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Posts posted by Apophis_

  1. More individual class stories, yes, but it's true that there is a LOT of work to implement 8 new epic adventures into the game.

    So I want to see something like this - when you are on endgame, you can go to some kind of a console where you have a list of different stories. They can add them in updates or Cartel Market. Every story is unique, and you don't play with your character - that's the most important part of it! Imagine you play as a Wookiee that have to free himself and his family from Imperial prison, or Jedi padawan working undercover on Korriban, or Imperial police officer working on a crime scene on Dromund Kaas, trying to find a serial killer. Whatever. Just stories put into SWTOR engine, with voice over and achivements from completing them.

  2. I love how all these PvE players playing on PvE servers know everything about the PvP servers community. I don't know how it is on 'Muricans servers, but on Tomb of Freedon Nadd the community is fantastic, kind, nice and helpful. So if what all of you are saying is true, on PvE server I can expect free pizza coupons and foot massage from other players? And maybe Varactyl giveaways every 3 minutes?
  3. I support this idea. They are adding more and more loactions so eventually it will be to crowded. I think Space Missions should have their own HUB, I never really play them so it's just trash for me. I also hope their new "secret space project" will do something with Galaxy Map.
  4. - Chapter V

    - Bothawui and/or Ziost (since dataminers already figured out that voice acting and quests for those planets are finished and that I really want to see those places in game)

    - Level cap increased to 60

    - New warzones

    - New abilities (one per class)

    - New companion (maybe one for Light Side and other one for Dark Side, could be nice to have something like that, ofc it would be related to the storyline)

  5. No new warzones in 2.4? I just unsubscribed. I'm bored, I'm not going to grind new PvP gear on the same 5 warzones that I played thousand times. I'm not interested in new arenas.


    I love this game, I'm here since Early Acces, but it's... just too much disappointing. Seeing how many new operations and dailies areas they are giving to PvErs and how PvPers are getting... nothing?

  6. Well, we saw underwater combat in The Clone Wars (worst story arc ever, but still...) and Clone Wars. Lighsabers and blaster are working underwater in Star Wars, so there should be no problem with that.


    Manaan? Yes, pleas! And it's true that they don't have to put much effort in making that kind of planet, also we don't have anything similar to Manaan or Kamino in SWTOR so it should work. But I don't think there should be much content underwater, maybe something related to exploring and using this droid, but nothing more.

  7. Sometimes I whisper to those leaving scum asking them nicely why are they doing that - they are usually very rude, impolite and aggressive. I think this kind of people that is giving up in the middle of the game is the worst type of players and they should be punished for ruining PvP.
  8. Yes! This is what have to be implemented in SWTOR. I already have Legacy 50 and I almost completed all storylines, and I really wanted to repeate some of them (for example Jedi Knight - my first story I finished in January 2012) but I don't have time and alacrity to roll another alt just for that - it takes too much time. Option to repeat class story on hard mode would be great, they can even give that option as a reward for Legacy 50 or something like that (and sub-only).
  9. It was fun to get. I really love them for making this kind of things, and I really love me Datacron Master title :DI hope they will give us something harder in the next Expansion.


    BTW I was just wondering not who made this datacron run but who DISCOVERED how to get it. I used dulfy's video on youtube, but I would never figure out for myself how to get to this datacron....

  10. On warzone window I have a lot of kills and game played, but I started with 0 in achievements when 2.0 hit. My question is: why can't we get those kills into the achievement system if they are easly trackable? Suggestion: change that and give us rewards for what we did for the last 15 months.
  11. Electronic club music should play at night in cantinas. Also they could add some lights, so cantina from a pub will be converted into a club for like 3-4 hours around midnight. Could be great for RP-ers and just to add some fun and different from really boring current cantina music (it was cool at the begining, but after 16 months of playing this game... duh).
  12. I'm huge fan of NJO but I think that we should keep Vongs aways from this Era.


    I'm not interested in the Vong myself. While a lot of people enjoy the EU, you'll probably find that a majority of Star Wars fans either don't care about it, or flat out don't like anything too far out of cannon. Plus, it's been already said that the next trilogy will not be anything like the books, thus pushing the Vong story line further out to the fringe of the Star Wars mythos.


    You are wrong. A majority of Star Wars fans that are still interested in Star Wars are interested in EU. Movies... well, movies are movies, it's base for Star Wars, but the only thing that is keeping this universe alive is EU. And please remember, that SWTOR is a part of EU based on Expanded Universe works (not only KotOR, but also old comic books, especialy Golden Age of the Sith and The Fall of the Sith Empire, they also took almost everything from EU - planets, races, culture, history, references).

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