&type=3&theater https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150458816985870&set=a.29653555869.51119.509790869&type=3&theater
  15. I think the 50 bracket was needed...and shoulda been there since launch. So what...it takes longer to get into a warzone. Thankfully there is TONS of other content in the game. I agree the lag increase is bad. VERY bad. With my new rig i never lagged. I MAYBE got a few seconds of choppy-ness when i got to the imperial fleet during peak hours. but it was just a few seconds tops. Now it lags hardcore in the fleet or in warzones. and i know its not the PC... i think all the changes they made are overall a good step. I dont think they needed new content. there is so many bugs and annoying things that need to be fixed. Even simple UI things. -items in inventory should stack coming from your cargo or going into it. -campanions coming back from missions shouldnt close out GTN or other merchants windows. it should go to pending and wait till your ready to see it. -better search filters on the GTN -sold items shouldnt be emailed to you with no attachment an hour before. just send it when the mail is there. There are just simple things. easy fixes. Not to mention a huge list of game breaking problems, exploits etc. So while i commend what they have done...i dont think new content is needed till you fix whats broken....
  16. Morning! Here is a picture of me taking a break while running from zombies... I get tired in my old age lol https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=249008685146818&set=t.509790869&type=3&theater I got ganged up on... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1477447780599&set=t.509790869&type=3&theater Last summer i thought highlight in my hair would be a good idea... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=396728270869&set=a.396728080869.186088.509790869&type=3&theater
  17. This sith lord desperately needs a hair cut... It's effecting my ability to instill fear into those around me.. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150458816985870&set=a.29653555869.51119.509790869&type=3&theater
  18. I saved the world....No big deal https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150308925845298&set=t.509790869&type=3&theater No seriously...you guys owe me one!
  19. Good Morning Forum! My condo flooded over the weekend cause of the people upstairs... I haven't slept in two days... I feel like this.. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=152523000869&set=a.424966605869.212877.509790869&type=3&theater (Its fake blood..no worries) I haven't had my coffee yet...SO if anyone talks to me.... I'll be like this.. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=158009280869&set=a.424966605869.212877.509790869&type=3&theater And what the heck...a somewhat pic of me looking all evil and such.. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=321416480869&set=a.424966605869.212877.509790869&type=3&theater EDIT: Bonus...i found this in my twitter this morning... Lazy Jedi
  20. oh you wanted frightening...my bad. how is this for evil... Shooting some random kid in the face... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=392665084341&set=t.509790869&type=3&theater
  21. You're mind tricks wont work on me sith... Ohh...and speaking of sith corruption... Here is the most evil/sinister picture i could find of me... Behold the ultimate evil!!! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=165186125869&set=a.424966605869.212877.509790869&type=3&theater
  22. Here is ME taking a shot in the mouth https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=392665219341&set=t.509790869&type=3&theater Seriously... We held a charity fundraiser watergun fight in the middle of the park downtown... And i needed to cool off. that armor is deadly in the heat lol
  23. What is a good server to join? My server appears dead and the people here kinda suck... No one every wants to group or do anything...kinda bored here. Looking to be primarily sith..but will have alts lol where is everyone from? (server wise)
  24. You even look evil drinking it Awesome!
  25. when using the dual monitor set up...the program you are using has to support that function. I do not believe you can do that with this game. running the game in full screen takes up one monitor. there is no work around for that. trust me...ive tried lol I have a 3 monitor set up. I wanted game one one, facebook/random crap on another...and inventory/map on a third. but i cant lol As for the mouse thing. I think its a driver issue. does the mouse come with a driver disk? otherwise you should try asking support. the game should support extra mouse buttons. i have a mouse with 5 buttons and i can bind to them all.
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